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WATCH: Radical Hindu lady decides to throw tantrum at Virginia Mosque on day of Eid, is forcibly removed by American cops

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Nope she looks, behaves and talks like a typical hate filled Hindu

Remember if it looks like a duck , walks like a duck , sounds like a duck … it is a duck
:) im telling you from before that maybe she is also the muslim community ladies :)
Nope she looks, behaves and talks like a typical hate filled Hindu

Remember if it looks like a duck , walks like a duck , sounds like a duck … it is a duck

Radical Hindu seething because I posted news based on information available at the time and acting outraged and shocked, as if his jhooti community isn't notorious for fake news. Don't worry, I've got more threads planned to show how much your community likes to lie and act like frauds.

Looks like the Modi mafia have deeper roots than we thought- forcing people to censor over the internet
Looks like the Modi mafia have deeper roots than we thought- forcing people to censor over the internet
What enrages these pazeets the most is they can't do what they do in pazeetistan which is tag @uppolice if they see someone criticizing Modi-ji or documenting radical Hindu violence and then doing mujras to celebrate when the person is arrested and beaten up by cops. All they can do here is tag admins and try to get me punished despite breaking no rules.
What tweet you sanghi???

Wearing sari and having a bindi on her forehead is clear that she is radical hinduvita
the tweet is delete now

and the statement have been given from mosque itself saying:

it was muslim community itself ladies with mental health's issue and problems
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