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You ain’t no middleman: EU and NATO slam China’s bid to be a Ukraine peacemaker


Nov 4, 2011
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You ain’t no middleman: EU and NATO slam China’s bid to be a Ukraine peacemaker​

Von der Leyen says Beijing ‘has taken sides’ while NATO’s Stoltenberg says ‘China doesn’t have much credibility’.

FEBRUARY 24, 2023

BRUSSELS — China’s attempt to style itself as a neutral peacemaker in the Ukraine war fell flat on Friday when NATO and the EU both slammed its playbook for ending the conflict one year after Russia’s full-scale invasion.

Beijing is a key strategic ally of Russia, which it sees as a useful partner against the West and NATO. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Chinese companies are already supplying “non-lethal” aid to Russia, but added there are indications that China is weighing up sending arms — something Beijing denies.

Earlier on Friday, the Chinese foreign ministry published a 12-point, 892-word “position paper” with a view to settling what it calls the “Ukraine crisis,” without referring to it as a war.

“China’s position builds on a misplaced focus on the so-called ‘legitimate security interests and concerns’ of parties, implying a justification for Russia’s illegal invasion, and blurring the roles of the aggressor and the aggressed,” Nabila Massrali, the EU’s foreign policy spokeswoman, said in a press briefing.

“The position paper doesn’t take into account who is the aggressor and who is the victim of an illegal and unjustified war of aggression,” Massrali, said, calling the Chinese position paper “selective and insufficient about their implications for Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.”

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, said China’s stance was anything but neutral.

“It is not a peace plan but principles that they shared. You have to see them against a specific backdrop. And that is the backdrop that China has taken sides, by signing for example an unlimited friendship right before Russia’s invasion in Ukraine started,” she said at a press conference in Estonia. “So we will look at the principles, of course. But we will look at them against the backdrop that China has taken sides.”

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg also joined officials in pouring cold water on Beijing.

“China doesn’t have much credibility,” he told reporters on Friday, responding to the latest official document. “They have not been able to condemn the illegal invasion of Ukraine.”

Stoltenberg added that there have been “signs and indications that China may be planning and considering to supply military aid to Russia,” although NATO has not seen “any actual delivery of lethal aid.”

China has been hoping to improve ties with the Europeans, as it doubles down on efforts to discredit the U.S.

Assistant Foreign Minister Hua Chunying, for instance, accused the U.S. of benefiting from the war. Wang Lutong, the head of European affairs at the Chinese Foreign Ministry, appealed directly to the European Union: “China is willing to make joint efforts with the EU and continue to play a constructive role on Ukraine,” Wang said in a tweet, adding a screenshot of the latest proposal.

More doubts
Merely five lines into China’s newly unveiled official plan on resolving the “Ukraine crisis” — released on Friday marking the first-year point of what Beijing studiously refuses to call a war — Russian propaganda appears.

“The security of a region should not be achieved by strengthening or expanding military blocs,” the Chinese foreign ministry position paper reads, supporting the Russian claim that war broke out in order to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO.

The next point in the Chinese plan: “All parties must … avoid fanning the flames and aggravating tensions.” Chinese diplomats have in recent weeks accused the U.S. of being the biggest arms supplier for Ukraine, while it faces mounting pressure not to provide Russia with weapons.

Oleksandr Merezhko, chair of the Ukrainian parliament’s foreign affairs committee, called China’s position “hypocritical.”

“[China’s proposal] is very reminiscent of the hypocritical Soviet rhetoric of ‘fight for peace,'” said Merezhko. “It’s a set of declarative empty slogans; it’s not backed by specifics or an implementation mechanism.”

Paramedics carry an injured Ukrainian serviceman who stepped on an anti-personnel land mine | Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP via Getty Images

Merezhko also asked Europe not to fall for China’s charm offensive as it seeks to split the transatlantic unity on assisting his country. “China, just like Russia, is trying to split the EU and the U.S. and to undermine transatlantic solidarity,” he told POLITICO in response to the Chinese proposal. “It’s very dangerous.”

Central and Eastern European countries, the most vocal supporters of arming Ukraine further, are equally dismissive of Beijing’s rhetoric.

“China’s plan is vague and does not offer solutions,” Ivana Karásková, who heads the China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe think tank based in Prague. “The plan calls on Russia and Ukraine to deal with the issue themselves, which would only benefit Russia; China continues to oppose what it calls unilateral sanctions and asks for the sanctions to be approved by the UN Security Council — well, given the fact that the aggressor is a permanent UNSC member with a veto right, this claim is beyond ridiculous.”

True nature of US and Nato, they never want peace, they just want to sacrifice the last drop of Ukranian blood as their cannon fodder against Russia.
NATO and EU just want to turn China into an enemy of Russia, and Chinese do the dirty work of fighting Russians for them.
True nature of US and Nato, they never want peace, they just want to sacrifice the last drop of Ukranian blood as their cannon fodder against Russia.
I guess if the US invades China, the Chinese shouldn't fight back, because they're just cannon fodder against the US.

Your logic is stupid.

A sovereign nation was invaded, they chose to fight back, NATO and the EU decided to support them.
I guess if the US invades China, the Chinese shouldn't fight back, because they're just cannon fodder against the US.

Your logic is stupid.

A sovereign nation was invaded, they chose to fight back, NATO and the EU decided to support them.
Sometimes compromises save lots of lives, that's why diplomacy has always been around throughout the world history. it doesn't concern China if Russia and Ukraine decide to fight to the last man standing, but is it really worth it , it's up to them.
this all started in 2014 it was nato who did regime change in ukraine and placed that queer jew in its place.
I don't get it. The West loves outsourcing everything to China - what is wrong with peacemaking being Made in China?
True nature of US and Nato, they never want peace, they just want to sacrifice the last drop of Ukranian blood as their cannon fodder against Russia.
If Putin pisses off tomorrow, the war stops immediately tomorrow. Ever thought a second about it? What China sells here as “peace” is nothing more the copy of Putin wish list.

Peace in exchange of lands and gulags?

Sorry I must say you are a brain dead zombie. Very regrettable. I always thought Chinese are smart but you demonstrate you aren’t. Or worse, you think you are smart all other are dumb.
China knows very well that if Putin gets toppled from power and is replaced by a truly democratic government, Russia well most likely slip into the Western sphere of influence. At this stage , the plan is thin on details, but it is clear than Putin will never agree with how most of the world interprets the first point - i.e. respect for national sovereignty. Putin is not going to agree to withdraw from the Donbas and Crimea. The purpose of this plan is to keep their ally Putin in power in Russia, but the rest of the world is not going to buy it. If China were serious, they should have called upon Russia to stop the invasion and vacate occupied Ukranian territory.
China knows very well that if Putin gets toppled from power and is replaced by a truly democratic government, Russia well most likely slip into the Western sphere of influence. At this stage , the plan is thin on details, but it is clear than Putin will never agree with how most of the world interprets the first point - i.e. respect for national sovereignty. Putin is not going to agree to withdraw from the Donbas and Crimea. The purpose of this plan is to keep their ally Putin in power in Russia, but the rest of the world is not going to buy it. If China were serious, they should have called upon Russia to stop the invasion and vacate occupied Ukranian territory.
I dont think Putin notified China his plan and he wouldnt listein to China on the matter.
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I dont think Putin notified China his plan and he would listein to China on the matter.
I agree with you on that, but the fact is that China is stuck with Putin in a way that India, for example, is not. If Putin gets replaced by someone like Navalny, India and Russia will continue to have strong relations - actually even stronger because the West would not disapprove of two of their allies having a close relationship. However, China is deeply invested in keeping Putin in power. They will lose Russia as an ally if Russia gets a non - authoritarian government.
I agree with you on that, but the fact is that China is stuck with Putin in a way that India, for example, is not. If Putin gets replaced by someone like Navalny, India and Russia will continue to have strong relations - actually even stronger because the West would not disapprove of two of their allies having a close relationship. However, China is deeply invested in keeping Putin in power. They will lose Russia as an ally if Russia gets a non - authoritarian government.
As long as Russian leader is not in the West camp, its fine with China, and I dont see that very likely. To be totally accepted by the US and EU, Russia has to be disarmed esp with the huge stocks of nukes, and maybe break up into smaller nations, I dont think Russians will accept that.
As long as Russian leader is not in the West camp, its fine with China, and I dont see that very likely. To be totally accepted by the US and EU, Russia has to be disarmed esp with the huge stocks of nukes, and maybe break up into smaller nations, I dont think Russians will accept that.
The younger Russian population especially identifies with Western values, not Chinese. If the Russians get fed up of the war , Putin gets toppled and free elections are held, Navalny, who leans towards Western democracies, may well come to power. It may look unlikely now, but so did the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The West doesn't want to balkanize Russia. For them, a friendly regime will suffice. For America, the real strategic rival is China. Russia is just a nuisance.
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