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Pakistan needs to focus & spend more on its education sector which is lagging behind.

If we look at after Pakistan gained its independence when it was doing its best, some of the founders of our best instituions that were running them were Polish, Germans and Indian migrants. They were well educated, qualified, experienced, competent and skilled folk!

Polish and Germans in post 1947 Pakistan?? WTH??!
The Urdu Speakers and the Parsis, along with very FEW Sindhsi/Punjabis were the educated lot which developed Pakistan after 1947. If the Hindu minority in Sindh had stayed on after 1947 they too would have contributed a lot. But the biggest contributors were the Urdu Speakers as they mostly came from urban, educated background from the now-India in large numbers to a feudal society and the Urdu Speakers were/are extremely patriotic. It is a bitter pill to swallow for 'the sons of soil' that they were/are feudal to a large extent. Except for a few pockets of urban Punjab and the tiny region of Gilgit-Baltistan, the Urdu Speakers remain the engine of Pakistan's progress and salvation. And that's not unlike more educated people in urban America even before 1776 who propelled America; it is not a question of ethnicity!

As I see it, the issues affecting Pakistan have their roots in the unwinnable rivalry against India over Kashmir and a deep social dichotomy where a bulk of the country is too feudal versus some progressive forces. Heck, even in this forum people curse President Pervez Musharraf for his 'Enlightened Moderation' approach!!!

Consider the steps taken by Gen Zia, and then by all successive governments, civilian and dictatorships alike, and carefully assess what exactly has the enforcement of the existing ideological conditioning has actually achieved for Pakistan, and then tell us how more of it will actually help. one could easily conclude otherwise based on that half century of experience already.

Zia was an evil on the level of Khomeini of Iran. And then Zia's protégé Mr. Nawaz Sharif tried to be an 'Amir ul Mominoon' in late 1990s. Thank God for the Musharraf coup to try to reverse some of the dogmatism introduced since late 1970s which many ingrates in this forum don't understand! If you, like me, grew up in Pakistan in 1970s and then you saw the Pakistan of 1980s then you'd know the difference between a 'normal' country vs a radicalized one!!!

But then came the born-again Muslim Imran Khan after a life time of Haraampai! He, in his late years of his life, become pious, so typical of some old men, and tried to inject even more religion into an already radicalized society!! BTW, I am also debunking ZAB's so-called 'Islamization'. Mr. Bhutto was never, NEVER a fundamentalist and whatever concessions he had to give to the religious lobbies were after much reluctance and under pressure. Pakistan in 1977, when he was toppled was a 'normal' country and even if his 'Socialism' hurt Pakistan's economy it did help millions of poor.

Something is wrong north of Sindh!!! Except for a few pockets in urban Punjab, it is a different culture.

Nope, political Islam is from founders. Read objectives resolution. Main problem is this leftist brigade.

The leftists are the ones that gave us the bhuttoism that destroyed the economy- by replacing meritocracy with lackeying. And market economy with whatever it is that we have, ad hoc planism.

The leftists in Pakistan are cringe. They think that aping the west makes them modern. In truth, the highest leftist intelligentsia in Pakistan would be the lowest ranks of society anywhere in the west. Totally bankrupt. Morally, ethically and intellectually.

Some Islamists are indeed dumb too. That is because of Bhuttoism. This peer muradee nonsense. The founders including Iqbal in truth were also islamists.

What a joke! If you count the leftists, then also count Ayub Khan. The worst lot are the religious ones--and they are the worst lot the world over! Whether the Christians who used to blow up abortion clinics or the Ultra Orthodox Jews in Israel or the Mullahs in Iran or the Mumtaz Qadris of Pakistan or the RSS goons in India, THEY are the curse on any nation!
Zia was an evil on the level of Khomeini of Iran. And then Zia's protégé Mr. Nawaz Sharif tried to be an 'Amir ul Mominoon' in late 1990s. Thank God for the Musharraf coup to try to reverse some of the dogmatism introduced since late 1970s which many ingrates in this forum don't understand! If you, like me, grew up in Pakistan in 1970s and then you saw the Pakistan of 1980s then you'd know the difference between a 'normal' country vs a radicalized one!!!

But then came the born-again Muslim Imran Khan after a life time of Haraampai! He, in his late years of his life, become pious, so typical of some old men, and tried to inject even more religion into an already radicalized society!! BTW, I am also debunking ZAB's so-called 'Islamization'. Mr. Bhutto was never, NEVER a fundamentalist and whatever concessions he had to give to the religious lobbies were after much reluctance and under pressure. Pakistan in 1977, when he was toppled was a 'normal' country and even if his 'Socialism' hurt Pakistan's economy it did help millions of poor.

Something is wrong north of Sindh!!! Except for a few pockets in urban Punjab, it is a different culture.

What a joke! If you count the leftists, then also count Ayub Khan. The worst lot are the religious ones--and they are the worst lot the world over! Whether the Christians who used to blow up abortion clinics or the Ultra Orthodox Jews in Israel or the Mullahs in Iran or the Mumtaz Qadris of Pakistan or the RSS goons in India, THEY are the curse on any nation!
First, let me agree that Ayyub and Musharraf were good for the economy. Anyone who has an ability to see the numbers will agree. So for both dictators, I agree they were good for the economy.

But I don’t have to like all their cultural, political or social policies.

So yes, Ayyub and maybe Musharraf to a lesser extent could be said to be left of center socially or culturally. But they were right in economy.

There is no contradiction to what I said that leftists destroyed Pakistan. They did. And have continued to do so.

I don’t agree with the liberal ideas of peena peelana culture. I can also tell you that most of the muhajjir qaum was supporting JI during Ayyubs times and is still very conservative socially. They would fall under the religious class in Pakistan.
First, let me agree that Ayyub and Musharraf were good for the economy. Anyone who has an ability to see the numbers will agree. So for both dictators, I agree they were good for the economy.

But I don’t have to like all their cultural, political or social policies.

So yes, Ayyub and maybe Musharraf to a lesser extent could be said to be left of center socially or culturally. But they were right in economy.

There is no contradiction to what I said that leftists destroyed Pakistan. They did. And have continued to do so.

I don’t agree with the liberal ideas of peena peelana culture. I can also tell you that most of the muhajjir qaum was supporting JI during Ayyubs times and is still very conservative socially. They would fall under the religious class in Pakistan.
ayub as good but musharaf was not good for economy. He converted Pakistan to highly consumer based economy which increased the trends for importing things instead of producing them within Pakistan. It was during musharaf govt that huge number of cars and motorcycles were allowed to get imported which increased our fuel import bill as it laid the trend for our public to use cars . I remember people who easily performed there tasks using bicycles purchased motorcycle during his govt and it increased fuel consumption which has to be imported using dollars .During his govt prosperity was due to billions of dollars given by u.s for his services in afghanistan war on terror. After u. decided withdrawal this money was stopped and now we are in vulnerable state. His govt allowed high number of cng stations which was one reason we are facing gas shortages today in Pakistan. In addition during his govt real estate sector started to develop in Pakistan and it transferred capital from agriculture sector and industry which has no benefit for exports and food security
First, let me agree that Ayyub and Musharraf were good for the economy. Anyone who has an ability to see the numbers will agree. So for both dictators, I agree they were good for the economy.

But I don’t have to like all their cultural, political or social policies.

So yes, Ayyub and maybe Musharraf to a lesser extent could be said to be left of center socially or culturally. But they were right in economy.

There is no contradiction to what I said that leftists destroyed Pakistan. They did. And have continued to do so.

I don’t agree with the liberal ideas of peena peelana culture. I can also tell you that most of the muhajjir qaum was supporting JI during Ayyubs times and is still very conservative socially. They would fall under the religious class in Pakistan.

Mohajirs were/are conservatives but never the fanatics. Never. Jamaat e Islami is a bastion of liberalism compared with what else is out there: The Mumtaz Qadris Barelvis, the TTP terrorists, the Maulana Diesel Deobandis, the Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan and many many more.
Liberalism never destroyed Pakistan. It was the Proto-Taliban Zia ul Haq who did!! Single handedly. People like Ayub and Musharraf build infrastructures or institutions which benefited Pakistan then and will continue to do so. Zia ul Haq or if his protege Nawaz Sharif had a chance they would make Pakistan a moderate version of Mullah Omar's Taliban.
Pakistan was and perhaps still is a Sufi Oriented Muslim society. The society needs to dial back the religiosity to pre 1977 and I hope Imran Khan, when he comes back to power, realizes that important requirement. It doesn't affect me personally anymore but I don't want the youth of Pakistan to be suffocated like I and my generation was due to Zia.
Mohajirs were/are conservatives but never the fanatics. Never. Jamaat e Islami is a bastion of liberalism compared with what else is out there: The Mumtaz Qadris Barelvis, the TTP terrorists, the Maulana Diesel Deobandis, the Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan and many many more.
Liberalism never destroyed Pakistan. It was the Proto-Taliban Zia ul Haq who did!! Single handedly. People like Ayub and Musharraf build infrastructures or institutions which benefited Pakistan then and will continue to do so. Zia ul Haq or if his protege Nawaz Sharif had a chance they would make Pakistan a moderate version of Mullah Omar's Taliban.
Pakistan was and perhaps still is a Sufi Oriented Muslim society. The society needs to dial back the religiosity to pre 1977 and I hope Imran Khan, when he comes back to power, realizes that important requirement. It doesn't affect me personally anymore but I don't want the youth of Pakistan to be suffocated like I and my generation was due to Zia.
I disagree- Zia did screw up Pakistan, but the real damage was done by Bhutto’s socialism. Destroyed the economy, destroyed meritocracy.

Also arguably, for the national direction, whoever assassinated Liaquat Ali.

I agree Zia was bad and so was NS.

But having a religious society is not the issue. The issue is with lack of merit and jahalat. IK should not back away from his vision of an Islamic republic. This is the legacy of Iqbal and Jinnah. Should not be and cannot be undone.

I guess to be fair though, one thing I have to agree with is that there has not been enough of an impact of a middle class Islamist movement like JI. The majority of the impact as far as Islam is concerned is from lower class muslim movements, barelwism and Deobandism.

This is a far cry from the “liberal” Muslim understanding of Shibli Nomani and nadwi movements and Iqbal. And serves as a good support for an Islamic democracy. Which is a shame I guess.
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Because our education system is obsolete. To meet the modern education system, we need to update our syllabus immediately. Remember also, millions children are out of the school. They don’t have access to primary education that is truly shocking . First, we should bring them in the schools. But Realistically I cannot see this happening for our kids . And this is a real crime for Pakistan knowing Pakistanis are a very smart group of people being held back by corrupt POLITICIANS. In doing so, effecting pakistan future growth, damn animals….
Lagging behind? Pakistan has no education for the ordinary masses. It only has a handful of elite schools that are accessible to the rich. I don't count madrassas and street schools as actual schools. Unfortunately, this is all Pakistan has currently.
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ye human development is only thing which can make country develop

Human development in progress in Pakistan:





Aren't ordinary Pakistanis also responsible for the plight of their children?
Pakistan really needs to control its population growth. There are no two ways about it. The rate of growth needs to come down to 1% from the current 3%. Current rate is absolutely insane.

Looking at this holistically, laws should be enacted and implemented accordingly. Extend the minimum marriage age, discourage cousin marriages, encourage gaps between kids, education on family planning, tax families with 3 kids or more, pay a handsome lumpsum on vasectomy, encourage contraception, slap maulvis encouraging more kids etc etc.
Patwaris are worst then illiterate pakistanis , better make them permanent khassi to stop them making new patwaris
Many wealthy Pakistanis who live in Europe Australia and the USA who could make a massive difference to improve the quality of life for these people, heart breaking

**** the Pak Government and the elites

Pakistanis who fled to Europe and other better destinations fully understand that Pakistan is a barren land. What use is helping this country when the fuedals and other powerful people always end up eating the money? The help never gets to the needful.

Now it is better to let this country on it's own devices. We are lucky that generals are in charge. Americans are guiding the army. Everything will be okay now.
Well elect Hoodboy as the PM.... maybe there will be some hope or else.... Ideas like raise chickens and get eggs are going to be available solutions, Ghabraana nahi hai...

Hoodbhoy as PM is just as like as Haqqani as the President. Haven't you seen the responses on articles written by Hoodbhoy here on PDF? :D

We are happier raising chickens while not ghabraing at all.

If you, like me, grew up in Pakistan in 1970s and then you saw the Pakistan of 1980s then you'd know the difference between a 'normal' country vs a radicalized one!

I know, I was there through it all. Up close and personal.

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