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Showbaaz asks UAE to FACILITATE talks on KASHMIR

State should have understood the evolving game and would have readjusted her goal however we (read elites) were so busy in petty politics against our very own people. What is left with us is knee jerk reactions which are going to hurt us more than our enemies.

As the 1971 commission report stated, we didn't focus on the art of soldiery but instead became self-taught politicians.

Hence in the west, it's always said just to become the best at what you do and specialize in it. Now it's come to our knowledge GHQ are self-taught economists.
And I don't think that many in India are interested in any peace talks. Definitely not from the Indian govt. The opinion is to let Pakistan continue down the path it finds itself in, why bother to do anything?
Given a choice, I think India would rather have a Bangladesh than an Afghanistan on its Western border. Why wouldn't it? Why would someone prefer an interminable killing field to a peaceful country focused on lifting its people up as a neighbor?
Forcefully, that's why. You literally filled Kashmir with soldiers just to keep it locked down otherwise Pajeets were scared to even step foot without immense security

Strategically it's not that well placed, it's quite narrow making it easier for Indians. Plus the Afghanistanis got plenty of natural resources...

We shall approach the Taliban in kind for a confederation.

And amass our mujahideen forces at the border before flooding Kashmir with men yearning for death more than a Pajeet yearns for bobs and vagenes, armed with the most lethal weaponry and hate for Hindus.

The only way to liberate Kashmir is to awaken the spirit of Jihad in the entire nation. The Indian conventional advantage will be completely useless once paired with millions of mujahids and a low level conventional deterrent of Pakistan's.
change your name from bleek to meek..
We don't need afghans to fight our conflicts . There is nothing that Pakistan can't do which they can....Pakistan has enough local resources to even pay heed to your cuck advice.
If you can't fight for your state then don't talk about its defence.
@Areesh bhai, @Bleek

Only it lacks is leadership

Well, Afghanistan can provide THAT leadership. Historically, Afghania has never been short on leadership material- Ghori, Ghazni, Abdali, Omar et al, while Pak has been (barring Ranjit Singh the sardarji)


They were turkics not afghan..abdali was a local. Locals have given exactly that leadership if you want to learn.
change your name from bleek to meek..
We don't need afghans to fight our conflicts . There is nothing that Pakistan can't do which they can....Pakistan has enough local resources to even pay heed to your cuck advice.
If you can't fight for your state then don't talk about its defence.
I was trolling

Plus it wasn't even referring to Afghans alone, just in general

Nobody is interested in secretarian, talibanised, extremist corrupt landmass / people. We do not have capability to manage this shit. You are overestimating India
Disintegrating a state doesn't mean that you absorb it.

For example Bangladesh
It's useless due to it's people, nothing else

It actually has tons of natural resources especially highly valued ones like lithium. And it proves strategic depth in time of war, population offsetting etc.

Not worth it
There is no peace possible with you guys
'Pakistan had three wars with India. Pak has learnt its lesson' says your PM on wars with India and calls for peace. He is begging UAE to bring PM Modi for peace talks on Kashmir. UAE is biggest investor in Kashmir and our bilateral trade is going to touch $100 billion pretty soon. Do you think your bother mulk UAE will listen to Pak or India.
Your establishment will never allow peaceful coexistence because it is against their interest. And all your politicians are puppets, who are removed before their term ends. So, no point in getting involved with peace talks with your imported government.
That's what I said, '62, when the Chinese were pounding them

But the Americans pressured Ayub Khan, and supported India a lot, he wrote about it in his book I'm pretty sure, "Friends Not Masters".
That was the most opportune time, Nehru was desperate, pleading with Kennedy to send in US Airforce to stop the Chinese advance. All we had to do was walk into Kashmir, but Indeed it was Masters not Friends contrary to Ayub's delusions.
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'Pakistan had three wars with India. Pak has learnt its lesson' says your PM on wars with India and calls for peace. He is begging UAE to bring PM Modi for peace talks on Kashmir. UAE is biggest investor in Kashmir and our bilateral trade is going to touch $100 billion pretty soon. Do you think your bother mulk UAE will listen to Pak or India.
Your establishment will never allow peaceful coexistence because it is against their interest. And all your politicians are puppets, who are removed before their term ends. So, no point in getting involved with peace talks with your imported government.

Doesn't matter

No peace is possible with your kind
That was the most opportune time, Nehru was desperate, pleading with Kennedy to send in US Airforce to stop the Chinese advance. All we had to do was walk into Kashmir, but Indeed it was Masters and Friends contrary to Ayub's delusions.
He admitted he was disillusioned. I wouldn't be surprised if the US threatened him/Pakistan somehow
They want total disintegration, each part separating into it's own so it can dictate the entire region and one day absorb them all.

A part of me feels Pakistan should make some sort of excuse and conquer Afghanistan - it's unlikely and difficult but if it can be done there would be immense benefits. (Economically it's likely far fetched but I think diplomatically it could tank it or even approach them)

The land mass and mountains could give us strategic depth as Pakistan currently is quite narrow. The natural resources are quite a lot. More land to offset population increase.

Only problem is the people...

If I was up to me, I would give KPK to India over Kashmir, let them deal with Pashtoons haha
Why do you hate them so much? 💀

Have you interacted with many in Pakistan?
I don't hate them, I just don't like their culture and life style. We suffer more at the hands of Pashtoons than India/America/Iran combined, and yet I see no hope or light of them improvement in their behavior.
I don't hate them, I just don't like their culture and life style. We suffer more at the hands of Pashtoons than India/America/Iran combined, and yet I see no hope or light of them improvement in their behavior.
What about the ones in Karachi?

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