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Why moderators IrfanBaloch and SQ8 encouraging anti Pakistani posts and favouring PDM paid members ?

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Flight of falcon

May 22, 2019
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Patwari moderators have taken over this forum.

They say what ever anti PTI crap they want and if anyone responds in kind they shut you up and ban you. They encourage postings by low IQ retards like @fools and let him open 5-6 anti PTI threads every morning . Meanwhile even an innocent discussion thread against Patwaris is quickly closed.

They ask you to post discussions but openly violate their policies .

This forum has turned into a PDM / Anti army forum and moderators have encouraged sick and degrading comments about our forces while attacking those who come to defend jawans and shaheeds.

Like everything else that has been systematically and completely destroyed in Pakistan by PDM goons this forum cannot be saved from the infiltration of same parasites .

I have met some good posters @Windjammerand @ghazi52 and some really honest and dedicated Pakistanis and I wish them all the best but I don’t want to be part of this shit show so enjoy .
Patwari moderators have taken over this forum.

They say what ever anti PTI crap they want and if anyone responds in kind they shut you up and ban you. They encourage postings by low IQ retards like @fools and let him open 5-6 anti PTI threads every morning . Meanwhile even an innocent discussion thread against Patwaris is quickly closed.

They ask you to post discussions but openly violate their policies .

This forum has turned into a PDM / Anti army forum and moderators have encouraged sick and degrading comments about our forces while attacking those who come to defend jawans and shaheeds.

Like everything else that has been systematically and completely destroyed in Pakistan by PDM goons this forum cannot be saved from the infiltration of same parasites .

I have met some good posters @Windjammerand @ghazi52 and some really honest and dedicated Pakistanis and I wish them all the best but I don’t want to be part of this shit show so enjoy .

Correct. They are perhaps unwitting tools of Indians wet dreams of Indians in the disintegration of Pakistan. If they continue to support the corrupt imported government of PDM and the corrupt Establishment... Pakistan is finished.
These morons let Indians make fun of our Shaheeds and our forces who are doing nothing but sacrificing everyday . There is no balance, fairness or loyalty in these two moderators. Comments like Indians should come for help or they should have taken care of us in 1971 are not only allowed to post but despite me pointing out are allowed to continue and in fact encouraged.
Most of us were pro IK but not blind fanboys like you.

Also you can call me Irfan lala, SQ8 and others alot of things but we are neither patwaris nor jiyalas. And certainly not pro india.

But youthias are undoubtedly playing into indian hands by abusing the country and state institutions. Its you clowns whose footage indian media has been playing on prime time.

Its you openly abusing our troops, even passing disgusting comments about our martyrs.
Most of us were pro IK but not blind fanboys like you.

Also you can call me Irfan lala, SQ8 and others alot of things but we are neither patwaris nor jiyalas. And certainly not pro india.

But youthias are undoubtedly playing into indian hands by abusing the country and state institutions. Its you clowns whose footage indian media has been playing on prime time.

Its you openly abusing our troops, even passing disgusting comments about our martyrs.

Show me a word I ever said against our troops, soldiers or Shaheeds....one statement......I amanita Bajwa and generals sure...... Prove it and I will send you $100 Amazon card.
They are just playing devils advocate which is necessary at times to check your own perspective or view.

I know they are upset because people are hurling insults at Army, but then again I would like to ask them what they expected from awam?

People were still on the fence till AS assassination and vigos openly abducting civilians.

Army fucked up their own reputation.
Most of us were pro IK but not blind fanboys like you.

Also you can call me Irfan lala, SQ8 and others alot of things but we are neither patwaris nor jiyalas. And certainly not pro india.

But youthias are undoubtedly playing into indian hands by abusing the country and state institutions. Its you clowns whose footage indian media has been playing on prime time.

Its you openly abusing our troops, even passing disgusting comments about our martyrs.
institutions are naukar of Pakistan. They are NOT in any capacity to do things like what bajwa did. bajwa is a cancerous symptom that had become an overgrown tumor which exposed the holy cow institution as the main reason why Pakistan is going forward in reverse gear.

No one is abusing the armed forces other than the bigwigs who are the proverbial 'Pharos' or 'fairon' in Pakistan.

Well where there is 'Pharos' or 'fairon' Then Allah will send Moses as well.
There is too much generalisation going on both camps. Ultimately both sides want what's best for Pak may disagree with those in power or favoured to come into power.

IMO you should not leave the forum even if there is a bias, alternative views are important.

Regardless of where everyone stands my stand is against corruption in all its forms. That is the bar everyone including the ruling elite need to be held to.
Although I seldom participate in political discussions or debates which is a hot topic these days, however I noticed one thing, PDF which once stood for Pakistan Defence Forum, now constantly represents Pajeets Defacation Farm. These creatures now liberally use insulting terms against Pakistan and Pakistanis.
The other day, one of these losers was casually using and repeating the term, "Pakis".... Some Mod did remove the post but left the culprit to continue with his verbal dihorea. Pathetic.
There is too much generalisation going on both camps. Ultimately both sides want what's best for Pak may disagree with those on power or favoured to come into power.

IMO you should not leave the forum even if there is a bias, alternative views are important.

Regardless of where everyone stands my stand is against corruption in all its forms. That is the bar everyone including the ruling elite need to be held to.
Nah, staunch Patwaris don't care about Pakistan they just care about their Mian Nawaz Sharif being in power lmao, to them he is like their God (Astagfirullah)

And same with extreme youthias with IK.

The best are those who can also criticise who they support because they actually care for the country as a whole, not a specific personality
Most of us were pro IK but not blind fanboys like you.

Also you can call me Irfan lala, SQ8 and others alot of things but we are neither patwaris nor jiyalas. And certainly not pro india.

But youthias are undoubtedly playing into indian hands by abusing the country and state institutions. Its you clowns whose footage indian media has been playing on prime time.

Its you openly abusing our troops, even passing disgusting comments about our martyrs.

The fact you used the word "Youthia" for PTI supporters showed exactly where you stand. Don't try to become apolitical like liar Generals. Doing a presser / statements / actions against a party and claiming to be apolitical lol. What you are doing is called Hypocrisy.

PTI is a composed of patriotic leadership who thinks about Pakistan first. But this country does not recognize or knowingly make an example out of patriotic people like Arshad Shareef. Sure, there will be wrong / corrupt people in it too, but majority & especially the leadership of PTI have all stakes in Pakistan. You can never trust a party whose leadership has properties / real estate empire / businesses outside pakistan.
I don’t think they are patwaris or jiyalas.

Be calm and understand each other’s perspective.

PTI fanboys, including me, go overboard sometimes, so let’s give it a rest.

Establishment fanboys, well they’re sticking to their guns, what can one say.

My new year resolution is to go slow on them toxic substances. Hope it reflects on my posts as well. 😂
Patwari moderators have taken over this forum.

They say what ever anti PTI crap they want and if anyone responds in kind they shut you up and ban you. They encourage postings by low IQ retards like @fools and let him open 5-6 anti PTI threads every morning . Meanwhile even an innocent discussion thread against Patwaris is quickly closed.

They ask you to post discussions but openly violate their policies .

This forum has turned into a PDM / Anti army forum and moderators have encouraged sick and degrading comments about our forces while attacking those who come to defend jawans and shaheeds.

Like everything else that has been systematically and completely destroyed in Pakistan by PDM goons this forum cannot be saved from the infiltration of same parasites .

I have met some good posters @Windjammerand @ghazi52 and some really honest and dedicated Pakistanis and I wish them all the best but I don’t want to be part of this shit show so enjoy .

PTI fanboys should take a break like their leader IK.
Patwari moderators have taken over this forum.

They say what ever anti PTI crap they want and if anyone responds in kind they shut you up and ban you. They encourage postings by low IQ retards like @fools and let him open 5-6 anti PTI threads every morning . Meanwhile even an innocent discussion thread against Patwaris is quickly closed.

They ask you to post discussions but openly violate their policies .

This forum has turned into a PDM / Anti army forum and moderators have encouraged sick and degrading comments about our forces while attacking those who come to defend jawans and shaheeds.

Like everything else that has been systematically and completely destroyed in Pakistan by PDM goons this forum cannot be saved from the infiltration of same parasites .

I have met some good posters @Windjammerand @ghazi52 and some really honest and dedicated Pakistanis and I wish them all the best but I don’t want to be part of this shit show so enjoy .
Its a democracy, they are entitled to have their own opinion and should write their true feelings. Otherwise, the forum will be boring. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance...and patience.

Don't let bitterness conquer you.” “Bitterness is how we punish ourselves for other people's sins.” “When bitter, say little; when angry, say nothing; when happy, say much; when joyful, say all.” “A grateful heart is better than a bitter soul.”
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