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Pakistan's New War against TTP, Taliban & Afghanistan? | Moeed Pirzada Analysis

You didn't even watch the video?!... Responded in 1 min to a 22 minute video?... Truth hurts that much.?
Are you the only one with access to his Youtube videos?

He was somewhat unbiased in the past (or maybe nobody cared for Moeed's talk shows but he has been carried by a certain party's propaganda machinery recently) and increasingly over the past many months he, along with IRK et-al, has been toeing one specific line. The shame of it is that this gent has been around for a while now but not a peep from him, ever, during the PTI tenure.

All sorts of conspiracy theories abound and he aids and abets them unfortunately against our very own state and country.
Are you the only one with access to his Youtube videos?

He was somewhat unbiased in the past (or maybe nobody cared for Moeed's talk shows but he has been carried by a certain party's propaganda machinery recently) and increasingly over the past many months he, along with IRK et-al, has been toeing one specific line. The shame of it is that this gent has been around for a while now but not a peep from him, ever, during the PTI tenure.

All sorts of conspiracy theories abound and he aids and abets them unfortunately against our very own state and country.

Everyone is biased to you who points a finger at Bajwa army. Stop smoking Bajwa hasheesh and think with a straight head for a moment.

The Pakistani army has become a rental army. It is clear that the army is only interested in making dollars.
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Obviously, it has always been like this since the time of Musharraf. Except the American government are also involved and are hand in glove with the Pakistan establishment
Are you the only one with access to his Youtube videos?

He was somewhat unbiased in the past (or maybe nobody cared for Moeed's talk shows but he has been carried by a certain party's propaganda machinery recently) and increasingly over the past many months he, along with IRK et-al, has been toeing one specific line. The shame of it is that this gent has been around for a while now but not a peep from him, ever, during the PTI tenure.

All sorts of conspiracy theories abound and he aids and abets them unfortunately against our very own state and country.

His video is backed with evidence... What evidence do you have to counter his?
His video is backed with evidence... What evidence do you have to counter his?
I read and observe. Have been doing the same for ages. MP isn't some amazing genius whose words have to be taken as gospel.

If all these things are such revelations to him then he is a bloody dunce because when you have people like DGISI Assad Durrani openly stating that the establishment does things that have costs associated with it then why is it such a bloody news to MP?
Everyone is biased to you who points a finger to Bajwa army. Stop smoking Bajwa hasheesh and think with a straight head for a moment.

The Pakistani army has become a rental army. It is clear that the army is only interested in making dollars.
The only ones high on anything are PTI supporters who think IK to be God's vicegerent on earth. I have no association with Bajwa and neither do I care about his person. I have spoken out when people have falsely and inaccurately tried to place accusations on him and the army (e.g. Bajwa committed treason - which is patently wrong!)

Coming back to your point, so I am biased but all of you PTI mob are the only ones who think on their own and are capable of arriving at sound, logical conclusions because IK said so?

All I can say is that things are never as black and white as you folks try to make them. Your binary reduction of complex matters is the reason I disagree with this PTI bandwagon on points.

Childish claims like "army is only interested in making dollars" is what exposes these farcical accusations of yours. It was no less than our Quaid-e-Azam and then LAQ who suggested Pakistan needed to align with the US for economic and military relations. Since then, that has been our national trajectory. All of Pakistani governments, similar to Khaleej, Turkey etc. have had working relations with the US. For our military, ties with the US have a strategic implication because they get access to technology and training which acts as a force multiplier against a numerically superior adversary. As such ties with the US have to be managed by both civilian and the military leadership. To manage this balance, some give and take is required.

Americans also are in the habit of dealing with us via FMS/FMF. Which means contrary to the bile that PTI supporters accuse our military of, there is never an exchange of dollars to any uniformed officer of the military. All US sales/transfers are handled through the State/Defense departments and we end up using credits, akin to non-currency vouchers, provided by the US to purchase US made equipment. This is quite unlike French as an example who let middle men operate in these types of transactions. So these stupendously silly claims of "making dollars" is outright nonsense and you should know better and if not then you should research instead of regurgitating this all the time.
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It all started after Pakistan blocked Chaman border when Taliban started removing border fences. THEY unleashed TTP on us.
Stupid Pakistani people can't understand as blinded by the grudge against Army.
Obviously, it has always been like this since the time of Musharraf. Except the American government are also involved and are hand in glove with the Pakistan establishment
Okay Indian, pretending to be Pakistani
It all started after Pakistan blocked Chaman border when Taliban started removing border fences. THEY unleashed TTP on us.
Stupid Pakistani people can't understand as blinded by the grudge against Army.
Nothing blinded about it, grudge based on facts and their political engineering for their own gains. If they spent their time and energy focused on purely defence matters we would be as impregnable as Israel..
Nothing blinded about it, grudge based on facts and their political engineering for their own gains. If they spent their time and energy focused on purely defence matters we would be as impregnable as Israel..
It's another thing that Pakistani voters are way too stupid to vote for the right person and keep sending theives to rule them.
Likewise the entire Balochistan assembly is BLA supporter.
The entire judiciary is pro militancy, releasing pretty much every terrorist the army attested.
Yet no public condemnation of any of that.

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