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Threat Alert: Islamabad - Credible ⚠️

May be our generals are shameful leaving our Jawans and officers aside and what state they have brought this country to? Kidnapping civilians beating up officials and make them to sign on illegal papers and setting up **** factories is that what we have hired them for? Country is heading towards the default which is more serious then the few bomb blasts and defenders of army are still acting like dumb, blind and deaf, absolutely pathetic.
They are get paid for their services and certainly they do, if they don't like their jobs then perhaps they resign and nation will hire someone else for the service. We certainly don't hire them for manipulating election results and running the country which is not in their job description. After screwing up the country from last 70 years still they want to carry on with their manipulations to prolong their rule. Every country have got army our is nothing more then divas, who think they are above the law and constitution obligations don't apply to them. These regime change generals need to be court marshalled and frog marched to the gallows to get rid of these criminals.
we all have this drug since childhood but we get matured and we read true history we see historical evens and we have brain to see what is right and what is wrong but some people are happy to be living in childhood fantasy .
Credible intelligence coming in that a HVT specifically the Marriott Hotel on Aga Khan Road, Islamabad is at risk of being targeted by a large scale terrorist attack.

The US Embassy along with the UK and EU missions have prohibited their staff from travelling outside of the diplomatic enclave over the Christmas Holiday period as a precaution.

More information will be posted here when possible.

Thank you.

*Please stay Vigilant* if you see anything suspicious - report it!
May Allah protect us online and in real life and enable the LEA and agencies to foil such attacks.

I will continue to monitor this thread and any pointless ranting and hating on military and intel agencies by posters will be dealt with appropriate action.
it was first in somewhere 2009 when i changed my mind and start questions here on forum
day after day i got less answers more bans on this forum because i ask questions about isis and forces . today everyone is asking same questions which i asked last 12 years .
mehran base attak
kamra attack
usama raid
swat capture by terrorists
salala attack
ramoud davis case
tlp creation

i have banned from this forum every time .
Noshki attack & recent police station attack used night vision & guns left by US
Who knows how many more

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some videos (if not all) on the social media are old . originally uploaded by Afghan Taliban in their attacks on Afghan National army few years go. I am not sure if you are referring to them or something new.
that said the terrorists have access to top tier equipment for sure but there is also propaganda material as well, relabeled and posted as new by troll and spam accounts
Use "ignore" switch.
"Ilaaj e dandaan, ikhraaj e dandaan"
"Goli Andar, Tay Dard Jalandhar"
what a coincidence, sir jee. I just used the ignore for the first time 5 mins ago. :yahoo: I've been reading this forum since 2018 and suffice it to say, there's pretty dumb stuff that gets said on here but this horse rider guy, reading him feels like you are actively getting cancer in realtime, as you read on.
They were planted throughout the history of planted democracy with the help of main establishments that made and broke altogether.

A deal gone rogue is not definition of public support.

When will this country understand , the corrupt secret Elites don't like us and will do anything to undermine us at every turn and that includes stopping return of imran khan was peoples choice.
we all have this drug since childhood but we get matured and we read true history we see historical evens and we have brain to see what is right and what is wrong but some people are happy to be living in childhood fantasy .
I was expecting from the new character after Bajwa to sit down and act fast and bang the politicians heads and tell them we can not afford to carry on like that as we have fu**ed up again. Country economy from 22 billion reserves is reduced to 6 billion and that is even borrowed money and they are still busy in their **** factories. Some of them are defending Army like its favour to us for doing their jobs, hell no its a job and country pay them what they are hired for.
Asif Munir came on like after Ayub, Yahya took over and he fu**ed up more and we end up losing East wing as he was busy with madam Rani then on the battlefield. After Hamood ur Rehman commission those characters should have got hanged so our country would not have seen Zia, Musharraf rules and Bajwa treacherous acts again.
Country needs course correction like yesterday, a care taker govt for a month and two and then elections on urgent basis so country can be saved and not sucked into the US interests game again. Country is on her knees and they are still carrying on with their power and check mate games.
LOL this Indian fool is worried about cricket.
Indians are empowered recently and extremely jealous folk, do not rule out the possibility of them targeting any possible thing Pakistan has going for itself, even if something as minor as cricket.

They've made their intentions clear to disintegrate the Pakistani state and that means poking at every hole possible.
what a coincidence, sir jee. I just used the ignore for the first time 5 mins ago. :yahoo: I've been reading this forum since 2018 and suffice it to say, there's pretty dumb stuff that gets said on here but this horse rider guy, reading him feels like you are actively getting cancer in realtime, as you read on.

Good. I am an extensive user of this valuable facility. 😂😂
I think its army's way of blackmailing the nation into believing they are the only saviors, attacks will be carried out by TTP and BLA of course with full Ashirwaad from Army, they will sacrifice few foot soldiers as they have no values anyway, while the people will once again start sympathizing with the Army, than they will start some operation kill few terrorists here and there but won't kill them all because they are assets. ISI HQ pe raid karo, most likely you will get the names of Terrorists who are planning attacks.
YES, but it doesn't need to be sent to the PDF OVERSEAS PTI warriors who only have one thing left in life to do, sit away and insult the army and many of them call "BLA and TLP" "best things in disguise" like in one of the posts above. This is indirectly contributing to violence and destabilization in Pakistan.

I think this has become a national security issue also. The government and the agencies should work on notifying associated countries to monitor and control people's activities that are undermining peace in Pakistan. I think the work on this should be starting soon if not in swing already. There is a difference between positive criticism and going to this degree where you outline terror outfits as "best things in disguise" or praise India for military and terrorist offenses inside Pakistan, like what was happening in threads about India's involvement and Pakistan sharing proofs. This "criticism" is not positive or constructive.
Jutiya PDM / patwari/ criticizing expat Paks. If not for us you would be bankrupt now…
Who the hell do you think you are threatening us..
Bloody savage, with the mentality of supporting crooks no wonder the country is in the shit hole..
Go ‘ride’ your horse only thing people with this sort of mentality are good at..

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