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Charge d’ Affairs of Pakistan, Ambassador Ubaid Nizamani targeted by assassination attempt in Kabul - Dec 2022

Agreed with your point and the other 2 quotes points above. But are we going to allow this continued blackmail? We barely at this point have a country left. According to your replies there is no solution left other than lets declare pak an islamic emirate and see our mothers/sisters be lashed by these savage animals. Is that your solution?

Why would they be lashed? Do they commit zina? And why would Taliban be lashing them & not a public law enforcement official?

Reality of the matter is Pakistan can't have its cake & eat it too. If you want to be an islamic state then sharia must be applied (whichever "version", take your pick). Otherwise stop being hypocrites, take the word "islamic" out from your name & kiss any moral superiority over TTP goodbye.

Also, the situation was deteriorating even before IK & Faiz. Negotiations continued even w/o IK. Even w/o Faiz, the state isn't going to do anything utterly stupid like invade or nuke Afg like you're demanding.

The policy by bajwa (or likely army itself) is clearly to continue engaging with IEA to increase economic & ppl-2-ppl cooperation, defend against TTP attacks & avoid raising hostilities with afghans as much as possible. The long term the goal is to stabilize afg, show it the benefits of cooperation, lower afghan hostility towards us & make them choose b/w us & TTP. It's going to take decades but it's the only long term solution. Otherwise it's endless war.
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Even poor Ethiopa has more self respect than pakistan or its crap army. When al shabab did terrorism whole ethiopians army invaded somalia and occupied its territories and punished al shabab. Since then not 1 terror attack has happened in ethiopia.

Ethiopia had a Gdp 1/5th of paks. Has a none existent navy/airforce and army that is ill equipped. Asim Munir saab please please if you cant learn from americans turks saudis or chinese how to deal with terror than please atleast learn from poor ethiopians how they dealt with terror blackmail.

When a country faces terror they strike back. When pak faces terror we beg and think of every excuse under the sun.

We must level kandahar and kabul.no other solution
Somalians aren't Afghans.

I guarantee you if we had Somalians next door instead of Afghanistan, the army would have smoked them ruthlessly, especially after APS massacre.

What you don't understand is the same predominant ethnicity sitting in Afghanistan is the second largest in Pakistan! Any excessive force in Afghanistan has repercussions on this side, even if it's somewhat justified. Especially in Waziristan insurgency would increase significantly if you did that.

You need an incredibly justifiable reason that everyone would accept if you were to enter Afghanistan on a military front, and even then considering the reputation of the army currently there would still be heavy criticism from extreme youthias and liberals!

Best option is to break down their organisational structure and trust internally. Or pressure the IEA somehow through whatever leverage to publicly give the greenlight for Pakistan to enter which would prevent repercussions on our side.
Agreed with your point and the other 2 quotes points above. But are we going to allow this continued blackmail? We barely at this point have a country left. According to your replies there is no solution left other than lets declare pak an islamic emirate and see our mothers/sisters be lashed by these savage animals. Is that your solution?

Its unfortunate we are where we are today even after countless sacrafices and wars. We literally had wipped this menace of terror by 2017 only for IK and Faiz Hameed to screw everything up. Lanats on these talb sympathizers. We are the laughing stock of the whole dunya. No leader including Ik has be truly sincere to Pak.

We are now in a state that we will have to wage even a bloodier war than before. Facing 100k trained afghan talibs, 10k TTP fighters, 20 million pakistani sympathizer, and 10 million afghan refugees. Why did we even develop nukes again???

Oh no no

Nothing of that sort will happen, what we achieved strategically was INCREDIBLE, you could even describe it as Brilliant

This poses no strategic threat not the Taliban, not the TTP, we have ability to apply pressure even if and inevitably the afghans cause problems

Yes their will be fallout, but we have the ability to deal with it

The strategic threat from the Afghan Republic, USA, NATO and India was far far far greater
What we achieved stunned multiple enemies
It was a master class of planning

But the Afghan will remain a afghan, uneducated, backwards hillbilly

Their enmity towards Pakistan is not new and the fall out will last atleast 5 to 10 years and we will have to make enmity towards Pakistan costly and painful towards our enemies whilst withstanding their plots and plans

But to not confuse yourself the the TTP is a better enemy to take then then the combined plotting of a afghan Republic, USA, India and NATO
There is concentrated effort to heat up western border.

With indian elections coming up it may all be a diversion from real plan pulwama 2 and another 2019 like drama

We need to keep that in mind . Use appropriate force to punish culprits. Don't get drawn into prolonged skirmishes...work with Taliban atleast with the ones who are willing to work with you
There is concentrated effort to heat up western border.

With indian elections coming up it may all be a diversion from real plan pulwama 2 and another 2019 like drama

We need to keep that in mind . Use appropriate force to punish culprits. Don't get drawn into prolonged skirmishes...work with Taliban atleast with the ones who are willing to work with you
Yeah, whether people can cope with it or not, it's a simple age-old concept to grasp.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

India will not sit idle.
So let me summarize what some of the members are trying to say.

Just because there are thousands, maybe millions of Afghan inside of Pakistan, the Pakistani army should be circumspect and not take on elements inside of Afghanistan head on.

So I guess, lets just wait for Taliban to continue creating social havoc in Pakistan (we already have members here in PDF calling for Taliban flavored Sharia law in Pakistan).

Afghanistan is basically a mess, some due to Pakistan’s policies and others due to world power politics.

You see, today we are fighting the TTP, tomorrow we’ll have to take the Taliban head on. There will come a day. I just hope it doesn’t take an APS like situation to open our eyes.

Imran Khan or the establishment think they can use a passive aggressive approach against TTP and continue peace overtures with the Taliban. The former is the right approach, but there needs to be a revisit of the latter approach.
Yeah, whether people can cope with it or not, it's a simple age-old concept to grasp.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

India will not sit idle.

What everyone has to remember, the Taliban are in charge BUT they have very weak structure across the country, beyond their forces and governor's ruling areas

The forces of the Afghan Republic may have run like cowards BUT they are still present

And to make the Taliban collapse they want to and need to incite violence, conflict especially with Pakistan

So we need to be smart enough to understand this and not get drawn into it and continue to be smart and strike back but not go over the top

If we control the Pashto pashto Pashto ethnocentric jahilat in Pakistan then we can destroy the TTP

Same with Baloch ethnocentric jahilat and BLA

Constant fassad for 75 years, our people are idiots

So let me summarize what some of the members are trying to say.

Just because there are thousands, maybe millions of Afghan inside of Pakistan, the Pakistani army should be circumspect and not take on elements inside of Afghanistan head on.

So I guess, lets just wait for Taliban to continue creating social havoc in Pakistan (we already have members here in PDF calling for Taliban flavored Sharia law in Pakistan).

Afghanistan is basically a mess, some due to Pakistan’s policies and others due to world power politics.

You see, today we are fighting the TTP, tomorrow we’ll have to take the Taliban head on. There will come a day. I just hope it doesn’t take an APS like situation to open our eyes.

Imran Khan or the establishment think they can use a passive aggressive approach against TTP and continue peace overtures with the Taliban. The former is the right approach, but there needs to be a revisit of the latter approach.

If Pakistan ever takes on the Taliban directly in a full conflict then our planning has failed,, we need to be smart enough never to be goaded into that
I would be like last person to say this but I would say caution

This seems to be too scripted to be random.
I would be like last person to say this but I would say caution

This seems to be too scripted to be random.

Yep we are being goaded and it's obvious, very obvious

Make a list of people who want us to have conflict with the Taliban

Northern Alliance
Pashtun Nationalists, PTM, ANP, NDS types
Liberal haramis
So let me summarize what some of the members are trying to say.

Just because there are thousands, maybe millions of Afghan inside of Pakistan, the Pakistani army should be circumspect and not take on elements inside of Afghanistan head on.

So I guess, lets just wait for Taliban to continue creating social havoc in Pakistan (we already have members here in PDF calling for Taliban flavored Sharia law in Pakistan).

Afghanistan is basically a mess, some due to Pakistan’s policies and others due to world power politics.

You see, today we are fighting the TTP, tomorrow we’ll have to take the Taliban head on. There will come a day. I just hope it doesn’t take an APS like situation to open our eyes.

Imran Khan or the establishment think they can use a passive aggressive approach against TTP and continue peace overtures with the Taliban. The former is the right approach, but there needs to be a revisit of the latter approach.
Don't underestimate the level of internal insurgency that could arise, mid-2000s there were multiple blasts everyday.

Yep we are being goaded and it's obvious, very obvious

Make a list of people who want us to have conflict with the Taliban

Northern Alliance
Pashtun Nationalists, PTM, ANP, NDS types
Liberal haramis
Yeah can't lie we are being gangbanged, externally from Afghanistan and India, internally due to militancy and corrupt & incompetent politicians and generals. And then considering our economy and the loans we've taken out.

We are being royally gangbanged in a corner. It'll be a miracle if we make it out alive...
No doubt there will be no reaction of any sort from the govt. Even IK was a pussycat towards Afghanistan.
IK was the biggest pussy whenever things related to Afghanistan happened. Afghans only understand one language. They will never respect Pakistan or Pakistani, look at how Iran treats them and they don't dare talking shyt about them. But Cucks Pakistani don't know what respect is.
Their Jihad against " Phinjabay" 😅😅😅.
They should get a Nobel prize in hate and racism.
The only two things they can do, and another is war 🤣
Don't underestimate the level of internal insurgency that could arise, mid-2000s there were multiple blasts everyday.

Yeah can't lie we are being gangbanged, externally from Afghanistan and India, internally due to militancy and corrupt & incompetent politicians and generals. And then considering our economy and the loans we've taken out.

We are being royally gangbanged in a corner. It'll be a miracle if we make it out alive...
I am not saying go all gung ho on TTP and Taliban.

There has to be a passive aggressive strategy in dealing with these ilk until they submit or wiped off.

The Taliban/TTP are a massive threat to Pakistan in socio economic terms (not so much from a security perspective at the moment). The extremist ideology they export is Pakistan’s biggest threat.

If you keep accommodating them, they will eat you from inside. This has been happening since a few decades.
No - and reread my post and who I point to.
The Afghan republic which was united under Zahid Shah with a semblance of control was easier to negotiate and get results to negotiations with than any of the fragmented factions that have come after it be it the Northern Alliance, Taliban or otherwise
Yeah and the day an Afghan republic gets slightly good economically and militarily, it’s the end of Pakistan. A centralized and internationally recognized afghan government might be easier to negotiate with but have fun dealing with them while you have Indians on the east and a potentially strong internationally recognized Afghanistan on the west and an opportunist snake Iran also on the west.
Pakistan can barely manage to keep a credible deterrent against Indians just image the trio (Afghanistan, Iran and india) all form a proper military alliance against us with strong armed forces. Even ghani regime conventionally was a threat to Pakistan because had they not been stuck in civil war, they had a 300k strong army with American backing and fairly decent equipment to give us a hard time on the western front.
And didn’t Afghanistan already under strong centralized republics try invading us 3 times and fund militancy in our areas.
With Taliban it’s ttp but they’re both rag tag militias which majority of the world is against.
With an Afghan republic it’s a professional army with strong alliances worldwide + a proxy group to help them.
We can even negotiate with Taliban if we play our cards right. Many TB ministers including their foreign minister has business in Pakistan and family living in Pakistan. You can’t have more leverage than this. Literally the TB higher ups survive off us. The TB being in the place they are today was cuz of us. Now with the iskp vs Taliban fight the amount of potential leverage we have in Afghanistan is unimaginable (look at kunar Taliban for example). Even ttp has many fault lines which can easily be exploited if our state wants. Just look at how they were under fazlullah’s time.
This is just using TB weaknesses as leverage. I haven’t even mentioned trade or other areas where we have unimaginable leverage.
The issue is Pakistan is full of incompetents in leadership. Civilian government has worse foreign policy than Taliban. Civilian government has ruined our relations always and they don’t even care about border areas. Even pti has horrible foreign policy. Our army loves playing with our country for their personal gains. We have no one truly looking out for Pakistani interests. The few that do are too few to make a difference and are sidelined. We are the only ones to blame. Even this TB project it couldn’t reaped many benefits had we played our cards right and actually put effort into our plan. Gen Hamid Gul was a great visionary person but unfortunately many don’t have the ability to understand him.

Like it or not, Taliban are our best bet in Afghanistan.
With the right strategy an Afghanistan with Taliban is an Afghanistan that’s our vassal.

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