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Protests against army in peshawar

My point is valid. They may be "good" in modern warfare,
But they really excel in dealing with plots and upkeep of Cantts,
This is their priority, rather than the defensive and offensive warfare capabilities.
They also excel in interfering in politics and running business's.
How many other COAS's act like a prime minister ?

Liberating Kashmir is not impossible.
Defeating India is not impossible.
Correcting the India Pak border is not impossible.
You give a number of reasons/excuses of why, I can see your point but
History shows sometimes a determined force, with better training and weapons can overcome numerical superiority .
But not the ones who deal in plots and play in politics.

The Israelis did it.
The Japanese did it.
The British took all of India with how many troops?

Let's all grow a pair and find a way. Make a way.
Get allies, get the locals on your side ( just like they did in 1971 )
Wait for the right opportunity and go for it.


No one will use nukes, The Indians bombed our trees and didn't care about nukes, we downed their plane and they did nothing.
Nukes mean nothing, until they get used. look at Ukraine vs Russia, its not stoping them from frighting back and taking back land,
The Russians are barking about Nukes but no one believes them.

I have Chinese speaking friends who follow influential think tanks
The Chinese have had enough of India and will attack at some point.
They view India as the weakest and most expendable member of the quad and want to show the world how far the military has come.
They don't want to lose a massive market for decades to come, so want the main battle to come from Pak.
It's just a matter of time for the next India Pak war, I believe we can do it and will never stop believing we can't do it.

The Taliban always believed they could drive out the Americans, no matter the odds and they did eventually,
They had Balls, they had friends, they had support from Pakistan and most importantly, they had an unshakable belief in God.
We need the same.
No chance of Pak denting India until army is cleansed of the corrupt elite and top tier and go back to basics and focus purely on defence and love of the country and not the perks..
This will only happen if there is a majority government which can push through legislation stopping the practice of allocation of plots to all government employees including armed forces.. No more defence only housing associations. No more military run businesses, no more ex army heading businesses and government entities.
All appointments based on merit…
Ahhh utopia… no chance without a bloody Iranian style revolution.. the current lot are not going to give up their perks that easily…
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No chance of Pak denting India until army is cleansed of the corrupt elite and top tier and go back to basics and focus purely on defence and love of the country and not the perks..
If you are not so blind, can you see there has been an escalation on India-China border which hasnt been there in decades. And that some Indian formations were raised to counter Chinese threat in the north, which will also get supported by Indian formations from nearby sectors.

How did that happen in last few years especially in the Kashmir region while it didn't escalate majorly since 1960s till now ?
Foot soldiers deserve the respect, they live on very little with high morals.
So do the officers. They are all in the same boat whether they like it or not, or whether anyone else accepts or not.

Army is based on "orders", soldiers and officers follow those, alike.
In spring there is a beauty contest in different cantts for the best house. The gardeners give their best and the cantonment officer house Vs Station Commander house becomes a tough battle. Obviously the Station Comd can summon more gardeners from different units than officially sanctioned (2-3). The roses, the flowers, the colorful display at those houses is a must see at the time of competition.

The Div Comd, Corps Comd houses, the Bde Comd houses, and the Log Comd houses can take part too. But the best part is the amount of vehicles available at these houses, not those broad arrow ones, but the green plate or the civilian plate with same number, the ones which easily integrate in the normal public.

In Peshawar, P/D Civil sect housing bureaucracy also has good lodgings near Governor and DC houses. Some of the houses are small but they are well kept, the facilities are good though.

Ohh by the way, have you been to the Sargodha Commissioner House ?
It is spread over 104 kanals, being Pakistan's largest government residence. There are only 33 staff members deployed for its maintenance while security personnel are other than that.

Then the Mansion of the Sahiwal Senior Superintendents of Police (SSP) which is spread over 98 kanals only. Okara's Flag Staff House of GOC, looks puny in front of it, though both are in the same region.

M-113 with 14.7mm, I was expecting a 12.7mm :what:

@Inception-06 I still feel that an IFV fulfills the "tank" narrative here instead of an APC, otherwise T-59s were deployed with Tenacious Ten and Battle Axe.
Nation is selfish for own interests- each and everyone. If nation would have been capable, then Kashmir would have been liberated by now as you say. Nation is high on emotions, low on IQ and extremely low on integrity. No wonder the nation keeps suffering at hands of its leaders. So save your "big words" which the nation is expert at.
So you can insult an entire nation but not a specific institution within that nation? Or did you just call the institution low on iq and integrity as well, as those are also part of this Pak nation - or by nation you mean bloody civilians only?
So you can insult an entire nation but not a specific institution within that nation? Or did you just call the institution low on iq and integrity as well, as those are also part of this Pak nation - or by nation you mean bloody civilians only?
Did you know that soldiers rising up in ranks get plots and land too ? Reaching the rank of JCO is considered prestigious. Just like a Lt or Captain hardly gets anything, a sepoy doesn't get anything worthwhile too, but rising in ranks is where both the soldiers and officers start getting perks.

As for the reply to yours Qs, I have replied that already in many posts of mine.
Did you know that soldiers rising up in ranks get plots and land too ? Reaching the rank of JCO is considered prestigious. Just like a Lt or Captain hardly gets anything, a sepoy doesn't get anything worthwhile too, but rising in ranks is where both the soldiers and officers start getting perks.

As for the reply to yours Qs, I have replied that already in many posts of mine.
Did I say anything about plots ? Make the entire country DHA from me.
All I said was that you are insulting an entire nation, which includes your self and institutions. Its very hypocritical to enjoy the freedom to call a group of people low iq, low integrity and emotional- but not tolerate similar words against yourself.
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You were born in Pakistan right ? At least you have family in Pakistan. The fact that you or your family are living in Pakistan while an enemy at least 3 times larger militarily has not impacted your freedom in last 75 years, by conquering Pakistan, is a testimony by itself for Pakistan Army.
Let’s be honest, the reason why Pakistan is alive isn’t only nukes, it’s also cuz it’s “selfish” civilians have Jihadi Jazba and jazba for shahadat. Army has played with this and has been sending Pakistanis all over the region yj fight for it.
Volunteering during war times by civilians is a common concept, in fact Military turned down most of the requests, while in some cases such requests like Hurs were accepted.
Was Soviet Afghan war during war time?
Was beginning of 47 even considered war time cuz pak army refused to fight when tribals went in?
Was the height of Kashmir Jihad in 80s and 90s when Pakistanis were sent into the thousands to iok considered war time?
Was post 9/11 when Pakistanis sent into Afghanistan to fight Americans and nato considered war time?
Was doing raids on loc considered war time?

The picture I posted in the beginning was a Shaheed who attained martyrdom this year in iok when him and his accomplice alone raided an Indian army signals intel base in iok. They were from Punjab Pakistan. Was this considered war time too? When Pakistanis sent in to iok by army to fight Indians just for army and politicians to play politics on their shahadat and use it for their own personnel gains. You tell me who’s the real selfish? Is the one who leaves his family, his property, his everything to go and fight solely for the purpose of helping his oppressed brothers and sisters, and willing to be unknown and die and be put in an unmarked grave, selfish?
Who’s the real selfish one? The one who sends them to fight then arrests their leader and dismantles their network arresting and killing their leadership or the ones who are fighting for the country?
At least put some respect on the Shaheed and have some shame before you call everyone selfish. Go look at how many thousands or tens of thousands of Pakistani have been martyred all over the region, in Iran, in Afghanistan, in India and beyond cuz establishment sent them in for their own gains.
Fear Allah. How you guys played with the blood of the Shaheed you’ll surely face the wrath of Allah. Unlike army, civilians have enough sense not to send the country into flames for their own gain.
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We clearly have one stupid army leadership at the top...they really just create more problems for them selves

they have lost and they cannot accept it gracefully

now i understand why we lost 1971, it wasnt that indians won , it so much we lost.

idiots never learn from history
Let’s be honest, the reason why Pakistan is alive isn’t only nukes, it’s also cuz it’s “selfish” civilians have Jihadi Jazba and jazba for shahadat. Army has played with this and has been sending Pakistanis all over the region yj fight for it.

Was Soviet Afghan war during war time?
Was beginning of 47 even considered war time cuz pak army refused to fight when tribals went in?
Was the height of Kashmir Jihad in 80s and 90s when Pakistanis were sent into the thousands to iok considered war time?
Was post 9/11 when Pakistanis sent into Afghanistan to fight Americans and nato considered war time?
Was doing raids on loc considered war time?

The picture I posted in the beginning was a Shaheed who attained martyrdom this year in iok when him and his accomplice alone raided an Indian army signals intel base in iok. They were from Punjab Pakistan. Was this considered war time too? When Pakistanis sent in to iok by army to fight Indians just for army and politicians to play politics on their shahadat and use it for their own personnel gains. You tell me who’s the real selfish? Is the one who leaves his family, his property, his everything to go and fight solely for the purpose of helping his oppressed brothers and sisters, and willing to be unknown and die and be put in an unmarked grave, selfish?
Who’s the real selfish one? The one who sends them to fight then arrests their leader and dismantles their network arresting and killing their leadership or the ones who are fighting for the country?
At least put some respect on the Shaheed and have some shame before you call everyone selfish. Go look at how many thousands or tens of thousands of Pakistani have been martyred all over the region, in Iran, in Afghanistan, in India and beyond cuz establishment sent them in for their own gains.
Fear Allah. How you guys played with the blood of the Shaheed you’ll surely face the wrath of Allah. Unlike army, civilians have enough sense not to send the country into flames for their own gain.
The only reason Pakistan is being targeted and there are efforts to dismantle Pakistan and the nukes are the NUKES. That is not only honesty, but its the political reality which thrives currently today in international circles.

When has Pakistan Army not been in war circumstances (announced/un announced) against Indians ? Its mere stupidity to ignore that Military Ops only exist in war time. See Ops inside Pakistan, inside IOK, Siachen and LOC.
ایسا ٹائم آ چکا ہے کہ وردی اب شرم کا لباس ہے جو پہنے اسے شرم آنی چاہیے کہ وہ مافیا کا حصہ ہے ۔

So do the officers. They are all in the same boat whether they like it or not, or whether anyone else accepts or not.

Army is based on "orders", soldiers and officers follow those, alike.
آفیسرز بھی بے گنا سولجرز بھی بے گنا تو ملک کس نے برباد کیا ہے مارشل لاء کس بی سی نے لگائے یہ جو کچھ ہو رہا کون کر رہا ہے ؟ تم نے حد کر دی چاٹنے کی بھائی
Did I say anything about plots ? Make the entire country DHA from me.
All I said was that you are insulting an entire nation, which includes your self and institutions. Its very hypocritical to enjoy the freedom to call a group of people low iq, low integrity and emotional- but not tolerate similar words against yourself.
I hope the "insult" is felt or accepted or both. At least the blame game will stop once and for all. The hypocrisy exists in the nation which pays Rs.500 to the cop for breaking a law on the way to offer salah in mosque. Like I said, read my posts where I have already explained it.

DHA aren't the only pieces of land that Military gives out.
Army is again looking for someone to step forward and become the next Nawaz Shareef (or even Imran Khan in some respect, in his beginning years). Problem for army is, there is no one left in society except for Allama Saad Rizvi. Today's statement from Asif Zardari, in favour of army, should be seen in this context.
We have bilawal and whole PDM.

Issue is that don't want cleanze Nawaz sharif.

So I guess it's gonna be bilawal then followed by maryum Nawaz but she still listens to her father and that's what they do tike.
If push comes to shove there is always the back Hamza shahbaz
ایسا ٹائم آ چکا ہے کہ وردی اب شرم کا لباس ہے جو پہنے اسے شرم آنی چاہیے کہ وہ مافیا کا حصہ ہے ۔

آفیسرز بھی بے گنا سولجرز بھی بے گنا تو ملک کس نے برباد کیا ہے مارشل لاء کس بی سی نے لگائے یہ جو کچھ ہو رہا کون کر رہا ہے ؟ تم نے حد کر دی چاٹنے کی بھائی
You and I, the public, who are so powerless and helpless in front of decision makers.

Tell me Maani, what have you practically done, in real life, since IK lost his seat in April, apart from abusing, cursing, blaming and speaking out your heart. Actually I cant even call you a hypocrite coz you say whats on your mind with no fear, but have you done something practically for IK ?
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