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Only in India can a Muslim rise to top Shah Faesal’s dig at Pakistan

Your comment above is what *is* precisely the problem. Muslims have been a part of India for centuries, with beef as part of their diet (note - I could also wax eloquence about Hindus and beef, but that would digress) but you have successfully "othered" them by condemning them to be alien to India.

Until you change that mindset and perspective, the Muslims will continue to be the second class citizens that you have condemned them to be. As said earlier, a Muslim is good for you only when he/she is in the service of the upper caste Hindu India. Otherwise this depraved society has no need for him/her.
What part of my comment did you not get, bro ?

I know a shit tonne of BJP voters who eat beef all the time, all I was saying is one has to be cognizant of where you are, who you're with etc, spl when it comes to these kinds of sensibilities.

Not disputing that muslims have been here for centuries, India claims/embraces even, Islam just as much as any full on Muslim country. To wish for some to live and abide by certain contemporary (might go away in the future) cultural sensibilities for the greater good is far from "condemning them to be alien to the land"

a Muslim is good for you only when he/she is in the service of the upper caste Hindu India.

dunno who or what indoctrinated you but you've truly lost it in case you're being genuine and not hyperbolic here, for I know many who are many times more "wealthier" than me (I'm not wealthy at all even) .. proper khandaani raheezi waaley.

I also occasionally employ them, mostly muslims, they seem to be.. carpentry, karigari of all sorts, small mechanic type kaam me.. hindu/muslim/atheist.. couldn't care less.

So, high level (rich), not that well to do, everyone in between.. know them, and have gotten along with everyone of them. I'm no unique case, har banday ki story hai.. you just like to exaggerate the shi1 out of stuff, don't you ?

You just constantly painting with too broad a brush here.. fux wrong with you ?

Over the ages humaray Hindustan me saarey absorb ho jaatey gaye cultures, Parsis, Musalmans, Xtians, Buddhist dharmis.. ek time pe Hindu vs Buddhist ka bhi lafra tha.

I done the length and breadth of this country on a bike, man. Aap shayad zyada nahi ghoomay.. distantly related (via familial inter inter religious marriages) to erstwhile nawaabis from Kanpur and Rampur to Hyderabad even.

Not going to drop names but humaray bhot kareeb family friends and muslim intellectual bhi ek saab thei who got literally lynched by his muslim students many years ago at a very well known uni.

I wish you would get out of your victimhood complex.. I here to help, bro.
What part of my comment did you not get, bro ?

I know a shit tonne of BJP voters who eat beef all the time, all I was saying is one has to be cognizant of where you are, who you're with etc, spl when it comes to these kinds of sensibilities.

Not disputing that muslims have been here for centuries, India claims/embraces even, Islam just as much as any full on Muslim country. To wish for some to live and abide by certain contemporary (might go away in the future) cultural sensibilities for the greater good is far from "condemning them to be alien to the land"

dunno who or what indoctrinated you but you've truly lost it in case you're being genuine and not hyperbolic here, for I know many who are many times more "wealthier" than me (I'm not wealthy at all even) .. proper khandaani raheezi waaley.

I also occasionally employ them, mostly muslims, they seem to be.. carpentry, karigari of all sorts, small mechanic type kaam me.. hindu/muslim/atheist.. couldn't care less.

So, high level (rich), not that well to do, everyone in between.. know them, and have gotten along with everyone of them. I'm no unique case, har banday ki story hai.. you just like to exaggerate the shi1 out of stuff, don't you ?

You just constantly painting with too broad a brush here.. fux wrong with you ?

Over the ages humaray Hindustan me saarey absorb ho jaatey gaye cultures, Parsis, Musalmans, Xtians, Buddhist dharmis.. ek time pe Hindu vs Buddhist ka bhi lafra tha.

I done the length and breadth of this country on a bike, man. Aap shayad zyada nahi ghoomay.. distantly related (via familial inter inter religious marriages) to erstwhile nawaabis from Kanpur and Rampur to Hyderabad even.

Not going to drop names but humaray bhot kareeb family friends and muslim intellectual bhi ek saab thei who got literally lynched by his muslim students many years ago at a very well known uni.

I wish you would get out of your victimhood complex.. I here to help, bro.

Your comments, though probably well meaning in your mind, are quite meaningless. Most of your comments display, what is called as "euphemistic majoritarianism". In other words, your limited personal experiences are being used to dismiss any claims to the contrary. Most of my Hindu friends are the same. I am probably that token Muslim when they say - I have a Muslim friend and we eat Biryani at his house all the time.

BJP members or Hindus eating beef are not the issue here. Nobody will lynch them or even criticize them. Muslims, on the other hand, are not afforded that luxury. The same can be said for any Hindu praying in a train or hospital or on the road. They can do it, while Muslims cannot. That is what this country has become, and the majority is fine with it and have enabled it.
your limited personal experiencesYour comments, though probably well meaning in your mind, are quite meaningless. Most of your comments display, what is called as "euphemistic majoritarianism". In other words, your limited personal experiences are being used to dismiss any claims to the contrary. Most of my Hindu friends are the same. I am probably that token Muslim when they say - I have a Muslim friend and we eat Biryani at his house all the time.

BJP members or Hindus eating beef are not the issue here. Nobody will lynch them or even criticize them. Muslims, on the other hand, are not afforded that luxury. The same can be said for any Hindu praying in a train or hospital or on the road. They can do it, while Muslims cannot. That is what this country has become, and the majority is fine with it and have enabled it.
bull 5hit

I'm not downplaying anything here, no brushing under the carpet.. nada.. none of that.. only interested in factual reality, which I can only relate to in a subjective or experential way, which is why I threw in a few anecdotes there with that disclaimer even.

Also, how is what any of what you're saying here, anything but subjective, or, as you put it "limited personal experiences are being used to dismiss any claims to the contrary."

Can't quite recall but I might've asked this of you before.. have you been shafted in one way or the other owing to your being a muslim ? Terribly sorry if you have, just in case you have been subjected to that sort of stuff.

I see these all over Indian airports "prayer rooms"


^you can guess by the graphics kis ke liye hain

not begrudging that at all, it's all good afaic.. sanu ki ? aap 5 kya, pachaas baar ya 500 times parho apni kitaab and do your religion thing.

sure, you might get the odd bigot or whatever but the overwhelming majority of people (who just happen to be Hindu) just let other people be.. ok, no problem, none whatsoever brah.

and no, "some of my best friends are black" waali baat kisi angle se nahi hai

Amreeka ke goron/kallon ki.. forget about it for now

Pakistan Amreeka ki baat ni kar re yaha

I'm yet to see a "Hindu" prayer room or someone demanding to do aarti with banned matchsticks and lighters onboard and lighting incence on a flight and blocking the way to the lavatory on a flight yet. I understand Etihad, Emirates, QA and many others do offer compasses to correctly point to the place so Muslim people can bray... and that's fine too. I have also seen the odd scared first time flyer Hindu aunty scared shitless and reciting mantras once but lmao..

So, anyway.. no.. I reject completely what you're saying.. ki musalmans are in any way being impeded in practicing their religion in India. Sasaras jhoot, this is.

Baaki, some rural hinterland village me kuch hua to usko le k, 1 billion people pe khoon ka nishaan feko ge and declare them guilty ? .. Which is what you're constantly doing on here.

Gaur kariye in facts pe, bro.
Within India there is a term to describe such Muslims,
they are known as "Sarkari Muslims or Sarkari Musalman".

They are just paid servants.

Following are the voices of Kashmiri citizens.
It's timestamped.

@INDIAPOSITIVE @Areesh @One_Nation @Maula Jatt @xeuss @-=virus=- @Flight of falcon @newb3e @Zornix @Sinnerman108 @Samurai_assassin @lastofthepatriots @khansaheeb @mangochutney @SaadH @hussain0216 @DESERT FIGHTER @LakeHawk180 @Kyusuibu Honbu @Black Tornado @Cheepek @my2cents @waz

And this type of sarkari Muslim is what they want, they want Muslims to forget their faith, values, culture and be this type of Muslim Hindu hybrid emersed in shirk so that they are deemed acceptance by the Hindus

You have these uncle Tom types lionised by the Hindus think of Tarek Fatah etc

And to repeatedly make the same point it's what Jinnah and our forefathers always said would happen, that Muslims would not be acceptable unless they conform to the Hindus idolatry thus freedom and independence is the only way

This is where Indian Muslims are today,, you have uncle Tom types like the Ajmal guy on this site who are like chained dogs and their is actual movement on the ground at the moment

It's why bullshit about Kashmir is so worthless because when their is communalism and riots in Delhi then how the hell would they expect Kashmiri to tolerate Hindus moving into their areas and neighborhoods
IAS officer Shah Faesal took a dig at Pakistan on Tuesday after Rishi Sunak was appointed as the UK’s first Indian-origin Prime Minister. He cited his own journey as a civil services officer in India and said that nowhere else on earth do Muslims enjoy such freedom

“It's possible only in India that a Muslim youngster from Kashmir can go on to top the Indian Civil Service exam, rise to top echelons of the government, then fall apart with the government and still be rescued and taken back by the same government,” he tweeted in a threa

“Rishi Saunak's appointment might be a surprise for our neighbours where the Constitution bars non-Muslims from top posts in the Government, but Indian democracy has never discriminated ethnic and religious minorities from the rest,” Faesal tweeted on Tuesday.

“As equal citizens, Indian Muslims enjoy freedoms that are unthinkable in any other so called Islamic country.

Citing the ups and downs in his career as an IAS officer, Faesal said: “My own life-story is about a journey, shoulder to shoulder, with each fellow citizen of this nation of 1.3 Billion people, where I have felt owned, respected, encouraged and at times pampered at every step of the way. That's India.”

“From Maulana Azad to Dr. Manmohan Singh and Dr. Zakir Hussain to HE President Droupadi Murmu, India has always been THE land of equal opportunity and the road to the top is open to all. Won't be wrong if I say I have been to the mountain top and seen it for myself,” he added.

Time is the best teacher!

Ask/tell him to just hang in there! 10-15 years later a lot of things will be much clear to him and many alike him :P
So, anyway.. no.. I reject completely what you're saying.. ki musalmans are in any way being impeded in practicing their religion in India. Sasaras jhoot, this is.

Find me a place where Muslims can pray in Gurgaon. Muslims are not allowed to build mosques, Muslims are not allowed to pray in an open space.

Keep your bullshit to yourself.
Within India there is a term to describe such Muslims,
they are known as "Sarkari Muslims or Sarkari Musalman".

They are just paid servants.

Following are the voices of Kashmiri citizens.
It's timestamped.

@INDIAPOSITIVE @Areesh @One_Nation @Maula Jatt @xeuss @-=virus=- @Flight of falcon @newb3e @Zornix @Sinnerman108 @Samurai_assassin @lastofthepatriots @khansaheeb @mangochutney @SaadH @hussain0216 @DESERT FIGHTER @LakeHawk180 @Kyusuibu Honbu @Black Tornado @Cheepek @my2cents @waz
Problem is these sarkari Musalman don't feel any backlash or consequences for their betrayal of their people, which is exactly the reason why people like Abdullah and Mufti family thrive and prosper.
Within India there is a term to describe such Muslims,
they are known as "Sarkari Muslims or Sarkari Musalman".

They are just paid servants.

Following are the voices of Kashmiri citizens.
It's timestamped.

@INDIAPOSITIVE @Areesh @One_Nation @Maula Jatt @xeuss @-=virus=- @Flight of falcon @newb3e @Zornix @Sinnerman108 @Samurai_assassin @lastofthepatriots @khansaheeb @mangochutney @SaadH @hussain0216 @DESERT FIGHTER @LakeHawk180 @Kyusuibu Honbu @Black Tornado @Cheepek @my2cents @waz
Similar interview of another bunch of people.
Find me a place where Muslims can pray in Gurgaon. Muslims are not allowed to build mosques, Muslims are not allowed to pray in an open space.

Keep your bullshit to yourself.
Which country has the 2nd largest no of mosques in the world ?

365 days a year 5 times a day loudspeaker azaans blaring

Im glad you took your bs and got the f out of here... Dont ever come back, cvnt

Similar clashes happened in Sydney some time back. They are raking their communal violence everywhere.
Lol that vid was jokes

Man they look half the size of the Sikhs lol the Sikhs would eat them alive . Here in UK as well these newcomers are tiny with matchstick arms and pigeon chests .

Unlike the older generation Indians
Which country has the 2nd largest no of mosques in the world ?

365 days a year 5 times a day loudspeaker azaans blaring

Im glad you took your bs and got the f out of here... Dont ever come back, cvnt


The number of Mosques is due to Muslim history in India not because Mosques have been allowed to have been built by india
The number of Mosques is due to Muslim history in India not because Mosques have been allowed to have been built by india
Theres new ones popping up ALL OVER the place, ALL the time, idiot.

I live here, I know.
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