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Blackhawk Crash in Afghanistan

Metal 0-1

Aug 14, 2016
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So this video popped up from Afghanistan yesterday(10th Sept) showing a Blackhawk crashing. Which reportedly killed 3 people and Injured 5 others.

I don't know if this video is old or new. But if it's I won't be surprised it's because some guy decided to use a hammer to maintain.

Is it a surprise? There is only so long you can fly machines without proper support.
So this video popped up from Afghanistan yesterday(10th Sept) showing a Blackhawk crashing. Which reportedly killed 3 people and Injured 5 others.

I don't know if this video is old or new. But if it's I won't be surprised it's because some guy decided to use a hammer to maintain.

Afghan Blackhawk were very old, they are the 80s batch, the same batch that we sold to the Chinese back in 1985 (or 86) or the Australian in 87. IIRC the US only refeb the engine and the airframe and everything else stayed 80s.

You wouldn't caught me in one of them when they are properly maintained by the Afghan Air Force and our contractor, for sure you wouldn't want to be on one now.
You can fly it, but if no maintenance is performed as scheduled, you'll end up crashing it. I doubt any of them know the first thing on how to maintain it. Expect more of this with any aircraft left behind :-(
what is the maintaince of these helicopter? oil change?

They might have left the kit behind, but without maintenace it's going to kill you. Best sell it to someone who wants it and can look after it.
what is the maintaince of these helicopter? oil change?
A LOT more than just oil change.

This guy bought a used Blackhawk, see how much stuff he has to do on it before FAA let him fly it

Must also consider the psychological factor - if Pilot watched Afghan/Pakistan cricket match day before, the loss is unbearable.

Otherwise definitely maintenance issue
Here, most likely, it’s just the wear of the main rotor gearbox, so the helicopter fell. The pilot cannot be blamed. On many helicopters, you can land on autorotation, but it didn’t work out here (((
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