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Defence.pk infected with malwares?

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Aug 1, 2010
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Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer!
The website at Pakistan Defence contains elements from the site ·ÉÑï¾üÊÂ, which appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer.
For detailed information about the problems with these elements, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page for ·ÉÑï¾üÊÂ.
Learn more about how to protect yourself from harmful software online.
An object (such as picture or video) was posted, and that picture was hosted on a server which was flagged by google as unsafe. That's the problem. It's another server that hosts the problematic file, not defence.pk's server.
this matter is becoming serious day by day

hmmm... webby must stand up and fight :rofl:
Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer!
The website at Pakistan Defence contains elements from the site ·ÉÑï¾üÊÂ, which appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer.
For detailed information about the problems with these elements, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page for ·ÉÑï¾üÊÂ.
Learn more about how to protect yourself from harmful software online.

I 've been there, I've done that. And I am not hurt. And I think I have hurt them.

So, the mentioned site can hurt Google, but not me. Isn't this insane.
Can you give me the link when you click and you get this message.

I suggest you use Mozilla Firefox for now.
This issue is fixed. Please refrain from hotlinking fyis.cn site.
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Mozilla is not the safest browser and is really bad in some aspects.
I recommend Linux over Windows, Linux is from Finland, and stay away from Americans;
I recommend Yandex over Google, Yandex is from Russia, and stay away from Americans;
I recommend Opera over Firefox/InternetExplorer, Opera is from Norway, and stay away from Americans;
I recommend turning off flash players, it's buggy nobody knows what it does, and stay away from Americans;

Why do we want to stay away from the Americans, because their independent business enterprise was a thing of the past, they are more and more in bed with capitol hills, thus can't be trusted, no more.

If you are not convinced, look at me, I don't even have country any more due to Americans. If you don't remember, they bomb the sh*t out of us in lat 90's, for no aparent reason other than we have Slavian blood in our veins.

This is the lesson I learned with blood and tears. Stay away from the Americans. They will trace your phones, record your conversations, and everything about you.

Do not use Gmail, I will never allow my pidegon to be named Sam.

What are you waiting for, do the switch, and life can still go on, without Americans.
If you don't remember, they bomb the sh*t out of us in lat 90's, for no aparent reason other than we have Slavian blood in our veins.

Hummmmmmm. I wonder if the reason had something to do with killing Muslims? Maybe like in Sarajevo? But you are safe with your anti-Americanism even here among the Ummah. They don't give Americans any credit for protecting the Muslims of your "country" from you.
Hummmmmmm. I wonder if the reason had something to do with killing Muslims? Maybe like in Sarajevo? But you are safe with your anti-Americanism even here among the Ummah. They don't give Americans any credit for protecting the Muslims of your "country" from you.

You just can't stay away from the Americans, can you. For crying out loud, I don't even have a country any more. What else do you want from me.
Hummmmmmm. I wonder if the reason had something to do with killing Muslims? Maybe like in Sarajevo? But you are safe with your anti-Americanism even here among the Ummah. They don't give Americans any credit for protecting the Muslims of your "country" from you.

As far as protecting the Muslims is concerned, yeah right, FBI camouflaged to the mosque to protect them by finding out what the hell they are doing. You can also talk about protecting the Japanese in world war II by sending them all to prisons with no questions asked.

Yeah right.
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