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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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When you attack black people, they call it Racism.
When you attack Jewish people, they call it Anti-semetism.
When you attack women, they call it Sexism.
When you attack homosexuality, they call it Intolerance.
When you attack your country, they call it Treason.
When you attack a religious sect, they call it Hate Speech.
But when you attack Prophet Mohammad, they want to call it "Freedom of Speech"!!!!

But murder sounds the same in all cases............
If you take a poll, then what percent of Pakistanis would condemn and what percent of Pakistanis would condone this killing? I think that would show how many people are talking against blasphemy law and how many people are justifying terrorism.

Anyway, any terrorist attack is unjustified which always shows Pakistan as terrorist-factory to outside Pakistan. So sad.
You don't get to decide that , the bill should be presented to the parliament and they should decide if it stays as it is or should be amended.

Its the democratic right of the Pakistani people to run their country how ever they want to run it.

When French parliament decided that muslim women cannot wear a piece of cloth on and around their head and face and when swiss decided that Muslims aren't allowed to build few meters of concrete over the mosques it wasn't received pleasantly in the wider international community.

People thought that it is discrimination but French and swiss people pulled the middle finger in international community's face because the decision was taken by the french and swiss people and they were democratic decisions.

IF the majority of the Pakistani people decide that Blasphemy laws stay , no one has the right to tell them what to do as its their democratic right same as it was for the french and swiss.

when you have only around 50% literacy rate like pakistan you will have alot of people who support things detrimental to society and this blasphemy law is one of them .
Mess with Islam.. and there are many more Iqbal's praised illiterate but devoted Muslims prepared to take you on...

Be it a hirsi, Rushdie, Limbaugh or others..

Fair enough.

However, please be prepared for the other sides to push back and take on these fanatics as well.

We shall soon see who is victorious. As of today, Ayan, Salman and Rush are all enjoying life by the grace of same Almighty you and I believe in.
well i am flattered that you think so highly of me
this is a forum....not the Parliament house. Not the Supreme Court. I will leave the decision making and deliberations to them.
Anyone can formulate and act upon their opinions.

A governor has been murdered. So have thousands of other people. What's your point?
Ewww....how heartless.

When you have a govt. that is so embattled and corrupt and inept to the core (one that your country dogmatically greases) then what sudden changes can you expect?
Lots! And failing that, for the people to seek change themselves by developing new leaders and new government.

Will it help if I write my senator and congressman to increase scrutiny of the funds the U.S. does provide to Pakistan, and perhaps reduce them as well? (The U.S. has already starting withholding funds to Pakistani Army units suspected of human-rights violations.)
Its a sad incident, i condemn the way he was killed, not his death. No body should take law into his own hands.
Million times i wish death to him and his corrupt kind (dirty politicians) that let drones strikes happen on Pakistani soil, that leads to deaths of scores of innocent people against one terrorist.

Same thing happen when a terrorist blows himself up, 1 dead terrorist and scores of dead innocents.

I see both type of attacks on the same scale. Both are Terrorists taking innocent lives..
You don't get to decide that , the bill should be presented to the parliament and they should decide if it stays as it is or should be amended.

Its the democratic right of the Pakistani people to run their country how ever they want to run it.

Tell that to all the extremists (so called religious parties) who are demonstrating against any change in the law and threatening with dire consequences if any attempt to make amendments are made. Salman Taseer died for the same reason for disagreeing with the law.

These religious fanatics do not believe in democracy. Who are you kidding?
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Islam of the 21st century.:coffee:

This is for your kind info
When you attack black people, they call it Racism.
When you attack Jewish people, they call it Anti-semetism.
When you attack women, they call it Sexism.
When you attack homosexuality, they call it Intolerance.
When you attack your country, they call it Treason.
When you attack a religious sect, they call it Hate Speech.
But when you attack Prophet Mohammad, they want to call it "Freedom of Speech"!!!!

Please care to produce a single Verse from the Glorious Quran or the Sahih Hadith where the Prophet SAW ordered to Kill someone because he/she insulted him.

Our Prophet PBUH prayed in favor for the people of Taif who stoned him and made him bleed to his toes.

I am in favor of the Blasphemy laws as long as they do cover all religions and do not prosecute people for little mistakes which cannot be described as crime as well as if they also be fair and equal ie If Pakistani Muslims throw a dead cow in a hindu temple they also should be prosecuted !

The amendment must be brought in to make sure that the process remains transparent , Death penalty should be scrapped !
We lost another national icon in the hand of extremism. Don't know who son of ***** gave this guard news of home in heaven.
295c a gift of Zia, nodoubt its a " kala kanon". .
One of the best 'Comments' posted about this tragic matter is by a Pakistani on the NY Times main story today. Comment #29 by A.Syed. I fully echo his sentiments and remedy: Americans leave Afghanistan and cut off all Pakistan aid. Leave Pakistan and Pakistanis to themselves. It will be sorted out before too long. One way or another.

Prominent Ally of Pakistan?s President Is Assassinated - Readers' Comments - NYTimes.com

As an Pakistani-American I am saddened by this news. After traveling back to Pakistan over the past few years I've realized that the only way the US can hold back the anger/agression of the religious extremists is to simply stop the drone attacks, leave Afghanistan and Pakistan and cut off all official gov't aid to Pakistan (to avoid looking like we're pulling puppet strings).

What many people refuse to understand is that our simple presence in Pakistan is being used by extremists to recruit vulnerable young men to their side.

Some of the commenters seem to believe that a religion is to blame or a certain people. Let me remind all that this is borderline Islamophobia/bigotry. Those who feel this way should know that their counterparts in Pakistan are the Jamaat Islami Party and other radical bigots.

Lastly, to the Pakistanis. Pull your country together. This is not about Islam vs. the West. It is about the foundation of your existance. Let me remind you that the Pakistani flag is colored green for Muslims and white for the non-Muslim minority. In other words, it is about living in harmony and blasphemy laws make living side by side (like in Muhammad Ali Jinnah's vision of Pakistan) much harder.
Not a single person has been hanged this year due to the efforts of our moderate government (even the judiciary declared the punishement), i wonder what will happen to this guy.
Mumtaz Qadri is cia agent...
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