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Why Muslim countries are quick at condemning defamation – but often ignore rights violations against Muslim minorities


Sep 17, 2021
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United States
The Indian government finds itself in a diplomatic crisis following offensive remarks by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson, Nupur Sharma, on national television about the Prophet Muhammad and his wife, Aisha. The BJP has suspended Sharma from the position, but that has not been enough to quell the crisis. Over a dozen Muslim countries, including Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, have condemned the Indian government and asked for a public apology.

This is just another incident of hate speech against Muslims, which has been rising in India since the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led BJP government came to power in 2014. The government has been criticized for several lynchings of Muslims by Hindu mobs with police indifference and judicial apathy over the past years. In 2019, the BJP passed a new citizenship law that discriminated against Muslims, and its Islamophobic attitudes recently encouraged some schools and colleges to impose a headscarf ban on students.

These discriminatory policies have a global significance because India has the world’s third-largest Muslim population, after Indonesia and Pakistan. Out of the estimated Indian population of 1.4 billion, about 210 million – 15% – are Muslim.

As a Muslim, I am aware of the deep reverence for Prophet Muhammad, and I understand Muslim individuals’ resentment. The reaction of Muslim governments, however, reflect their political regimes. As my book “Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment” explains, most Muslim governments are authoritarian and concentrate on condemning sacrilege against Islam – more than advocating to protect the rights of Muslim minorities abroad.

Aisha: a powerful woman​

The recent Indian case focused on Aisha’s age when she married the Prophet. Aisha is one of the most important, vigorous and powerful figures in Islamic history. The favorite wife of the Prophet, she was the daughter of the Prophet’s successor and closest friend, Abu Bakr. She became a leading narrator of hadith – the records of the Prophet’s words and actions – the teacher of many scholars and a military leader in a civil war.

According to a hadith record, Aisha was 9 years old when she got married. Some Muslims accept this record and see it normal for a pre-modern marriage, whereas other Muslims believe that Aisha was either 18 or 19 years old by referring to other records.

It is not possible to know the true facts of Aisha’s age. As Islamic scholar Khaled Abou El Fadl stresses, “we do not know and will never know” them. Sharma thus used a single narration, while ignoring alternative Muslim explanations, in her remarks.

Prioritizing blasphemy, not human rights​

This is not the first time that Muslim governments have reacted to defamatory actions against the Prophet. The long list of incidents includes Iran’s Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini’s 1989 call on Muslims to kill novelist Salman Rushdie and the 2006 boycott of Danish products throughout the Middle East in reaction to a dozen cartoons published in a newspaper.

An interesting pattern is visible in Muslim governments’ attitudes: They are very vocal when it comes to the cases of verbal or artistic attacks on Islamic values, whereas they are generally silent about human rights violations against Muslim individuals.

Muslim individuals in India have complained about the violations of their rights for almost a decade, but Muslim governments did not show a noteworthy reaction to the BJP until this defamation incident.

Another example is China, which has been persecuting 12 million Uyghur Muslims for many years. No Muslim government showed any major reaction. Instead, these governments have focused on their material interests and disregarded how the Chinese state treats its Muslim minority.

This double standard can be explained by the widespread authoritarianism in the Muslim world. Out of 50 Muslim countries, only five are democratic. Most authoritarian governments in the Muslim world have blasphemy laws that punish sacrilegious statements and suppress dissenting voices. That these governments should demand the punishment of blasphemy and defamation from India or other non-Muslim countries follows from these policies.

Another characteristic of authoritarian Muslim governments is their own violations of the rights of religious and ethnic minorities. In Pakistan, these violations have targeted the Ahmadiyya, Shia, Hindu and some other religious communities, while in Iran, ethnic minorities, including Azerbaijani Turks, Baluchis and Kurds, faced discrimination in education and employment. A rights-based discourse abroad, therefore, would contradict these governments’ policies at home.

Authoritarianism in the Muslim world has tragic consequences for Muslim minorities in India and elsewhere. Muslim governments’ short-term, emotional reactions to some defamation cases do not help improve the conditions of Muslim minorities, who actually need a more consistent and principled support.
In term of Uigyur, Indonesian has made many pressure to China and even tell that directly to China FM in person. Many times OIC has condem India, including Indonesia government over India treatment on its Muslim minority. So dont talk BS in here.

I doubt OP is Muslim.
All non-muslims come to this conclusion the first, the most tangible , logically depth less and simple example of hypocrisy.

Which muslims fail to address willingly, with full honest intent.

To vilify non-muslims and ask non-muslims to not vilify muslims.

Good thing one Muslim finally pointed out the elephant planted atop Islam's head.

In term of Uigyur, Indonesian has made many pressure to China and even tell that directly to China FM in person. Many times OIC has condem India, including Indonesia government over India treatment on its Muslim minority. So dont talk BS in here.

I doubt OP is Muslim.
if you are muslim , you are exonerating his point of view , and if not you are correcty identifying a pattern.
I doubt OP is Muslim.

OP is a well-known Indian troll and not a very bright one at that.

His posting pattern is strongly pro-India, anti-Pakistan, anti-China and anti-Muslim.

The dead giveaway is this line by him in the OP

Authoritarianism in the Muslim world has tragic consequences for Muslim minorities in India

This despicable troll is blaming the Muslim world for the actions of his BJP Hindus fanatics in India.

Good thing one Muslim finally pointed out the elephant planted atop Islam's head.

As expected, this thread is a magnet for Hindutva trolls.
Many times OIC has condem India, including Indonesia government over India treatment on its Muslim minority
I'm disgusted by India as much as the next person but why are they obliged to act secular whilst Muslims want to enact Sharia Laws? we all saw what happened when Islam became a majority in Pakistan and Afghanistan, ask for secularism when in minority then when you become majority you start persecuting non Muslims and eventually coerce them to convert or flee. When Islam became the majority religion in a province in Thailand for example they enforced Sharia, demanded a separate province and would persecute the remaining Buddhists.
I doubt OP is Muslim.
Yes I'm non religious, but hypocrisy must be called out
Yes I'm non religious, but hypocrisy must be called out

Absolute bullsh!t.

You repeated and tried to legitimize the false hadith which was quoted by your BJP Hindutva fanatics.

Also, you don't understand the word hypocrisy. India is a hypocrite because it claims to be a secular nation.

Ditto so-called secular France which has more holidays based on Christianity than any other European country, and which passes laws exempting and allowing Christian customs while denying others.

Israel is called out, not because it is a Jewish state, which it has every right to be, but because it claims to be a liberal democracy, which it is not.

As Indian trolls go, you are not a very bright one. Maybe it's time you came back with a different ID and tried to not give yourself away so easily.
You repeated and tried to legitimize the false hadith which was quoted by your BJP Hindutva fanatics.
It wasn't a false hadith, and not everyone who criticises Islam is a Hindu fanatic. They must have really gotten rent free in your head if you think everyone you disagree with is one.
Also, you don't understand the word hypocrisy. India is a hypocrite because it claims to be a secular nation.

Ditto so-called secular France which has more holidays based on Christianity than any other European country, and which passes laws exempting and allowing Christian customs while denying others.
Hypocrisy is obsessing over and whining about other countries not being "secular" whilst being a Islamist who supports enhancing Sharia Laws and persecuting non Muslims. And France is a secular nation, how is giving holidays off for Christians who are a majority akin to non secularism? who doesn't like holidays and days off?
It wasn't a false hadith,

You just keep digging yourself deeper and exposing your true self. Congratulations!

and not everyone who criticises Islam is a Hindu fanatic.

People who spread false hadiths are Islamophobes. Like you.

Hypocrisy is obsessing over and whining about other countries not being "secular" whilst being a Islamist who supports enhancing Sharia Laws and persecuting non Muslims.

Once again, hypocrisy is claiming to be a secular country when you clearly are not. Nobody criticizes Israel for standing up for Jewish rights because they are openly Jewish. Similarly, Pakistan has every right to point out when a 'secular' country is not.

And France is a secular nation, how is giving holidays off for Christians who are a majority akin to non secularism? who doesn't like holidays and days off?

France is one of the worst hypocrites when it comes to secularism. Their law against public display of religion EXPLICITLY includes a weasel clause that effectively creates a loophope for small cross pendants.

More than half of their national holidays 'just happen' to fall on Christian holy days. No such coincidence happens for other religions. How convenient!
I'm disgusted by India as much as the next person but why are they obliged to act secular whilst Muslims want to enact Sharia Laws? we all saw what happened when Islam became a majority in Pakistan and Afghanistan, ask for secularism when in minority then when you become majority you start persecuting non Muslims and eventually coerce them to convert or flee. When Islam became the majority religion in a province in Thailand for example they enforced Sharia, demanded a separate province and would persecute the remaining Buddhists.

Yes I'm non religious, but hypocrisy must be called out

Another BS from you, where in Indonesia we prosecute minority ?

You cannot say what Taliban does as Shariah Law





I dont need to spend much time debating on person like you who hate Islam

Here once again in Indonesia, it is free to wear or not wear hijab

I'm disgusted by India as much as the next person but why are they obliged to act secular whilst Muslims want to enact Sharia Laws? we all saw what happened when Islam became a majority in Pakistan and Afghanistan, ask for secularism when in minority then when you become majority you start persecuting non Muslims and eventually coerce them to convert or flee. When Islam became the majority religion in a province in Thailand for example they enforced Sharia, demanded a separate province and would persecute the remaining Buddhists.

Yes I'm non religious, but hypocrisy must be called out
I am not relgious hell I was pretty much atheist when I was new to this forum

But look at my posting history and than look at yours- there's a difference of light and day between the two

Clearly you're Indian or have mental issues

@WotTen I am not relgious argument is so stupid, vast majority of irreligious pakistanis I have seen are very patriotic, yes they're liberal leaning and Thier pov on politics could be different

But this guy selling churan of him being not relgious resulting in his anti Pak views is absolute horse shit, nationality and religios views are 2 different things
Pakistani nationalism and being religious is one and the same, you take out the religion from Pakistan then the whole concept falls like a pack of cards. Its impossible to be patriotic to a country like Pakistan whilst being non religious
Being Muslim is an identity on to itself in this part of the world, our people will be butchered if our people are not protected economically, millitary and culturally
that's why Qaid despite being irreligious was leader of our Republic, go to any internet space you'll find many people who identify as irreligious and they're very big nationalist

Only thing it changes is you looking for more irreligious approach to governing, that's literally it
95% of irreligious, even athiests pakistani I have seen are nationalists

That kills of your theory and exposes you as an Indian swine
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I'm disgusted by India as much as the next person but why are they obliged to act secular whilst Muslims want to enact Sharia Laws? we all saw what happened when Islam became a majority in Pakistan and Afghanistan, ask for secularism when in minority then when you become majority you start persecuting non Muslims and eventually coerce them to convert or flee. When Islam became the majority religion in a province in Thailand for example they enforced Sharia, demanded a separate province and would persecute the remaining Buddhists.

Yes I'm non religious, but hypocrisy must be called out

Yaar who cares,, why do you bitch about this so much

The world is a unjust place, people care only about their own

So as Muslims we should speak out to defend our brethren across the world

But just like our enemies target Muslims we too should relentlessly target them

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