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Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

My secular fellows should Go study about the system of Khilafah, ALLAH's laws are never just theories, Muslims are born to implement and follow the rules given in Quran and Hadith.

Here is what Iqbal said about the so called Democracy in his famous poem "Khizr-e-Rah", written in 1922,

Translated into English.

"1) Western democratic system is the same old• musical instrument which contains no tunes other than Imperial ones.

2) It is the demon of autocracy dancing in the garb of democracy. And you think it is a fairy of freedom come from Paradise.

3) Legislative Councils, Reforms, Concessions and Grants, Rights etc are the Western medicine which tastes sweet but in effect is opiate.

4) This eloquence of the members of the Legislative Council is irresistible. It is (in reality) nothing but a warfare of Capitalists to make more money.

5) You take this mirage of colour and smell for a garden. I am sorry for you. You on account of your foolishness, see cage as your nest."

Bang-i-Dara, Kulliyat-i-Iqbal pp. 262-62.
Gandhi, a Hindu, offered (even begged?), Jinnah, a Muslim, to be PM for the remainder of his life of a single united subcontinent nation, to refrain him from "breaking up" the subcontinent into separate states. Why did Jinnah refuse?

Jinnah asked Gandhi what will happen after I am dead? To which Gandhi replied: whatever the majority wills/desires.

Meaning political power would be strongly reserved in the hands of Hindus indefinitely. That is why Jinnah persisted with the creation of Pakistan, where Muslims could live and rule as the majority, out of the fear of not be relegated as a second/third class citizens (mired with persecution) in a majority Hindu India. The size of the Muslim population was significant enough that he could succeed in the struggle.

I guess in essence what it boiled down to was: a democracy for majority Hindus, and a democracy for majority Muslims. The idea of democracy was fundamentally inherent from the very beginning. The idea of democracy caused the creation of a separate state of Pakistan.

Again Jinnah is not a prophet (nauzubillah) so he cannot be flawless. His mistake was bringing western rule of law in Islamic state which resulted in only a mess. If Pakistanis have decided to reject islam then go ahead fallow that Democratic system (a system made by People). Islam is a system made for us Muslims by Allah and both these systems collide with each other.
In one system People decide what is right and wrong. and in the other in which allah has told us what is right and wrong.
Even Quaid wanted a pure Islamic economic system and I can even prove that he wanted Pakistan to be a center of revival of Islam and Khilafat.

Read this..

"Mr. Governor, Directors of State Bank, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The opening of the State Bank of Pakistan symbolizes the sovereignty of our State in the financial sphere and I am very glad to be here today to perform the opening ceremony. It was not considered feasible to start a Bank of our own simultaneously with the coming into being of Pakistan in August last year. A good deal of preparatory work must precede the inauguration of an institution responsible for such technical and delicate work as note issue and banking. To allow for this preparation, it was provided, under the Pakistan Monetary System and Reserve Bank Order, 1947, that the Reserve Bank of India should continue to be the currency and banking authority of Pakistan till the 30th September, 1948. Later on it was felt that it would be in the best interests of our State if the Reserve Bank of India were relieved of its functions in Pakistan, as early as possible. The State of transfer of these functions to a Pakistan agency was consequently advanced by three months in agreement with the Government of India and the Reserve Bank. It was at the same time decided to establish a Central Bank of Pakistan in preference to any other agency for managing our currency and banking. This decision left very little time for the small band of trained personnel in this field in Pakistan to complete the preliminaries and they have by their untiring effort and hard work completed their task by the due date which is very creditable to them, and I wish to record a note of our appreciation of their labours.

As you have observed, Mr. Governor in undivided India banking was kept a close preserve of non-Muslims and their migration from Western Pakistan has caused a good deal of dislocation in the economic life of our young State. In order that the wheels of commerce and industry should run smoothly, it is imperative that the vacuum caused by the exodus of non-Muslims should be filled without delay. I am glad to note that schemes for training Pakistan nationals in banking are in hand. I will watch their progress with interest and I am confident that the State Bank will receive the co-operation of all concerned including the banks and Universities in pushing them forward. Banking will provide a new and wide field in which the genius of our young men can find full play. I am sure that they will come forward in large numbers to take advantage of the training facilities which are proposed to be provided. While doing so, they will not only be benefiting themselves but also contributing to the well-being of our State.

I need hardly dilate on the important role that the State Bank will have to play in regulating the economic life of our country. The monetary policy of the bank will have a direct bearing on our trade and commerce, both inside Pakistan as well as with the outside world and it is only to be desired that your policy should encourage maximum production and a free flow of trade. The monetary policy pursued during the war years contributed, in no small measure, to our present day economic problems. The abnormal rise in the cost of living has hit the poorer sections of society including those with fixed incomes very hard indeed and is responsible to a great extent for the prevailing unrest in the country. The policy of the Pakistan Government is to stabilize prices at a level that would be fair to the producer, as well as the consumer. I hope your efforts will be directed in the same direction in order to tackle this crucial problem with success.

I shall watch with keenness the work of your Research Organization in evolving banking practices compatible with Islamic ideas of social and economic life. The economic system of the West has created almost insoluble problems for humanity and to many of us it appears that only a miracle can save it from disaster that is not facing the world. It has failed to do justice between man and man and to eradicate friction from the international field. On the contrary, it was largely responsible for the two world wars in the last half century. The Western world, in spite of its advantages, of mechanization and industrial efficiency is today in a worse mess than ever before in history. The adoption of Western economic theory and practice will not help us in achieving our goal of creating a happy and contended people. We must work our destiny in our own way and present to the world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. We will thereby be fulfilling our mission as Muslims and giving to humanity the message of peace which alone can save it and secure the welfare, happiness and prosperity of mankind.

May the Sate Bank of Pakistan prosper and fulfill the high ideals which have been set as its goal.

In the end I thank you, Mr. Governor, for the warm welcome given to me by you and your colleagues, and the distinguished guests who have graced this occasion as a mark of their good wishes and the honour your have done me in inviting me to perform this historic opening ceremony of the State Bank which I feel will develop into one of our greatest national institutions and play its part fully throughout the world."

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
1st July, 1948

Source: State Bank of Pakistan
Looking at fundamentals, Democracy has almost nothing to do with Islamic way of governance:
Because in Democracy the act of legislation belong to Parliament
Islam does not recognize any act of legislation other that what is there already.

As for Pakistan, sure at the level of the government there is NO ISLAM at all.
Since inception Pakistan has been the private property of "few" feudal lords
and till date it remains to be just that.

Which leads to another problem i.e Islam does not recognize Capitalism,
and there are severe blockades in that area.

Islam preaches equality amongst all, and every one is equal to every one else EXCEPT on the strength of belief.

When we think about, or try and propose a system of government we shall keep the above design axioms in mind, and try to propose a
Political + Social + Economic system.

If you think about it, till date every Mullah has made noise to bring Islam,
NO ONE has done enough research and come up with a written set of rules to be followed.
Looking at fundamentals, Democracy has almost nothing to do with Islamic way of governance:
Because in Democracy the act of legislation belong to Parliament
Islam does not recognize any act of legislation other that what is there already.

As for Pakistan, sure at the level of the government there is NO ISLAM at all.
Since inception Pakistan has been the private property of "few" feudal lords
and till date it remains to be just that.

Which leads to another problem i.e Islam does not recognize Capitalism,
and there are severe blockades in that area.

Islam preaches equality amongst all, and every one is equal to every one else EXCEPT on the strength of belief.

When we think about, or try and propose a system of government we shall keep the above design axioms in mind, and try to propose a
Political + Social + Economic system.

very well said bro.

If you think about it, till date every Mullah has made noise to bring Islam,
NO ONE has done enough research and come up with a written set of rules to be followed.

Those mullahs + Taliban have only given Islam bad name.
Looking at fundamentals, Democracy has almost nothing to do with Islamic way of governance:
Because in Democracy the act of legislation belong to Parliament
Islam does not recognize any act of legislation other that what is there already.

As for Pakistan, sure at the level of the government there is NO ISLAM at all.
Since inception Pakistan has been the private property of "few" feudal lords
and till date it remains to be just that.

Which leads to another problem i.e Islam does not recognize Capitalism,
and there are severe blockades in that area.

Islam preaches equality amongst all, and every one is equal to every one else EXCEPT on the strength of belief.

When we think about, or try and propose a system of government we shall keep the above design axioms in mind, and try to propose a
Political + Social + Economic system.

If you think about it, till date every Mullah has made noise to bring Islam,
NO ONE has done enough research and come up with a written set of rules to be followed.

We already have an entire Millenuim of Islamic rule to get our research from, the Quran, the Hadith and the actual practicalities of the Sahabah for us to derive a definitive Islamic system........yet we have over 70 sects due to the greed and power manouvering of individuals...........I say hold them all in one room, lets see if they will put their heads on the platter and fight there little corner on Emaan and not let these people leave the room until they come to a single agreement based on Quran and Sunnah, something tells me, all of them will very quickly fall in line..............

Unfortunately these people have fuelled the situation even more then the enemies of Islam and today Pakistan's society has reached the pinnacle point of decedance and we all know what Allah does to people like that...........the same that happenned to people before us.......

It is time to wake up..........we have our own culture, tradition, religion, way of life and country, why should we be dictated to.........If we decide to follow Islam as our rule of law, then it is not for anyone from the outside to interfere........otherise, lets please discard this "Islamic Republic of" from Pakistan as it is nothing more then an insult to Islam itself.........

With Zardari as our President..........a man famous for his corruption....reminds me of the following verse:

When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them: then (it is) We destroy them utterly.

Surah Al-Isra 17:16

Wa-itha aradna an nuhlikaqaryatan amarna mutrafeeha fafasaqoo feehafahaqqa AAalayha alqawlu fadammarnahatadmeeran
We already have an entire Millenuim of Islamic rule to get our research from, the Quran, the Hadith and the actual practicalities of the Sahabah for us to derive a definitive Islamic system........yet we have over 70 sects due to the greed and power manouvering of individuals...........I say hold them all in one room, lets see if they will put their heads on the platter and fight there little corner on Emaan and not let these people leave the room until they come to a single agreement based on Quran and Sunnah, something tells me, all of them will very quickly fall in line..............

We have been hearing about the "glorious" past for too long,
truth of the matter is the very history of the so called glorious past is skewed, none the less
What we need now are not references to glory, we want SOPs.

The process of obtaining these SOPs is well written, but unfortunately not followed.
I know the Egyptians (Al Azhar) did a lot of work on this, and they actually did come up with
some mutually agreed upon stuff... wonder what happened to that ?

It is time to wake up..........we have our own culture, tradition, religion, way of life and country, why should we be dictated to.........If we decide to follow Islam as our rule of law, then it is not for anyone from the outside to interfere
Which outsider are we talking about here ??? please elaborate so every one is on same page.
just a little question to all of the "revivalists"..
who decided what Islam to bring in?
what school of thought to follow?
what economic pattern is acceptable?
how exactly to implement those hudood laws.. ?
what certainity can this "re-islamization" ala zia-ul-haq give about bringing in the "true" islamic system about which we hear a 1000 different narratives.. ranging from the democratic to the outright dictatorial?
from reports of being a welfare state.. to reports of being ruthless..
which is the actual "islam"..
who decides that....?
a council of revivalists?
an individual ?
if one disagrees with the policies of such a state..
should he/she be lashed?.banished.. or killed?

the video keeps stressing on one mans perspective of an islamic nation and how we all dont live upto its standards..
great.. so what do the rest of us do??... die??

those who had to bring Islam have done so 1500 years ago..
its no longer a "new" thing..
you dont have to bring "islam" anywhere.. or enforce it..
you have to earn it by your actions..
the "islam" in the state will come automatically..
laws will be amended properly and justly when the law makers are wise and just.. not just good muslims..
economics will become positive when the honest man gets his reward..
and water isnt added to meat to make it gain weight.

systems arent forced upon people.. they cant change anything on their own.. unless the people that intend to be a part of it possess the qualities deserving of such a system.
what school of thought to follow?

I knew someone was going to ask this..

In early 60s or 70s I guess, all the sects which have a representation in Pakistani society gave 22 points to Government on which all the sects have consensus, so what will be the basic system, there's NO dispute in this.
just a little question to all of the "revivalists"..
who decided what Islam to bring in?
what school of thought to follow?
what economic pattern is acceptable?
how exactly to implement those hudood laws.. ?
what certainity can this "re-islamization" ala zia-ul-haq give about bringing in the "true" islamic system about which we hear a 1000 different narratives.. ranging from the democratic to the outright dictatorial?
from reports of being a welfare state.. to reports of being ruthless..
which is the actual "islam"..
who decides that....?
a council of revivalists?
an individual ?
if one disagrees with the policies of such a state..
should he/she be lashed?.banished.. or killed?

the video keeps stressing on one mans perspective of an islamic nation and how we all dont live upto its standards..
great.. so what do the rest of us do??... die??

those who had to bring Islam have done so 1500 years ago..
its no longer a "new" thing..
you dont have to bring "islam" anywhere.. or enforce it..
you have to earn it by your actions..
the "islam" in the state will come automatically..
laws will be amended properly and justly when the law makers are wise and just.. not just good muslims..
economics will become positive when the honest man gets his reward..
and water isnt added to meat to make it gain weight.

systems arent forced upon people.. they cant change anything on their own.. unless the people that intend to be a part of it possess the qualities deserving of such a system.

I think you did not watch the video that was posted.
Do do you associate Islam with actions of individuals? Its like non muslim calling Islam the religion of hatred terror by the actions of few i.e terrorist.

I cant believe making Islam more stronger in a "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" is considered as "enforcing"? Are 97% of Pakistanis not Muslims in Pakistan?How can 50%+ of the people i.e Democracy decide the feat over the laws provided by Allah? Do you know what is the punishment for those Muslims who chose a different path?
It's always mistakenly reported by our inept government that we have a 97% Muslim population. A 3% Non Muslim population percentile is grossly undertepoted and many out of fear or choice do not disclose/participate in this particular question.

We have many more minorities, similarly there isn't an Agnostic/Athiest option.

Under-reporting of non-Muslim Pakistanis – a major problem | Pak Tea House
It's always mistakenly reported by our inept government that we have a 97% Muslim population. A 3% Non Muslim population percentile is grossly undertepoted and many out of fear or choice do not disclose/participate in this particular question.

We have many more minorities, similarly there isn't an Agnostic/Athiest option.

Under-reporting of non-Muslim Pakistanis – a major problem | Pak Tea House

Kitna under-report hoga? 3 ka 5 ho jaayega! 7 ho jaayega! usse zyada kya hoga?:)

By 7% I'm giving you an error margin of 133%.
It's always mistakenly reported by our inept government that we have a 97% Muslim population. A 3% Non Muslim population percentile is grossly undertepoted and many out of fear or choice do not disclose/participate in this particular question.

We have many more minorities, similarly there isn't an Agnostic/Athiest option.

Under-reporting of non-Muslim Pakistanis – a major problem | Pak Tea House

Exactly I refuse to believe there are 97% Muslims in Pakistan. A lot of sources have highlighted that there are some 20 million Christians in Pakistan.
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