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Pak govt APPROVES 6% HIKE in Defense Budget


Is that for the small ranks or sepoys? Or just for the fatcats at the top? A bribe to maintain discipline within ranks ??

How to afford it? Pretty soon people will not be able to pay bills, or afford gas or electricity.
Why is there no austerity on serving officials, judiciary, military and etc?? Why only awam ??
Bajwa needs to have his fair share of Halwa Poory before he goes!

hey when you are mir jafar, yo need invest in armed secuirty, bullet proof vest, armoured car, a ticket to amerika. %20 mir bajwa.

if they not playing fairtopple the table, go do a rocket launch at next door neighbor that cause big war then army can justify 20 percent hike. fuk it i tak it war with nighbour everybody die and armed forces must face drama 20percent and right time overthrow revolution.
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6% hike to monitor and do nothing at incoming plane attacks and brahmos missiles?

I’m surprised Kalbhusan has not been returned to India with sweets and branded cloths….why only abhinandan treated like that….

Is that for the small ranks or sepoys? Or just for the fatcats at the top? A bribe to maintain discipline within ranks ?
Its just 6%, most probably fatcats would try to bribe the rank and file with that to stay calm while motherland is being raped. Fatcats already have the 100% available to them, they don't need Anybody's approval.
What you are seeing is due to the shamelessness and greed of your own Pakistani people.
What we are seeing here is all due to American meddling in Pakistan
How is it that subsidies are removed, belt tightening is happening, imports need to be tapered, but we have the money for defense budget increases above the rate of GDP growth?

Austerity is understandable, by why only for the poor?

This is spending chosen according to the determined national priorities, that is all.
6% will barely catch up with inflation. Pak faces a difficult strategic situation. Its armed forces need proper funding.

I can't believe I am seeing Pakistanis on PDF oppose an increase in defence budget - how times have changed.

People are also calling for civilian control of the military - I used to receive flak for proposing this.
The upside of the IK debacle is that it has been a massive wake up call for the Pakistani educated class.
Great. 👏👏
If you need Mukti Vahini type revolution in your country to get your freedom back, contact RAW.
Don't flatter yourself. East Pakistanis had tremendous will power for freedom which was jump started by the 25th March crackdown by PA.
Without strong determination of East Pakistanis no amount of Indian support would have made seperation possible.
Bro India is world 6th largest economy. They contribute massively to the world and are not beggars like us.
If you are poor you're poor and useless.
What is their population?
What is not realised is that in the subcontinent the bulk of expenditure is on wages and salaries, pension benefits and routine maintenance. Less than 20%- perhaps even lesser amounts are on actual weapons purchases. Cutting def ex means essentially laying off hundreds and thousands of militarily trained personnel. Where do these people go? Just ask yourself.

The GDP growth going forward is about 3% I understand- add to it about 13% inflation- that gives a nominal GDP growth of 16%. A 6% hike in defence budget actually means a reduction in def ex as % of GDP by about 6-7%.

What do the learned Maulanas here say?

@Joe Shearer @Indus Pakistan @niaz @Jango @Wood @Vapnope @waz

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