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Pak govt APPROVES 6% HIKE in Defense Budget

Well think about it, now that Bajwa and co have the following portfolio
2. Chief election commission
3. Foreign Ministry
4. Health Minister (he gets calls from Bill Gates)
5. Human Resource ministry (vetting new government employees)
6. Interior Ministry (Eavesdropping on opposition)
7. Finance Ministry (they have an eye on Rs value and stock exchange)
8. Shadowing PM 24/7 and having 111th brigade on speed dial
9. Doubling as judges from time to time.

The defense budget hike is justified. Heck i’ll go with 9x hike.
What's the point of increasing defence budget? The whole country is going to shit rn. Those big belly generals will store more money in their banks.
Pakistan is finished brothers. The generals have a firm grip over this nation. The generals have acres of lands behind closed gates. They run conglomerates such as banks and other commercial schemes. Their kin live in green pastures. Through defence budgets this elite segment enjoys privileges. Only a fool would now believe that the generals are here for the nation. There is no difference between corrupt feudal civilian rulers and the generals. They are all the same breed.

I just came back from a visit to Turkey. If you want to know how an army should behave you need to look at the Turkish army. In Pakistan the army controls the country. In normal countries the civilian rulers control the proceedings.

What we are seeing here is all due to American meddling in Pakistan. Notice how all so-called Western human rights champions are silent on each and every draconian rule. Normally Western media and human rights organisations would be screaming from rooftops how oppressive ISI and Pakistani army is towards their people. Today we don't hear a sound. Everyone can do the math here.
The defence budget needs to be slashed. The Pak army needs to be controlled by the civilian government.

We don't need 700 thousand army. For us even 400 thousand well equipped and modernised soldiers are enough.

I propose 400 thousand army, 100 thousand air force and navy, 50 thousand National guards to protect CM houses/ PM house/ President/ Courts/ Governor houses etc.
We don't need 700 thousand army. For us even 400 thousand well equipped and modernised soldiers are enough.

I propose 400 thousand army, 100 thousand air force and navy, 50 thousand National guards to protect CM houses/ PM house/ President/ Courts/ Governor houses etc.
and how do you provide employment to the 300000 men you cashier ?
How do their families eat ?

Hey that's ok. After all Bajwa and his Generals want to Buy more FARM HOUSES in Denmark, and more Papa John Franchises in USA. So these poor souls need more Loot and thuggery money. 6% will do for now but these Fat fuks may very soon start pointing guns at Awam on highways and rob them off their wallets and personal items.
No money to eat poison. No money to give subsidy on petrol. But money is available for this useless army who is only good against its own people.

بوٹ کو عزت دو
6 % is nothing. Hardly covering the inflation.
Proper defense needs atleast a 20 % jump to cover inflation and the international situation.
I don't get why Pakistan needs an army or an air-force or a navy. you could take them under your wing and protect them like you've done with bongoloids, Bhutanese and maldeepian.
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