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Most Chinese doubt superpower status for China


Oct 14, 2010
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Most Chinese doubt superpower status for China

December 31st, 2010 | Global Times

Despite an increase in national pride, the Chinese public seems more cautious in evaluating the country’s relative international strength, with fewer people in this year’s Global Times survey categorizing China as a world superpower, compared with the previous four annual polls.

Despite wide acknowledgement of China’s economic might and its political and diplomatic leverage – the two major parameters in defining a superpower – only 12 percent of respondents deemed China to be a “superpower,” down by 14.4 percent from 2008.

In all, 57 percent of respondents voted China as the most promising emerging nation among BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), a 10 percent drop from last year’s result.

“The result shows that Chinese people are becoming more objective when considering these issues,” said Wu Xinbo, deputy director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University.

The diplomatic rows China encountered this year fueled public awareness about the difficult factors China will face as it continue to grow, he added.

Conducted by the Global Poll Center run by the Global Times, the poll is based on telephone interviews of a random sampling of 1,488 people in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chongqing to analyze how Chinese see the world.

The patriotism of Chinese people is seen in the findings, with China topping the US as the most favored country to travel in.

Additionally, 19 percent of participants selected the US as the foreign country they would most like to visit, followed by France, with 21 percent saying they had no desire to visit foreign countries.

More than half of participants in the survey said China’s international status was boosted in the past year by the Shanghai World Expo, while more than 60 percent denounced corrupt officials for tarnishing China’s global image.

The poll also reflects the belief that the quality of “made-in-China” products is gradually getting better, with 80 percent of those polled expressing their hope that improvements were being made.

This positive attitude also extends outside the Chinese border, with 84 percent of respondents optimistic on the future global setting for China’s rise, seeing either improving or stabilizing ties with other major global players.

More than a third of respondents saw the relationship between China and Europe improve during the past year, with fewer negative factors such as trade friction, human rights and religious issues compared with previous years.

Ties with South Korea, drawing more attention in this latest survey, were seen stabilized without dramatic changes, with 46 percent of respondents saying the tensions on the Korean Peninsula will be eased in the coming year due to China’s diplomatic role.

Su Hao, director of the Strategy and Conflict Management Research Center at China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times that the result showed that Chinese people have high expectations for China to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

Looking at relations with Japan, more than half of participants said the ties were unlikely to deteriorate next year.

However, the poll also shone a light on concerns, with more than 80 percent of the participants expressing their worries about Western intentions to contain China’s development, with around 40 percent calling for countermeasures to be taken against threats to China.

Among the issues of greatest concern, US intentions to strategically contain China placed ahead of trade disputes as the most important bilateral issue this year. Ties with Washington were chosen as the most significant bilateral relationship for China for the fifth consecutive year.

Jin Canrong, vice director of the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, told the Global Times that the survey findings reflect the dynamics of this year with the US strengthening its presence in Asia.

“Some Chinese people remain suspicious of the outside world, especially the Western countries. They still don’t trust these countries,” he said.

Song Shengxia contributed to this story

‘Superpower’ tag in doubt | CHINA-WIRE
Despite an increase in national pride, the Chinese public seems more cautious in evaluating the country’s relative international strength, with fewer people in this year’s Global Times survey categorizing China as a world superpower, compared with the previous four annual polls.

because they are sensible?

[/end of thread]
I have never come across even one Chinese person who ever claims that china is a super power most have the attitude of live and let live but i have come across a lot of her neighbors that claim they are the next super power.
by chinapakistan

Not Most, almost all chinese dont think so. There are only two superpower, US in reality and some country in talking.
will you tell name of that nation
About democratic

I believe China will more and more open

A country only prosperity will have real democracy

Hunger is not democratic

People only eat the belly

To have better energy democratic participation

China's future will be better
Most Chinese doubt superpower status for China

May be because Chinese are not Gossipmonger unlike it's neighbours.:azn:

Anyway it is good that they don't consider themselves as super power this will give them the impetus to strive and struggle more to achieve that status.

China is not a superpower

China also faces many challenges

Chinese modern history is suffering

Aggression and internal exploitation let China everywhere disaster

Today China constantly enrich himself

See our position

To get a better future development
The day u start believing that u have achieved everything and thr is nothing left to do u start a one way journey in the downward spiral and the current super power is on it firmly whereas chinese believe more in walking the walk rather than talking the talk.they keep doing that and in the next few years this survey would be conducted in us.
don't you think that its a good thing, saying and being are two different things. Some people say that they are living on the greatest nation on earth and they have full freedom, whilst others might talk less but keep working to make themselves better and better.
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