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INS Vikrant, India's First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier, To Be Handed Over To Indian Navy In May

Here is what XO of the ship is saying :

Source : http://english.chinamil.com.cn/view/2019-04/25/content_9488581.htm

So, for combat duties, the ship was not ready in the eyes of its XO at that time and they were working on SHIFTING that AFTER 2018.
2016 reports
Article excerpt
Xinhua News Agency's press release pointed out that: Recently, the navy has successively organized aircraft carrier formations to conduct live-fire exercises. Air-to-air, air-to-ship, ship-to-ship and other drills have been performed wonderfully in a certain sea and airspace in the Bohai Sea. The participating troops are mainly from aircraft carrier formations and the North Sea Fleet, with a total of various types of ships and dozens of aircraft participating.
Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo, Minister of Naval Equipment, revealed in an interview with domestic authoritative media that the "Liaoning" combat platform itself has formed combat effectiveness, but the number of carrier-based aircraft and the number of carrier-based aircraft pilots have not yet reached the standard.
Therefore, the reason why it is considered to be a training ship should be that thethe number of carrier-based aircraft and the number of carrier-based aircraft pilots have not yet reached the standard.
2016 reports
Article excerpt
Xinhua News Agency's press release pointed out that: Recently, the navy has successively organized aircraft carrier formations to conduct live-fire exercises. Air-to-air, air-to-ship, ship-to-ship and other drills have been performed wonderfully in a certain sea and airspace in the Bohai Sea. The participating troops are mainly from aircraft carrier formations and the North Sea Fleet, with a total of various types of ships and dozens of aircraft participating.
Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo, Minister of Naval Equipment, revealed in an interview with domestic authoritative media that the "Liaoning" combat platform itself has formed combat effectiveness, but the number of carrier-based aircraft and the number of carrier-based aircraft pilots have not yet reached the standard.
Therefore, the reason why it is considered to be a training ship should be that thethe number of carrier-based aircraft and the number of carrier-based aircraft pilots have not yet reached the standard.
Your source is in Chinese. I can not read Chinese and translations done by Google is not accurate enough for me. I quoted an article from China Mail and XO of the ship.

For instance I am not sure "the "Liaoning" combat platform" means a combat ready carrier doing combat duties OR a ship used for combat training. There is massive difference between these two things and specific use of language said by officials may mean one thing or another. Google or any translation tool seldom captures these details.
Posting an instrument test landing with the lights out meant that the Indian poster had to scrounge around desperately for a clip on night operations.

You can tell how routine night operations are done in the Chinese clips.

This fact remains. India does not have a carrier that is operational right now and has not have one for over a year. Even when the Vikramaditya was supposedly "new" it only went to sea during around once or twice every year.

The Chinese carriers have done 70 missions since 2012 with 10 of them beyond the East or South China Seas.

This is far beyond the cadence of the portbound Indian carrier force who since 2018 had been out to sea about twice.

Therefore it is entirely questionable whether the Indian Navy could run normal night operations with so few tours by the carrier. That single pitch night landing clip is not routine and Indian posters are hard pressed to find night operation clips.

In fact, that is a trial landing of the MiG-29K to prove Russian instruments and might be done by a Russian pilot not a routine ability of the Indian Navy to run carrier operations at night.
Posting an instrument test landing with the lights out meant that the Indian poster had to scrounge around desperately for a clip on night operations.
Actually, I did not have to desparetely look for the clip at all.
Here is what I did. I googled : Indian Navy Carrier Night Landing. The first result was this one only. Simple.

What is really desparate is this : Chinese posters like you jumping up and down like monkeys and cannot give a single credible answer to the question: "What is so weird about a night landing video in pitch dark? Does it not prove the night landing capability?".

And lets leave all this : Tell me, what do you know about CFD and Bulbous Bow which you were yapping about yesterday? LETS settle that for once and all. Lets see how much you know about CFD and ship hull design.

BTW, its not called "kowtowing" :rofl:.

The Chinese carriers have done 70 missions since 2012 with 10 of them beyond the East or South China Seas.
Exercises, not missions. Reading is hard it seems. :rofl:

They are two VERY VERY different things.
This is your own source, btw. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4528570

I am still waiting to see you expertise in Hull Design and "kowtowing" :rofl:. Cann't talk about Bulbous bow anymore? Cat got your tongue?

Lol. Yup, the bulbous is too hard for this Indian shipyard to make!
What happened? "Bulbous too hard"? :rofl:
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This fact remains. India does not have a carrier that is operational right now and has not have one for over a year. Even when the Vikramaditya was supposedly "new" it only went to sea during around once or twice every year.
Ahem! BTW, that video is from Jan 2018 :
The fact remains that you are a wu-mao with no knowledge about anything at all. Heck you cann't even read properly :rofl:
:rofl: There is a limit to stupidity and GianLoser surpasses that!

When India's new carrier pitches up and down at speed because they can't build a bulbous bow.

When Indians cannot post clips of normal night time carrier operations.

When the Indian Navy does not have a carrier that is actually operating for over a year and had only gone to sea only a handful of times over its entire life time.

They resort to calling names! lol

BTW, this is happening right now:

No amount of semantics can change the fact that China operates its carrier far more than India.

The Liaoning is off Okinawa on the frontline confronted by the Izumo right now. While the Vikramaditya is harborqueening in Karwar. That should tell you everything.
When India's new carrier pitches up and down at speed because they can't build a bulbous bow.
:rofl: LOL! Lets see what you know about Bulbos bow.
What happens when you change velocity with a Bulbos bow? Tell me what happens if you change your velocity by 2 knots?

When Indians cannot post clips of normal night time carrier operations.
Oh? And can you post ONE SINGLE TIME China actually enforced a naval blockade to a US ally in a war? :rofl:

When the Indian Navy does not have a carrier that is actually operating for over a year and had only gone to sea only a handful of times over its entire life time.
How many carriers China operated from 1960-2018 in combat role? Tell me, whats the REAL COMBAT experience of Chiense carriers?

They resort to calling names! lol
Because you don't know anything what you are talking about. :rofl:

The Liaoning is off Okinawa on the frontline confronted by the Izumo right now. While the Vikramaditya is harborqueening in Karwar. That should tell you everything.
Is it enforcing a naval blockade while being at war?

Exactly. SU-33 is not in Indian service. It is flown only by Russians. These are trial testing by Russians. The only clips we have of night landings for Indian carriers are trials. And to be perfectly, probably flown by Russians. These are not proof of routine nights ops by India.

Why so little videos of Indian operations that we have to include trials?

Actually, we know why. The Vikramaditya does not sail out enough for any kind of routine operations.
These are not proof of routine nights ops by India.
Lets see the proof of routine night ops by China. LOL!

BTW, the question was about night landing. Where did this "routine" came from? Shifting goal post Chiense Style.

And here is one in routine, at night take off. You can see the deck lights :

And here is one landing from 2015 with deck lights on :

LOL! :rofl: so much for Wu-Mao confidence!
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You can tell how routine night operations are done in the Chinese clips.
I am yet to see any "routine" Chinese night time ops video.

And this famous Indian pilot.

View attachment 841210
Nothing can beat this one...


Not too many countries got to break their enemies into two. :rofl: That too AFTER USA tried its best to stop it.

Pitch black? No other activity on deck? Is this a landing trial for the MiG-29K with just one aircraft coming in and nothing else on deck?
I heard you like lights! So we turned on deck lights. LOL! The video is from 2015 when they were doing some trials on the carrier.

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I think it will do better than Harbor Queen 1, the Vikramaditya, by going to sea three weeks every four years instead of just two weeks every four years like India's current and only "operational" carrier. lol

How much experience can you possibly get by sailing that little? The Liaoning or Shandong launch and recover more aircraft in one deployment than the Indians in all 8 years of the Vikramaditya career. The thing's continuously harbored.
But but they have more experience wince they had aircraft carrier since their grandfathers time from the older vikrant. Wait their grandfather is dead and new pilots don't need ops training? I bet they think the experience is accumulative. It dies when the pilot retires and the ship retires, so in this regard, chinese ops experience is even higher than the current Indian navy.

In three calendar years 2019-2021, 34 months, the Vikramaditya went to sea just twice and both times it was just off the coast of India.

Has it left port yet in 2022? ;)

Follow this thread about India's sole "operational" carrier Vikramaditya! lol

Unlikely the Vikrant will be much better.
Damn... You serious?
This is far beyond the cadence of the portbound Indian carrier force who since 2018 had been out to sea about twice.
We are doing carrier operations since 1960s, we do not need to keep a count like you do. LOL!

But but they have more experience wince they had aircraft carrier since their grandfathers time from the older vikrant. Wait their grandfather is dead and new pilots don't need ops training? I bet they think the experience is accumulative. It dies when the pilot retires and the ship retires, so in this regard, chinese ops experience is even higher than the current Indian navy.
Let me know if PLAN has one single real combat experience with carriers. Or even a single exercise with any major navy doing carrier operations.

Damn... You serious?
As if he can be. He talk out of his arse. He was insisting that bulbous bow are a MUST. without even knowing what the hell they are. LOL!
lol very basic. There is no video of Indian jets landing on aircraft carrier at night operation.

But but they have more experience wince they had aircraft carrier since their grandfathers time from the older vikrant. Wait their grandfather is dead and new pilots don't need ops training?
They've been training - and flying - continuously. Read up before you try these, you poor sod.
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