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Is Pakistan moving towards a Civil Disobedience Movement ?

Is Pakistan moving towards a full fledge Civil Disobedience Movement?

  • Yes it is Military's fault for no action

    Votes: 31 21.8%
  • Yes it is Supreme Court's fault

    Votes: 24 16.9%
  • Yes it is Private Channel's fault

    Votes: 12 8.5%
  • Yes it is Fault of Military , Supreme Court and Channel

    Votes: 48 33.8%
  • Yes it is PML , And PPP fault

    Votes: 21 14.8%
  • Yes it is PTI fault

    Votes: 13 9.2%
  • Yes it is foreign interference and plus Military , Supreme court and Channels

    Votes: 91 64.1%
  • No , we will have Milk and Honey flowing in 12 months

    Votes: 15 10.6%

  • Total voters


Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Is Pakistan moving towards a Civil Disobedience Movement ?
In next 30-60 days

As we know Supreme court has gone on nice 90 day vacation

1- In absence of clear resolution what are realistic options left for People of Pakistan

What would be the extent of the Civil Disobedience Movement !

7 Days -15 days - 30 days or 90 days or 180 Days !!!
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We never saw Pakistanis such outraged and United. All age groups, all genders, all ethics groups.

I think Biden administration has also realized that they are betting on the wrong side and will eventually lose. Bajwa is stuck between Rock and a hard place after being part of the conspiracy. PDM Politicians are just riding the waves till next NRO.
If you ask for a clear answer I don't think any such movement is sustainable. Movements like these take hell of a lot of effort and time than pti can afford.
It's not about sustaining it is about reaching a end of line
a conclusion which defines a nation for next 100 years

If you have something good you sustain it , preserve it
If you have illness you don't sustain it but try to cure it

We don't need to Sustain a system which compromises freedom in favor of Slavery

It is a struggle against "Business as Usual" and lets form a Joint Comission which takes 3 years to decide culture

It is a struggle against ideology of being a slave , that is ok to be a slave if you get food on table

It is about changing the perception that Pakistan is on Ventilators and need this Drug from overseas , to sustain our well being

"A Slave is someone , who depends on another entity for it's survival"

"A Slave , fears for it's meal and fears if Master is not there they will not get food"

"A Slave , has no Dreams, they look at their master's phone call daily "

The Elders of Pakistan who fought for freedom made their Sacrifices , in Civil Disobedience movement prior to 1947 therefore , it is part Pakistan's History that if Pakistan's People can't get Justice

To me Civil Disobedience Movement is a must now !
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Supreme court went on break for 90 days
They have status , they have "Higher status" 90 days vacation wow that's really cool, they work hard midnight open courts I get it

People of Pakistan we will go on break too

7 Days self imposed vacation in street
15 Days self imposed vacation in streets
30 Days self imposed vacation in streets
90 Days self imposed vacation in streets
180 Days self imposed vacation in streets

On the street till elections are announced

Plain and simple Civil Disobedience Movement is must in order to create a Pakistan for People of Pakistan

Today's date , 22 Ramadan

The Nation must prepare mentally for the struggle which is coming before us After Eid

For me I just don't see any other way around this

I thought to open a thread and judge sentiment on street other Pakistani Citizens how they feel

May be our Army will wake up from their beauty sleep realize elections are needed in Pakistan
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I think it is the need of the hour. We live in the 21st century but our bosses and their bosses are trying to keep us in 1947. The world is moving on rapidly, everything is changing around us, what is not changing is Pakistan. This needs to end.


A picture worth pondering over - (please don't pontificate with the usual party line come-backs here). In line with the spirit of Pakistan and defending it as demonstrated in this photo, our national institutions must also be protected (do your politics but don't bring these institutions into unnecessary controversy). They are pivotal for the survival of Pakistan as a nation-state otherwise think Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan, God forbid!
View attachment 837124

A picture worth pondering over - (please don't pontificate with the usual party line come-backs here). In line with the spirit of Pakistan and defending it as demonstrated in this photo, our national institutions must also be protected (do your politics but don't bring these institutions into unnecessary controversy). They are pivotal for the survival of Pakistan as a nation-state otherwise think Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan, God forbid!

1- People of Pakistan will defend their own home country
2- Army is made of Pakistani from Poor to Middle Class

The purpose of poll is to relay ground realities in cases people don't understand , water has gone above the head , situational awareness , Retired officers have conveyed their displeasure as well.

With that out of way everyone is educated there is no reason to explain why Civil Disobedience Movement is needed

a) Elections in 30 days is legitimate need for moment

Pakistan was created for People of Pakistan , and yes Army is made of Pakistani

So let us focus on issue at had
"Civil Disobedience , until Elections are announced"

What is Not needed !!!
> No Interpretations drama
> No KALA coat drama
> No Joint Commission
> No "Mujhe To Pata hi nahi , kiya howa!!!"
> Let us allow more , criminals to join National Assembly
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Pakistan will survive by it's people.
It is the father / mother of poor who send their children to join Army
So the Army is already part of people

When anyone says , we stand with People , it means just that
I as a citizen of Pakistan stand with People of Pakistan

Army is a branch out from People so automatic assumption is they will stand with People of Pakistan

Pakistan was created for People , and the people of Pakistan are the ones who defend it

Pakistan = People Of Pakistan

Afghanistan = People of Afghanistan
Libya = People of Libya
Iraq = People of Iraq
Yemen = People of Yemen

Devoid of institutions....naray-baazi, rhetoric only goes so far.
According to ImranRiazKhan latest vlog , it has been decided that PTI "WILL" be disqualified in Foreign funding case.
Afghanistan = People of Afghanistan
Libya = People of Libya
Iraq = People of Iraq
Yemen = People of Yemen

Devoid of institutions....naray-baazi, rhetoric only goes so far.

Pakistan will survive if we have have honest people and people who stand with people of Pakistan that is the only reality

Where my people stand , I stand with them!

Police Station is just a cement building if it can't protect people

Traffic police is just a concept if the officer is run down by SUV by Politician

Court is just a cement building if it can't provide Justice

Supreme court is just wasted money on building place for perks and VIP protocol if , it is closed for poor and open for rich 12 midnight
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Pakistan will survive if we have have honest people and people who stand with people of Pakistan that is the only reality

Where my people stand , I stand with them
So all of the above countries that I mentioned are devoid of "honest" people?

As they say, Josh say nahi hosh say, my friend. There is a place for populist sloganeering and then there is this need for rational, cold logic. Here and now, it is in the interest of Pakistan and all of that which makes up Pakistan to preserve our institutions of import and to not bring them into further controversy.

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