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Zulfiqar Buttho was executed for implementing anti-US policies.

Nowadays, Khan is facing a treason as Big as the treason against Buttho. Surely, Americans want to destabilize Pakistan for Imran Khan's call for independence. Khan Wanted an independent Pakistan, a Pakistan that doesn't bend over to USA and Al Saud family. I think that was why both KSA and USA cut the financial support to Pakistan.

It is true that Khan brought more independence to Pakistan, the economic situation after Covid and USA/KSA cut of financial support led to defamation of Khan and his government.

The letter included Arif Alvi, Bajwa and ISI chief signatures.

Is it possible that Khan faces same fate as Bhutto? Americans Helped Zia to conduct a coup against him and eventually executed him. Its clear as daylight that Pakistani army generals and some of MPs have received billions of dollars of bribe from Washington and Riyadh.

Khan made a grave mistake to dissolve the parliament. A mistake as grave as suicide. He shouldn't have left a havoc in the governmental body of Pakistan. Now everything is in the hands of corrupt generals.

That was my view of the recent events in Pakistan, apologies if it was offensive in some cases.

Zulfi Bhutto was THE last independent civilian leader of Pakistan at least after the 1950s decade ended. But I don't think his death was because of Americans even though the PPP cadre have been propagating that theory. It is always easier to blame the foreigners for the internal strife, though I am perfectly aware of the coups against Mossadeqh, against Morsi, against Maduro (Venezeula) and many others. Imran Khan tried to be the next Bhutto--a guy Imran has often admired, much to the disappointment of this forum's black and white mentality. But Imran tried too hard, too fast. And he should have been extremely careful about $issing off Americans knowing the financial consequences of that for Pakistan. Imran has exaggerated the American connection to topple him. I have repeatedly said: Even if Americans wanted to see Imran Khan go--which I think Americans do--they have yet to not stoop to the levels like that of Morsi or Madudo. It was a 'wish' by Americans. The bribing money to buy politicians has been available right inside Pakistan all the way from at least the mid 1980s. You don't need Americans for that and you certainly don't need to do the stupid Container Politics of the 2014 to regain power. Imran would have won on high moral ground and being a political martyr without resorting to this illegal act! The opposition to Imran Khan is a deeply divided group of looters and opportunities. Did one really think they would have held onto power for even till the next elections??

NSC did say it was credible. What did Turkey do after the failed 2016 coup attempt? Did they declare US ambassador persona non grata? Nothing. What did Pakistan do after Raymond Davis shot 2 of its citizen in daylight?

Like I said, Supreme court should examine the communique along with all other evidence that has been collected and base a judgement. If it is found that IK/GoP tried to jeopardize Pak-US relationship then bring proceeding against him based on Article 6 otherwise Pakistan needs to grow a bit of backbone.

I also maintain that Pak Military would not have let IK expose this in public had it been some simple show of displeasure on the US side. The Pak-US deep state relations are too important for them.

You are grasping at the straws. There is a difference between a 'communique' and a 'coup'.
You are grasping at the straws. There is a difference between a 'communique' and a 'coup'.

This would be my last message on this since you are not even trying to read what I wrote.

Where did I say coup? I am not grasping at anything. I am just going by what Pak NSC said i-e "credible evidence of foreign interference in Pak internal affairs".
I have repeatedly said, in my opinion SC should admit and examine all evidence put forward and make a judgement whether it was just a conversation amongst diplomats or legitimate interference. If the former, please charge IK with Article 6.

Do you actually think US would write up a letter or explicitly say we are going to overthrow your government? They can just throw less than 20 mil to buy the willing idiots.
Coming soon in Pakistan .......

You are grasping at the straws. There is a difference between a 'communique' and a 'coup'.

Sir I think when a letter mentions killing someone 7 times, it's not a love letter it's a death threat.


This is how they operate.
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This would be my last message on this since you are not even trying to read what I wrote.

Where did I say coup? I am not grasping at anything. I am just going by what Pak NSC said i-e "credible evidence of foreign interference in Pak internal affairs".
I have repeatedly said, in my opinion SC should admit and examine all evidence put forward and make a judgement whether it was just a conversation amongst diplomats or legitimate interference. If the former, please charge IK with Article 6.

Do you actually think US would write up a letter or explicitly say we are going to overthrow your government? They can just throw less than 20 mil to buy the willing idiots.

And my last message to you on this: I don't agree with you! I have said enough about it and as have you.
CJP has made an interesting point towards Ali Zafar : You mean to say that, SC cannot intervene even if Speaker of the assembly did not follow the law.

Barristor Ali Zafar (lawyer for President) replied : Yes, let parliment decide their own matters.

Again, this can do any where!

Hearing likely to continue tomorrow.
Why doesn't the court dig into the pathology of the decision, why was it carried out in the first place, any questions on the constitutionality or legality of the certified action of buying votes through horse trading?

Why isn't the court inquiring about the auction block setup by PDM?

Why didn't the court intervene in the horse trading fiasco...
So who is in attendance and what is this event? Could have been just a simple iftaar hosted by Us Consul General?

NSC should put a ban on any gatherings with american diplomats and politicians until after the elections.
You are partially right. Some PTI supporters are fanatics. Look at what has been said on this very forum over the last few days. Targeting Bajwa and the military. The Supreme Court judges are traitors. Dawn and Geo are traitors. Pakistan's legal fraternity traitor. Journalists are traitors. Everyone one except PTI is bad. And yet, by the courts delaying a decision, the system is actually helping PTI so far!!

PTI was holding a high moral ground of not buying the MNAs like Zardari and Sharif do and I believe Imran Khan would have come out ahead after a brief setback--both politically and morally--if he had allowed the NCV to proceed. He missed a chance. People here don't understand the significance of that blunder not only for PTI but for Pakistan too. Time will tell them.

Having said that, the Noon League is outright nasty in politics with a long history of character assassinations and forged documents. And I think many PTI members have inherited from them just like MQM had inherited from Jamaat e Islami.

"Credible" is the keyword here. And if it was credible then a mere 'diplomatic demarche' against an 'unknown' country wouldn't have been given by the NSC--unless the Pakistani civilian and political leadership is compromised or spineless, in which case God Help Pakistan!
Oh bhai this type of noble style of politics doesn't work even in the most stable and high fluting civilized societies. Nor is it prudent or pragmatic as this time.

Nice guys are losers in this day and age and in a highly emotional/confrontational society of Pakistan, IK would be laughed off into irrelevance if he showed weakness and Beta behavior.

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