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Pakistan alleges role of US behind No Confidence Vote against PTI government

Mr American, you can believe your gov, I will believe mine. A thief will never accept that he is a thief, even if he has track record of being one.

you want to beleive your government without a shred of evidence that is your choice.
In all this, the accusation that the US paid bad actors within Pakistan to oust your elected representative is serious. Surely, it is better to trust but verify. Who produced this letter? When? Where? Who else was in the room? If the US did coerce the vote of no confidence -surely you want an independent investigation to expose the means by which it was done.
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  • White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield categorically rejects PM Imran Khan’s allegation.
  • We are closely following developments in Pakistan, says Ned Price.
The above two lines are in itself contradictory. On one hand, they say they reject any involvement and on the other hand, are also closely following developments in Pakistan. One can ask why? What is your stake in Pakistan that you need to closely monitor developments in Pakistan unless you are involved and have the interest to make sure the opposition succeeds where this line comes in:
US respects and supports Pakistan’s constitutional process.

Yeah Right!
USA and white house amused

we have send hundreds of such letters no one reacted in past . what new happened this time ?

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-01 at 3.10.11 PM.jpeg
Own up to your Prime Ministers fantasy? Is it not possible that your Prime Minister directed his embassy staff in Washigton to fabricate the minutes in "the letter" to revive his political career at the expense of relations with the US.

What evidence does your Prime Minister have that the words in "the letter" came from the mouths of US officials?
Yea, whatever US rants is the gospel truth just like Iraqi WMD.
It would have been easier to blame India or Israel if Pakistan just wanted to create some scenario.
The fact PPP leaders visiting US repeatedly during height of Corona epidemic and American diplomats meeting opposition parties in Pakistan proves Americas ill intentions towards PM Imrans government.
without a shred of evidence
We are way past this stage. Evidence has already been scanned, analyzed, and verified by not just the government but all relevant authorities and it is the collective judgment of theirs to call it a genuine threat by the US to the government of Pakistan, which is against all norms of a civilized society.
If you do not wish to question your government about their immoral and unjust interference in sovereign countries, then that's on you but don't question others on not verifying and doing their due diligence first.
Yea, whatever US rants is the gospel truth just like Iraqi WMD.
It would have been easier to blame India or Israel if Pakistan just wanted to create some scenario.
The fact PPP leaders visiting US repeatedly during height of Corona epidemic and American diplomats meeting opposition parties in Pakistan proves Americas ill intentions towards PM Imrans government.

US officials meet the opposition in France, Germany, the UK...so what? are we engaging in regime change everywhere?
you want to beleive your government without a shred of evidence that is your choice.
In all this, the accusation that the US paid bad actors within Pakistan to oust your elected representative is serious. Surely, it is better to trust but verify. Who produced this letter? When? Where? Who else was in the room? If the US did coerce the vote of no confidence -surely you want an independent investigation to expose the means by which it was done.
Unfortunately, you know as well as I, these things are rarely made public. I have to take the word/action of our NSC against the American's. I will put my trust in our gov, you can do it in yours. I am hoping that eventually things will become clearer as time passes, but doesn't America have a history of foreign interferance? Let's leave it at that.
you want to beleive your government without a shred of evidence that is your choice.
In all this, the accusation that the US paid bad actors within Pakistan to oust your elected representative is serious. Surely, it is better to trust but verify. Who produced this letter? When? Where? Who else was in the room? If the US did coerce the vote of no confidence -surely you want an independent investigation to expose the means by which it was done.
US reveals secret documents after 25 years? I guess. Anyway, didn't US topple Musaddaq and install Shah?
Also, Biden didn't call PM IK even during evacuation. White house didn't even say thanks to Pakistan. It shows, they don't like Pak, IK, Army or all.
US first declared Osama Bin Laden freedom fighter, then declared him terrorist and killed him after Soviet Union was defeated.

Now I am wondering what will happen to foreign puppets inside Pakistan, US always gets rid of any baggage after the job is done :lol:

US has a policy of declassifying cables like these after 20 years. It's their SOP. Right now they will never admit this official conversation took place.
doesn't America have a history of foreign interferance?

So does Russia, China, the EU..and any nation that can trade favors for influence.

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