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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Project Azm or any 5th gen induction is many years away and we won't push or force ourselves until our enemies are almost ready to induct also

With no F16s coming a combination of JF17s and J10c are a perfect combo going forward

There was a question about whether J10c's would come at all, but now that they are here I expect a initial induction of 36 which will gradually grow alongside JF17s to anywhere between 50 and 100

I don't think the Indians can keep pace with the Raphael's especially with other buyer's
Indians think of j10 as mig21
Otherwise by now they would have been worried about 800 j10s in PLAAF
The biggest threat/problem with the J-10CE is that it gives the PAF an affordable way to rapidly scale up its long-range air-to-air capability.

The IAF will have to plan for a potential 90-strong fleet of J-10CEs. But it can't bank on attrition or serviceability rates to do its job. The J-10CE is China's mainstay fighter, so there's always going to be a steady supply line of spare parts, replacement jets, etc.

You can't guarantee that with any European fighter. E.g., the IAF's buying used M2Ks for spare parts.

In a weird way, Egypt, UAE, and Indonesia did the PAF a solid by taking up spots in the Rafale's production line-up. This might explain why India is now seriously focusing on new homegrown 4.5+/5-minus designs like TEDBF/ORCA. I honestly hope Bangladesh figures out the Typhoon or, heck, KF-21 situations so that the IAF's full-up forced to look in-house. No doubt that'd be a huge boon for the Indian industry, but the PAF will bank on India's institutional issues to slow TEDBF and ORCA, one way or another.
The biggest threat/problem with the J-10CE is that it gives the PAF an affordable way to rapidly scale up its long-range air-to-air capability.

The IAF will have to plan for a potential 90-strong fleet of J-10CEs. But it can't bank on attrition or serviceability rates to do its job. The J-10CE is China's mainstay fighter, so there's always going to be a steady supply line of spare parts, replacement jets, etc.

You can't guarantee that with any European fighter. E.g., the IAF's buying used M2Ks for spare parts.

In a weird way, Egypt, UAE, and Indonesia did the PAF a solid by taking up spots in the Rafale's production line-up. This might explain why India is now seriously focusing on new homegrown 4.5+/5-minus designs like TEDBF/ORCA. I honestly hope Bangladesh figures out the Typhoon or, heck, KF-21 situations so that the IAF's full-up forced to look in-house. No doubt that'd be a huge boon for the Indian industry, but the PAF will bank on India's institutional issues to slow TEDBF and ORCA, one way or another.

KF 21 development program is speed up, mass production is now targeted in 2024 instead of previous plan in 2027.

There India may want to get it though
...plot twist, the PAF replaces F-16s with KF-21 built in Indonesia (it won't happen unless South Korea really tries to finesse both India and Pakistan through jugaadh/work-around methods...just kidding...)

If Pakistan order KF21, it may with condition SK will not sell it to India
If we go stealth it’ll be Chinese route, KF-21 is a no go as geopolitical US wouldn’t allow and SK will not upset the US.

It is true US permission is needed for exporting KF21, but you can try first

Chinese until now is not ready to sell their Stealth to other country, while SK is already offering their jet as we speak ( even one European country is interested and also I believe Philippine and Malaysia)

If India is serious in building their AMCA and Tejas Mark 2, better dont buy anything that can make India respond back with another acquisition like more Rafale.

But I do hope better lasting peace between Pakistan and India can happen, so Pakistan can concentrate on the economy, while India will only face China
The biggest threat/problem with the J-10CE is that it gives the PAF an affordable way to rapidly scale up its long-range air-to-air capability.

The IAF will have to plan for a potential 90-strong fleet of J-10CEs. But it can't bank on attrition or serviceability rates to do its job. The J-10CE is China's mainstay fighter, so there's always going to be a steady supply line of spare parts, replacement jets, etc.

You can't guarantee that with any European fighter. E.g., the IAF's buying used M2Ks for spare parts.

In a weird way, Egypt, UAE, and Indonesia did the PAF a solid by taking up spots in the Rafale's production line-up. This might explain why India is now seriously focusing on new homegrown 4.5+/5-minus designs like TEDBF/ORCA. I honestly hope Bangladesh figures out the Typhoon or, heck, KF-21 situations so that the IAF's full-up forced to look in-house. No doubt that'd be a huge boon for the Indian industry, but the PAF will bank on India's institutional issues to slow TEDBF and ORCA, one way or another.
Complete in agreement and this is why a Chinese engine makes even more sense.
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