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Turkey, Israel foil Iran-led assassination attempt on businessman in Istanbul


Oct 20, 2021
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ISTANBUL: Intelligence agents from Turkey and Israel have thwarted an Iran-led plot to kill an Israeli-Turkish tycoon following a monthslong surveillance operation.

The planned victim was Istanbul-based Yair Geller, the 75-year-old owner of CNC Advance Technologies. He was targeted in retaliation for the killing of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in 2020, an act that Tehran considered to be an Israeli operation.

Turkey’s national intelligence agency, MIT, said a nine-person network of hit men tracked Geller for a long time, taking photographs of his daily life, his workplace and his home in Istanbul. The gang used multiple Turkish and Iranian phone numbers to avoid detection.

MIT informed its Israeli counterpart, Mossad, about the gang’s plan before it turned operational and the two sides worked together to move the businessman to a safe house protected by Mossad operatives.

Once Geller was safe, MIT moved in on the hit men and arrested all but one of them. Most are Turkish nationals, but the head of the group is Iranian Saleh Moshtagh Bigohouz. One member of the group, who has close ties to the Iranian intelligence service, remains at large.

This is not the first time Turkish authorities have foiled such an assassination attempt. In 2009 they prevented a Hezbollah attack on an Israeli target in Turkey by implementing high-security measures in three major cities.

That attack was planned as revenge for the death of Imad Mughniyeh, who was the founding member of Lebanon’s Islamic Jihad organization and No. 2 in Hezbollah’s leadership.

Experts said the timing of the operation to protect Geller was significant as it came amid the discussions between Turkey and Israel to normalize diplomatic relations, adding that Iran might have been motivated to disrupt such talks.

Israel’s President Isaac Herzog and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have held four phone conversations this year in an attempt to mend frayed ties, and Herzog is expected to visit Turkey soon.

Dr. Nimrod Goren, president of Mitvim, the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies, said the cooperation between the two countries’ intelligence agencies would be beneficial in helping to improve bilateral relations.

“It conveys a message to the Israeli public that Turkey is not in the Iranian camp, that security cooperation between Israel and Turkey is possible and that improved channels between the countries can bring tangible benefits and save lives,” he told Arab News.

One of the topics for rapprochement between the two countries is energy, an industry in which Geller operates.

“Over the last few years, most media reports regarding Israel-Turkey relations carried negative crisis-related news, often portraying Turkey as a security threat to Israel given its ties with Hamas and Iran,” Goren said.

But the Geller story delivered the opposite message, as it portrayed Turkey as a potential security ally, he added.

“In that regard, the successful intelligence cooperation and the fact that it was made visible can help in rebuilding trust, improving perceptions, and preparing public opinion toward a new chapter in Israel-Turkey relations,” Goren said.

Jason M. Brodsky, policy director of United Against Nuclear Iran, agreed that the cooperation between the intelligence agencies represented a gesture by Erdogan ahead of Herzog’s visit.

“Turkish-Israeli relations over the last decade have been fraught, with Turkey reportedly compromising an Israeli intelligence ring working in Iran in early 2012,” he told Arab News.

“This latest episode is an attempt by Ankara to turn the page and build confidence, but there is still a long way to go, especially with curbing Hamas activity inside Turkey. That will test this exercise.”

Iranian operatives have been active on Turkish soil for a long time. They have been involved in several kidnapping and assassination attempts, and have been closely monitored by MIT. Last year, a gang of Iranian spies was captured after being accused of trying to kidnap an Iranian dissident military official.

Another Iranian citizen was arrested last year for helping to plan the assassination of Iranian dissident Masoud Molavi Vardanjani in Istanbul in 2019.

An Iranian cell also attempted to abduct Iranian dissident Shahnam Golshani, leading to another counterintelligence operation by Turkey that led to the arrest of 11 suspects, including an Iranian national.

Brodsky said there had been an uptick in the Turkish government’s disclosure of Iranian intelligence plots in the country in recent years.

“This latest revelation indicates some continued tension with Tehran against the backdrop of gas disputes and other irritants in the bilateral relationship,” he said.

Louis Fishman, associate professor at Brooklyn College, said the foiling of the assassination attempt on Geller in Turkey should not have come as a surprise.

“Turkey maintains strong economic ties with Israel despite the harsh rhetoric of the past between former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Erdogan. If Iran had succeeded in carrying out such an act, it would have been seen as a huge failure on the part of the Turkish security forces,” he told Arab News.

The intelligence operation also indicated that cooperation between the security teams was “working at high level,” Fishman said, adding that it was “another sign that Turkey is really serious about jump-starting its relations with Israel in the post-Netanyahu era.

“Such news stories are important in building trust among the Israeli public, which is still quite skeptical of Turkey’s attempts to mend ties. (But) Israeli government members will still want proof that Turkey will curb Hamas activities in Turkey.”

This is how intel works. You use as many local assets that you can. Stop your f***** racism. When did PDF devolve to name-calling?

Given the pressure Iran is under, it's frankly doing much more than begging-bowl Pakistan is currently. Our reaction to the US killing dozens of our soldiers at Salala was stopping supplies. Wow, great job by a nuclear power.

The bigger question is the oppression of the Palestinians which ALL OTHER MUSLIM COUNTRIES seem to have conveniently forgotten in a bid to get into bed with the Zionists. Wake up.
Pakistan has its own successes and failures.don't disrespect Pakistan in this discussion.You can continue Iranian ***** by other ways.
Pakistan has its own successes and failures.don't disrespect Pakistan in this discussion.You can continue Iranian ***** by other ways.
Classic display of Iranian partisans. Trying too hard and failing to show loyalty to Pakistan, when it is clear you only have loyalty to the Mullahs sitting in Tehran.

There is no Iran bashing in the above post and you've twist yourself in a pretzel to show false indignation on behalf of Iran at the back of somehow linking it to and making it the same as criticism of Pakistan. When in fact any patriotic Pakistani with an ounce of sense would know the fact that Pakistani security establishment's performance in protecting the lives and health of Pakistanis, particularly it's own soldiers had been less than stellar to say the least in the past 30 years.

Anyone who is happy with the status quo with regards to Pakistani security issues is not a friend of Pakistan and certainly not someone who has Pakistani interest in their hearts.

Any change in the security dynamics vis-a-vis Pakistan is likely to impact Iranian behavior and that's what the fifth columnist Iranian partisan's in Pakistan fear and looking to avoid.
@kingQamaR @Flight of falcon @The Eagle your opinions sir

Iranian cell caught in plot to assassinate Israeli in Istanbul, media and target say​

8 spies said arrested in plot to kill businessman Yair Geller, in retaliation for killing of Iran's nuclear chief; Turkish intel worked with Mossad, moved Geller to safehouse​

Turkish intelligence thwarted an Iranian plan to assassinate an Israeli businessman in the country, according to reports in Turkish media Friday. The intended target, Yair Geller, confirmed the reports. “I know for certain they want to kill me,” Geller said.

Authorities led an operation in recent days to arrest eight suspects in the case, according to the Sabah newspaper and many other media outlets.

The reports say an Iranian spy cell comprised of nine operatives, some Iranian and some Turkish, who were sent to kill Yair Geller, an Israeli-Turkish businessman who lives in Istanbul and owns an engineering company specializing in aerospace technology.

The planned hit was to be a retaliation for the killing of Iranian nuclear chief Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in 2020, widely attributed to Israel’s Mossad, the reports said, as well as a means to hinder warming relations between Ankara and Jerusalem.

The reports say the hit squad followed Geller to his home and workplace and was planning to use Turkish citizens to carry out the assassination.

Unbeknownst to the spies, they were being watched themselves, by Turkish agents. Once these determined that assassination preparations were underway, they shared the information with Mossad.

Geller was then transferred to a safe house, with Mossad actively aiding in his protection, the report said. He was invited to move to Israel for safety but declined.

Meanwhile, eight cell members were arrested by Turkish police. The leader of the cell in Turkey was identified as Iranian Moshtagh Bighouz. A ninth person, the squad’s leader in Iran, was named as Iranian intelligence officer Yasin Taheremamkendi.

The suspects have been charged with plotting to commit a crime.

Speaking to the Walla news site, Geller confirmed that he had been warned of the plot by Turkish authorities four months ago.

“Since it happened I’ve been very careful,” he said, while adding he felt safe in Turkey.

“They’ve arrested most of the cell members. If only I felt as safe and as well-treated in Israel as I’ve felt here.”

In a separate interview with Channel 13 news, Geller said he did not know why he was targeted.

“I cannot speak freely and I know for certain they want to kill me,” he said. “If I go into detail on the matter, I could cause significant damage to the country, but it’s completely true.”

The reports are the latest alleged attempt by Iran to assassinate an Israeli businessman abroad.

In November, Cypriot authorities filed charges against six suspects for allegedly planning to attack Israeli targets on the eastern Mediterranean island.

Israel said the cell had been sent by Iran to assassinate billionaire Teddy Sagi, and possibly others.

Among those charged was Orkhan Asadov, a 38-year-old Azerbaijani national. He and three Pakistanis indicted in the case were accused of plotting to visit Cyprus to commit acts of terror.

All but one of the suspects allegedly planned to kill five Israelis who live in Cyprus, according to the Politis daily.

News of the alleged attack plans broke in early October after Asadov was arrested on suspicion of planning an attack against Israelis. Asadov reportedly was in possession of a gun and silencer when he was arrested.



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This is how intel works. You use as many local assets that you can. Stop your f***** racism. When did PDF devolve to name-calling?

Given the pressure Iran is under, it's frankly doing much more than begging-bowl Pakistan is currently. Our reaction to the US killing dozens of our soldiers at Salala was stopping supplies. Wow, great job by a nuclear power.

The bigger question is the oppression of the Palestinians which ALL OTHER MUSLIM COUNTRIES seem to have conveniently forgotten in a bid to get into bed with the Zionists. Wake up.

dont worry brother, Iran and Pakistan relations are rock solid.

Iran was literally the first country tor recognize pakistan. Iran is pakistans only neighbour that never made territorial claims on it
Also Iran and pakistan have not fired a single direct shot at each other (ignoring the pakistani shootdown of Irans terrorist hunting drone)

Both sides have made their geopolitical calculations and know if they get into conflict, both sides would lose. While virtaully every Iranian and pakistani enemy would benefit. Starting with India, To the west, zionists and wahabis...

There is unfortunatly a large contingent of growing wahabism in pakistan. and that seems to be flaming anti-shia rhetoric. This is the biggest existential threat pakistan will face. As if they dont put an immidiate end to the wahabi cancer, The social fabrics of the state will start to collapse.

Im sure pakistani geopoltical experts are fully aware of this fact.
@dBSPL your input please sar
There is nothing surprising. 3rd(or 4th?) operation in the last 6-7 months. Two of the destroyed cells were the kidnapping team, the last one is hit squad. The number of detained Iranian nationals in these operations exceeded 10. There is a dare that exceeds the limit. Iran and Turkiye relations were based on mutual gentleness above all else. However, too many dogs have been wandering around lately, measures will be taken in this regard. If Turkiye had been involved in such an activity against Iran, I can't even imagine what would be written here. Albeit,, there is no need for Turkiye to do anything for obsessive people to express their stupid thoughts about Turkiye.

Tens of thousands of Iranians live in here. One of my neighbors is also Iranian citizen, works at Turkish airlines. They operate unhindered and without being any excluded in Turkish business life. We are talking about a community that has been accepted by the Turkish society. But if unethical actions by Iran continue in TR, first of all, the Iranian society living in here will suffer.
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This is how intel works. You use as many local assets that you can. Stop your f***** racism. When did PDF devolve to name-calling?

Given the pressure Iran is under, it's frankly doing much more than begging-bowl Pakistan is currently. Our reaction to the US killing dozens of our soldiers at Salala was stopping supplies. Wow, great job by a nuclear power.

The bigger question is the oppression of the Palestinians which ALL OTHER MUSLIM COUNTRIES seem to have conveniently forgotten in a bid to get into bed with the Zionists. Wake up.
Lol another iranian boot****** .we literally exhausted usa and nato in Afghan war meanwhile iranian mullah are still due to fire a single bullet at israel .

As for their capabilities we saw what they did when solmani got butchered and when their nuclear scientist got killed within tehran (by israel) .

The only thing iran did in past 40 years is to spread sectarian terrorism in Muslim countries .
Turkey itself has turned into a Zionist cell.

Most of the Zionist operatives are present in Ankara, hopefully, Iranian operatives learn from the previous mistakes and improve their skills.

Obviously, Zionist presence in TUrkey is significant so the rest is history.
dont worry brother, Iran and Pakistan relations are rock solid.

Iran was literally the first country tor recognize pakistan. Iran is pakistans only neighbour that never made territorial claims on it
Also Iran and pakistan have not fired a single direct shot at each other (ignoring the pakistani shootdown of Irans terrorist hunting drone)

Both sides have made their geopolitical calculations and know if they get into conflict, both sides would lose. While virtaully every Iranian and pakistani enemy would benefit. Starting with India, To the west, zionists and wahabis...

There is unfortunatly a large contingent of growing wahabism in pakistan. and that seems to be flaming anti-shia rhetoric. This is the biggest existential threat pakistan will face. As if they dont put an immidiate end to the wahabi cancer, The social fabrics of the state will start to collapse.

Im sure pakistani geopoltical experts are fully aware of this fact.
Seems pretty rock solid
Iranians through solid rocks at us all the time
We have bloody nose, then cry and dont do anything as everyone says iran is our brother its okau

Lol another iranian boot****** .we literally exhausted usa and nato in Afghan war meanwhile iranian mullah are still due to fire a single bullet at israel .

As for their capabilities we saw what they did when solmani got butchered and when their nuclear scientist got killed within tehran (by israel) .

The only thing iran did in past 40 years is to spread sectarian terrorism in Muslim countries .
They are pretty good at doing terroism with india in pakistan just so they can sell some oil
This is how intel works. You use as many local assets that you can. Stop your f***** racism. When did PDF devolve to name-calling?

Given the pressure Iran is under, it's frankly doing much more than begging-bowl Pakistan is currently. Our reaction to the US killing dozens of our soldiers at Salala was stopping supplies. Wow, great job by a nuclear power.

The bigger question is the oppression of the Palestinians which ALL OTHER MUSLIM COUNTRIES seem to have conveniently forgotten in a bid to get into bed with the Zionists. Wake up.
First off let's be civil here.

Let's take the oil reserves out of Iran and let's see how it copes with the sanctions.

And please kindly stop milking the Palestinian cow, you guys (irani as, didn't realize you were their lawyer based in Pakistan) are as hypocrite as anyone else including the Palestinians them selves when dealing with the Palestinian issue.
Given the pressure Iran is under, it's frankly doing much more than begging-bowl Pakistan is currently. Our reaction to the US killing dozens of our soldiers at Salala was stopping supplies. Wow, great job by a nuclear power.
So you have to disrespect the country whose flags you present just to show your loyalty! Can you Knomeini lovers get any low?
I can happily respond to what Pakistan has achieved and while many buckled under the pressure from the West including Iran related to the nuclear program, Pakistan remained steadfast in its pursuit. We have managed to keep two superpowers at bay. So before you want to disrespect Pakistan again I will suggest remaining on the topic which is between Iran, Israel, and Turkey.
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