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China’s Submarine Fleet, Evolution & news



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From this photo we can conclude a few things.

1. No VLS for land cruise attack. Weapons are exclusively fired from torpedo tubes.

2. Addition of towed array from that bump behind conning tower, to increase its passive detection capability on top of the main bow sonar.

3. At least a few boats are in active service if they openly reveal it like this.

4. Related to the point above, we should expect to see 095 fairly soon.
From this photo we can conclude a few things.

1. No VLS for land cruise attack. Weapons are exclusively fired from torpedo tubes.

2. Addition of towed array from that bump behind conning tower, to increase its passive detection capability on top of the main bow sonar.

3. At least a few boats are in active service if they openly reveal it like this.

4. Related to the point above, we should expect to see 095 fairly soon.
Yep that pretty much sums it up for 093 series. I guess total 8~9 hulls built by now, the class is like "052B/C-era" of DDG as described by Alex Luck, each hull is slightly modified until PLAN is finally satisfied with a frontline design aka 095. With so much public exposure of 093 recently I believe this class has come to fruition, no more ship of this class will be built, and 095 may enter mass production soon becoming the 052D of SSN.

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Yep that pretty much sums it up for 093 series. I guess total 8~9 hulls built by now, the class is like "052B/C-era" of DDG as described by Alex Luck, each hull is slightly modified until PLAN is finally satisfied with a frontline design aka 095. With so much public exposure of 093 recently I believe this class has come to fruition, no more ship of this class will be built, and 095 may enter mass production soon becoming the 052D of SSN.

The Type 095 is most likely the Type 055 of the SSN.

And the Type 093B is equivalent to the Type 052D in the SSN world.

technology which china is offering in these subs european dominace in submarine xport is numbered
One more 094 SSBN spotted in the dry dock at Huludao, Dec 2021

View attachment 809464

So what's the guestimate on the total number of 094 now? Based on open sourced data there were already 6 in service, so this makes it 7 now?

I know it's entirely possible that China hides some extra ones that the public doesn't know, and my question is only for the number based on what the public knows.
So what's the guestimate on the total number of 094 now? Based on open sourced data there were already 6 in service, so this makes it 7 now?

I know it's entirely possible that China hides some extra ones that the public doesn't know, and my question is only for the number based on what the public knows.
Remember this news coverage from last April when 1 was commissioned? 3 or 4 more were spotted in the background. My guesstimate is there are 7~8 hulls in service now, almost same number as 093 SSN but slightly less. Adding the new one spotted in Huludao in December, making total 8~9.

094 SSBN April 2021.jpg
Remember this news coverage from last April when 1 was commissioned? 3 or 4 more were spotted in the background. My guesstimate is there are 7~8 hulls in service now, almost same number as 093 SSN but slightly less. Adding the new one spotted in Huludao in December, making total 8~9.

View attachment 813724

Yes, you are right! I forgot the new one went into service at the last Navy celebration event. So this should make it at least 8 in service now.

8x12 = 96 launch tubes, and at least 96 warheads. That's enough to put any country in paralyze if not decimated. I guess when China has 20 or more in service, no one in the West will call China a threat anymore :-)
Yes, you are right! I forgot the new one went into service at the last Navy celebration event. So this should make it at least 8 in service now.

8x12 = 96 launch tubes, and at least 96 warheads. That's enough to put any country in paralyze if not decimated. I guess when China has 20 or more in service, no one in the West will call China a threat anymore :-)
Yes that's adequate to annihilate an enemy country. Each JL-2A/AG (navalized version of DF-31A/AG ICBM) can deliver a 1 megaton thermonuclear warhead, or MIRV with several 150 kiloton thermonuclear warheads.

Well I guess given limited defence budget (1.18% of GDP) ten to twelve 094 SSBN would suffice at the moment, fielding 120~144 JL-2A/AG missiles. Focus will be on getting next gen 096 (with JL-3 aka navalized version of DF-41) inducted asap.
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Yes that's adequate to annihilate an enemy country. Each JL-2A/AG (navalized version of DF-31A/AG ICBM) can deliver a 1 megaton thermonuclear warhead, or MIRV with several 150 kiloton thermonuclear warheads.

Well I guess given limited defence budget (1.18% of GDP) ten to twelve 094 SSBN would suffice at the moment, fielding 120~144 JL-2A/AG missiles. Focus will be on getting next gen 096 (with JL-3 aka navalized version of DF-41) inducted asap.

Yes, I know China is building 096s, and the photos of new huge sub assembly line buildings a couple of years ago clearly indicated that a ramped up production rate than 094 is likely. This is the right thing to do - have absolutely power to wipe any country off the planet a couple of times, is the only equilibrium to balance out the war mongering country of you know who, as well as all their other lapdogs, to even contemplating the idea of starting a war with China.

In a jungle world where the west only respect the idea of "might is right", that's the only way to maintaining peace. China already has this ability today with the Great Wall underground tunnels for mobile ICBMs which no one knows how many China has, but adding another 6-10 096 boomers, along with the 8-9 094 already in service, will make the message loud and clear that starting a war with China equals to commit suicide, especially to the China-hate WASP elites and the anti-Asian rednecks in the US. So the idea uttered by a little white boy on a TV show in the US several year ago that "we just kill all the Chinese" (so we don't have to pay the debt to China) would never come across their mind again. They never talk like that with regarding to Russia, and we all should know why.

In fact, this should be the priority number 1 for China's defense strategy in the next decade until enough 096 boomers are in service. I'd even go as far as suggesting to China's leadership to cut funding to the ground forces, and use the money to quickly beef up the strategic nuke sub force, as well as ASW attack subs like the next gen 095 and ASW planes. The war mongers in the US has been openly talking about preparing war with China in the SCS because the US sub force advantage. China needs to invest heavily and quickly to boost its ASW capabilities, and all those fancy tanks, artilleries, land attack missiles, etc., will be of no value for any likely battles at sea, and since US isn't able to or not going to invade China on land anyway, China should spend all defense budget to prepare and secure the resources for the upcoming battle at sea that the war mongers in the US is itching to start a fight.

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