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Proliferation of nukes: Pakistan studying joint pledge by five N-states


Mar 21, 2007
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Proliferation of nukes: Pakistan studying joint pledge by five N-states

By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir
January 09, 2022

Proliferation of nukes: Pakistan studying joint pledge by five N-states

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is studying the joint pledge expressed by the United States of America, China, Russia, the United Kingdom and France to prevent spread of nuclear weapons.

Pakistan has been adhering to its nuclear doctrine of maintaining a credible minimum deterrence. Well-placed sources of the Foreign Ministry while interacting with

The News here on Saturday maintained that the pledge shown by the five declared nuclear powers is significant. Pakistan’s nuclear capability is in accordance with its requirements and Islamabad has throughout been opposing its proliferation.

Foreign Secretary Sohail Mahmood didn’t respond to the query about Pakistan’s official position about the statement issued at the United Nations headquarters early this week. Interestingly, Pakistan’s permanent representative for the world body Munir Akram was not present in New York during the nuclear P-Five meeting as he was in Islamabad and couldn’t gather the developments around the resolve of the five nuclear capable countries.

In a rare joint statement, the five key nuclear-armed nations said early this week that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought while vowing to prevent the spread of atomic weapons.

The sources reminded that Pakistan being a responsible nuclear weapon state has been following well set-out policy on the subject that is widely appreciated by the world. It is in line with the needs of the country, the sources said. The diplomatic observers are of the view that the joint statement has conspicuous significance in the wake of mounting tension between Russia and Ukraine and hostile posturing by relevant states on Taiwan.

It is understood that the joint statement has no relevance with the affairs of South Asia. In the statement, the five world powers underlined their desire to work with all states to create a security environment conducive to progress on disarmament with the ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons with “undiminished” security for all.

“We intend to continue seeking bilateral and multilateral diplomatic approaches to avoid military confrontations, strengthen stability and predictability, increase mutual understanding and confidence, and prevent an arms race that would benefit none and endanger all,” the joint statement had said.
France which agreed to this declaration still has a demonstration capability (a shot across the bow with a nuke) to dissuade an adversary from a conventional attack. It deterred the Soviets. So these statements are just periodic window dressing. Nothing Pakistan has to comment on.

While the disparity between India and Pakistan is not as great, the following is an interesting commentary on a smaller power trying to dissuade a large power. This is especially interesting because many Indian planners (as with most of the Indian Military) seem to think in the Soviet/Russian model as they were probably trained.

RAND Assessment on Soviet Commentary on the French Force de Frappe
A hollow pledge since all five are modernising their nuclear arsenals.

Besides the only nation to have used a nuclear weapons is sitting on the UN Security Council.

These 5 won't go to war against each other but the will kill murder pillage any nation without nukes. Nukes are a must if yiu wish to survive

I bet Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine regret surrendering their nuclear weapons.
A hollow pledge since all five are modernising their nuclear arsenals.

Besides the only nation to have used a nuclear weapons is sitting on the UN Security Council.

I bet Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine regret surrendering their nuclear weapons.
They never had nukes to begin with
Pakistan statement is also just to show world that we are very much concern, I will say diplomatic.
France which agreed to this declaration still has a demonstration capability (a shot across the bow with a nuke) to dissuade an adversary from a conventional attack. It deterred the Soviets. So these statements are just periodic window dressing. Nothing Pakistan has to comment on.

While the disparity between India and Pakistan is not as great, the following is an interesting commentary on a smaller power trying to dissuade a large power. This is especially interesting because many Indian planners (as with most of the Indian Military) seem to think in the Soviet/Russian model as they were probably trained.

RAND Assessment on Soviet Commentary on the French Force de Frappe

Just read that document, rather dated, but I can see what you are pointing towards.
The first half was more interesting then the second part, which largely dealt with French/West German crap, before finishing again with interest insights. I wouldn't say force de frappe deterred the Soviets directly, but it did add a calculated risk that they dismissed publicly, but factored into their policy.

But, like you said, the Indians would have to be stupid to take any lesson from that framework, the geographic distances are different, the technology is different, the power differential is different and so many other factors. Although, I can see few misplaced elements from that document in the Indian thinking. Totally stupid.
Well maybe America can start to adopt a "no first use" policy? Or would that be too much for the yankees?
Well maybe America can start to adopt a "no first use" policy? Or would that be too much for the yankees?

Pakistan government can't seem to sit on their back side and keep quiet. Those big 5 powers have got economic muscle plus they are in alliances so no one can touch them.
Who we got, when push came to shove probably we will get a post card from the Turkey and China wishing us well and that's it. Morally bank corrupt GCC will just look the other way, like we don't exist as they did with us on the Kashmir. We simply can't give up on the first use if our red line is crossed. Let the 5 big exchange pleasantries and have tea together and while we should worry about our economy.
Yes read it and expand the arsenal to 500......

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