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Embarrassment in Germany:Manmohan Singh has let down the country on a foreign tour


May 25, 2010
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Embarrassment in Germany

Manmohan Singh has let down the country on a foreign tour, says N.V.Subramanian.

Washington, 13 December 2010: Prime minister Manmohan Singh usually does not need to be told what not to say or to do in public. If anything, he veers to the extremes of omissions. For example, he has not spoken strongly against corruption in the backdrop of the 2G scandal despite a personal reputation for financial integrity and he has not had the courage to accept to have his government face a JPC inquiry into the spectrum allotment scam which has destroyed India's image worldwide.

Instead of speaking and doing where he should and must, which is on the 2G scandal in India, he shares his minimal and hopeless thoughts on the scam in a foreign land, on his arrival for a Germany state visit. Apropos the JPC demand of the opposition, the PM says, "I am worried about the future of the parliamentary system. I hope reason will prevail."

More than once, the PM has commented on domestic politics on overseas trips. It is evident that the Congress president, Sonia Gandhi, totally controls the party's domestic politics, and that Manmohan Singh is allowed some limited say in foreign policy. This is one of the terms of division of power (Sonia and the rest of the Gandhi family have no responsibilities) between Manmohan Singh and her. But that still cannot justify his comments on domestic politics abroad, especially as they throw divisive light on India.

This writer and this magazine and political parties like the BJP have earlier castigated the PM for advertising domestic political differences abroad. The PM was more prone to this affliction when he had newly assumed office. He checked himself after the criticisms. Now he is at it again.

You could argue that Manmohan Singh did not reveal anything that was unknown about political differences related to the 2G scam. Foreign diplomatic conversations would be full of it. If the Wikileaks on US state department communications is any indication, the diplomatic community has a fairly good understanding of India's internal political differences, and the assorted chicaneries of the ruling party are well-assessed.

But there is a subtle but significant difference between what is available in the public domain which is readily accessible to the world and how a travelling prime minister responds to it. For instance, if the PM gently had deflected questions on 2G overseas, with a simple statement that he had no intention of speaking on domestic political differences abroad, it would bring him respect and honours in India and with his foreign hosts. His foreign hosts automatically would be warned not to raise sensitive issues of domestic political differences with him. It would strengthen rather than weaken his visit.

But now, foreign governments have been provided an opening by none other than the PM to raise issues of domestic political differences with him. Even if the questioning is polite, it is bound to be incisive. Manmohan Singh is not going to emerge victorious after such encounters, especially after he has run down India's parliamentary democracy so openly.

It is factual to say that the nominal prime-ministership of Manmohan Singh has taken a fair toll of India's parliamentary system of government. As such, India's coalition politics has contributed to the weakening of the system, from which there is no easy present escape. But the situation infinitely has been worsened by the division of power between Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh, where she wields all the clout and he rubber-stamps her decisions.

It is this peculiar and disastrous construction of UPA/ Congress politics that has strained India's parliamentary system. Obviously, Manmohan Singh is unlikely to focus on this. But to transfer blame on the parliamentary system to cover his own inadequacies and failures is unacceptable, especially as it has occurred during a foreign tour. If the parliamentary system is so unworkable, why doesn't he resign? It is quite besides the point that no political system anywhere in the world is working, not least the US presidential system under Barack Obama.

Manmohan Singh clearly has undermined himself, the parliamentary system and India by his statements in Germany. At the very least, he deserves a verbal roasting for his staggering indiscretion. On the other hand, if only to save the parliamentary system from apostates like Manmohan Singh, the opposition must further raise the heat on the 2G scandal and wrest a JPC probe.
better luck next time buddy.. try to post something good... it has to be at least some what interesting... not a complete boring one...
Can someone please shed light on this comment attributed to Jaswant Singh:

" Apropos the JPC demand of the opposition, the PM says, "I am worried about the future of the parliamentary system. I hope reason will prevail."
Can someone please shed light on this comment attributed to Jaswant Singh:

" Apropos the JPC demand of the opposition, the PM says, "I am worried about the future of the parliamentary system. I hope reason will prevail."

Opposition are constantly staging walk out and stalling of parliament sessions over the inquiry of the scam. They want JPC ( joint parliamentary committee) to enquire upon it and the ruling party has nt agreed upon it.
Can someone please shed light on this comment attributed to Jaswant Singh:

" Apropos the JPC demand of the opposition, the PM says, "I am worried about the future of the parliamentary system. I hope reason will prevail."
He is just worried about the malfunction of parliament due to opposition demanding for JPC for 2G scam. Its simple. When he says reason will prevail, he is probably speaking of unreasonable demands made by opposition, but I guess thats his stand point.
Opposition are constantly staging walk out and stalling of parliament sessions over the inquiry of the scam. They want JPC ( joint parliamentary committee) to enquire upon it and the ruling party has nt agreed upon it.

Thanks. But why would he be worried about the future of the parliamentary *system* based on some walkouts?
Thanks. But why would he be worried about the future of the parliamentary *system* based on some walkouts?

Political speech, to pressurize the opposition to halt the stalling by hinting its harmful for Parliamentary system, northing more.

Usually the speakers of the both houses( 2 houses -Lok sabha and rajyasabha like Upper house and lower house) used to say these when members walk out.
Can someone please shed light on this comment attributed to Jaswant Singh:

" Apropos the JPC demand of the opposition, the PM says, "I am worried about the future of the parliamentary system. I hope reason will prevail."

Actually, this was the embarrassment part. :no:
Honestly Speaking

I fail to understand why almost every commentator, every TV anchor, every editorial writer feels compelled to pay ritual obeisance to the “personal honesty and integrity” of Dr Manmohan Singh

Today, the Indian media—both print and television—is focusing on the recent corruption scandals involving the UPA Government with unusual zeal. However, I fail to understand why almost every commentator, every TV anchor, every editorial writer feels compelled to pay ritual obeisance to the “personal honesty and integrity” of Dr Manmohan Singh while dealing with the scandals emanating from his cabinet colleagues. They do so even when there is clear evidence that the Prime Minister was well aware of various shady deals, as in the case of Telecom scam, and that he did nothing to stop the brazen economic crimes indulged in by his ministerial colleagues over the last 6 years.

Corruption is not only about personally accepting monetary bribes and stacking them away in hidden bank accounts overseas, buying benami properties or accepting diamond sets for your wife. Corruption can come in insidious avatars, such as knowingly turning a blind eye to the misuse the entire machinery of governance to serve private ends of a few individuals, even to the point of endangering national security. For example, not a single person has been punished thus far for supplying sub standard bullet proof jackets to the police handling the 26/11 terrorist attack in Mumbai. Not surprisingly, we are right now witnessing yet another scam involving sub- standard bullet proof vests.

In recent weeks, some of our most respected columnists have been warning us that we should look at institutional reform rather than target individuals because it can lead to loss of faith in democratic institutions. But how do you retain faith in democratic institutions if powerful individuals use their office to systematically subvert the autonomy and credibility of institutions meant as watchdogs of democracy? The best of institutions take no time in becoming slavish instruments of partisan agendas if you plant subservient and heavily compromised individuals at their helm.

Dr Manmohan Singh cannot escape responsibility for appointing people with dubious credentials to occupy key positions of power—starting with the appointment of Pratibha Patil as the President of India. This despite the fact that that Congress leaders of her own district protested vehemently against her appointment because of her and her close kin's direct involvement in criminal cases. Thereafter, all key institutions, including the Election Commission, the Central Vigilance Commission have been filled with people whose credentials have been questioned not just by the opposition but also the media and respected public figures.

He has also provided key portfolios to people with a proven track record of brazen corruption. For example, IAS officer, Mr Lalli the CEO of Prasar Bharati that manages Doordarshan has been charged in countless corrupt deals and practices. Despite numerous agitations by the staff of Doordarshan to get him punished, he continues lording over the institution because he is supposed to have the PM's backing.

This regime has also gone out of its way to protect those judges of the High Courts and Supreme Court who have such serious corruption charges against them as to merit impeachment and criminal trials. Justice Dinakaran of the Karnataka High Court was saved from the wrath of and boycott by the legal fraternity of Karnataka by being transferred to Sikkim High Court despite loud protests by people in Sikkim. Judges who are alleged to have shared in the loot of Provident Fund of class 1V employees in UP have not been subject to investigation, leave alone punishment. One of them retired after serving a full term in the Supreme Court. The kingpin of the scam who later provided evidence of the complicity of the judges died under mysterious circumstances in jail.

Supreme Court Justice Sabharwal was likewise protected from prosecution even though the allegations against him during UPA’s first term were no less serious than that of Kalmadi. He is alleged to have ordered demolition of numerous commercial centres and complexes in Delhi in order to benefit his son’s investment in high end malls, causing havoc for lakhs of small and big commercial property owners of Delhi.

The CWG scam is not just about misappropriation of funds through inflated bills and money being paid to bogus companies. It all started with the politician-contractor mafia being allowed to violate all environmental laws to convert Yamuna floodplains into prime real estate by building luxury apartments in the name of Games Village. This happened despite the High Court ban on all construction activity on the floodplains. It needed the influence of people far more powerful than Kalmadi to ensure that Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh looked the other way when all environmental laws were being brazenly flouted right under his nose to build high rise apartments and other commercial structures on the floodplains and thus persuading the Supreme Court into over ruling the considered view of the High Court. The game plan behind building luxury apartments on the forbidden land became obvious from the fact that the builders had to be whip lashed into completing at least half the apartments before the Commonwealth Games. They were obviously given to understand that the CWG was merely a fig leaf for converting floodplains into prime real estate in the heart of Delhi.

The choice of the company that built the Games Village, the names of its real owners, its unknown and known partners, and the list of its known and unknown beneficiaries will reveal a scam more insidious than the Adarsh Housing Scam of Mumbai which involved Congress Party CM and other politicians, top ranking officials of the armed forces and bureaucrats cornering luxury apartments in a prime location in a housing society set up in the name of Kargil widows. In this case too, the only visible action taken by the Prime Minister is to replace the Chief Minister of Maharashtra. No sign of any heads rolling as yet.

Or take the example of the most politically sensitive state of Jammu & Kashmir. Manmohan Singh allowed an anti- Omar agitation to turn into an anti India agitation much against his own counsel, all because he dare not sack Omar Abdullah from the CM’s post even when the entire Valley rose in revolt against his high handed, corrupt and callous regime. Senior Congress leaders admit in private that Omar cannot be touched since he is a buddy of Rahul Gandhi. Dr Singh knows well that Omar’s continuation has given a new lease of life to the Pak inspired separatist and terrorist movement in Kashmir.

People attribute his pliability to the fact that the prime minister was appointed and not elected. He has never won a Lok Sabha election. But that cannot be used as an excuse to justify overlooking such gross mismanagement and loot as well as the political drift one witnesses even in areas involving national security.

In fact, his defeat in the one and only election he ever fought is related to his lack of personal integrity. He was defeated in the predominantly middle-class South Delhi constituency because people in general and Sikhs in particular were enraged when Manmohan Singh denied the role of the Congress in the 1984 anti Sikh carnage and instead attributed the 1984 massacre to the RSS. The RSS may well be guilty of many other communal riots but the " credit" for the 1984 massacre goes entirely to Congress politicians, including Rajiv Gandhi who even justified the killings saying: "when a big tree falls, the earth is bound to shake." The Congress Party also ensured that those who masterminded and executed the 1984 pogrom did not get punished.

Similarly, in the case of Gujarat riots, the Prime Minister happily joined the chorus initiated by his boss pillorying Narendra Modi as "Maut ka Saudagar" even though it is well known that Congress party cadres merrily joined the riotous mobs unleashed by BJP-RSS combine in Ahmadabad and elsewhere. This failure to own responsibility for the conduct of his party men and passing the entire responsibility on to Modi is in large part responsible for the lack of credibility of Congress Party in Gujarat and the severe erosion of its political base in Gujarat.

Likewise, getting a Rajya Sabha seat from Assam claiming he is a resident of the state when he has never had any such connection with Assam is a definite indicator of questionable political integrity.

A PM who compromises national interest, as in Kashmir, just to indulge the personal fancy of the PM in waiting, a PM who looks the other way while his Cabinet colleagues brazenly loot public funds and get away with extorting thousands of crores by way of kickbacks, a PM who is widely perceived and lampooned as a “rubber stamp” does not merit being called “an honest man” or a “man of integrity” because integrity in his job demands putting national interest above partisan politics and personal loyalties. Integrity also involves taking full responsibility for all his acts of commission and omission which have earned UPA II the dubious distinction of being publicly named as the most corrupt and rudderless government in post independence India

Madhu Purnima Kishwar is Founding Editor, Manushi Journal, Founder, Manushi Sangathan--Citizens First Forum and Senior Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies.

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