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Iran helps Venezuela in its time of need

Venezuela was set back by the US-subservient regime which preceded shahid Chavez. Again, in the 1950's Venezuela used to be a fully fledged industrialized country. All of this was ruined by the pro-US regime which shahid Chavez overthrew. Ever since, the focus has been on reattaining the past status quo.

Dubai is nothing to aspire to, by the way. It's a hotel, more than an actual authentic nation, where the immigrant workforce is more numerous than local nationals... as well as a centerpiece of Noahide zionist globalism, where temples hosting under one same roof a church, a mosque and synagogue are erected.

If communism is so great, why does iran not become communist?
If communism is so great, why does iran not become communist?

Venezuela doesn't practice communism in the sense you have in mind. Did you know one of Chavez' sources of inspiration was a Colombian author classified on the far right? Did you know Chavez was a staunchly faithful Christian? Did you know Venezuelan trotskyists (= zionist fake "leftists") hate Chavez and Maduro?

This said, the Islamic Revolution of Iran was entirely geared towards restituting the rights of the mostazafin (the disinherited). Only because the liberal Rafsanjani clique followed by the reformists deviated from the original line, it doesn't mean that Iran is not inclined towards anti-capitalist principles. Iran's Supreme Leader repeatedly denounced global capitalism. But, that doesn't equal Soviet-style communism! There's a third path, and I'd invite you to explore it.
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They cant even make sugar there anymore. Im afraid that Iran wont be able to make socialism / communism work. Last time i checked Iran dropped that communist rubbish as well.

But hey, while people in venezuela starve, the bus driver is fine dining in dubai


Iran never aspired to what you view as communism. But just follow the news, the present Raisi administration is going to cater for the working class and the disinherited, which were pretty much despised and abandoned by Rohani's team.
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Guys,like Apollon said,the problem is Maduro. Not just the sanctions. The sanctions are stupid,but Maduro's stupidity is even bigger. At least Chavez had some experience and charisma. Maduro has taken his people down and will not leave,he insists that it's evil imperialism and his own people's fault that his socialist experiments don't work.
Look what liberalism did to the not-sanctioned Greece. US itself is collapsing with an enormous debt and social divide. if your country was under the kind of sanctions which Venezuela is bearing right now, then you would beg to have a man like Maduro.
Yes we all know what paradise venezuela would be. 😂🤣😄😅😆
No, we know what paradise the Greece is! A country in Europe continent and under no sanction but has to rely on the help of whole EU to not become a sanctioned-Venezuela. lol

Apparently actors and celebrities are good to become the president of liberal countries (overnight), but a self-raised man who has started from a bus driver isn't good ever, perhaps you people prefer the lies in best acting skills!
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Look what liberalism did to the not-sanctioned Greece. US itself is collapsing with an enormous debt and social divide. if your country was under the kind of sanctions which Venezuela is bearing right now, then you would beg to have a man like Maduro.
Actually we had a man who saw Maduro as an example. Tsipras and the SYRIZA government (Coalition of Radical Left). They neglected the military,they signed the abominable treaty with FYROM,they allowed leftist groups do whatever they want in the country,they signed for another loan instead of telling the EU and IMF off,like they were promising the people before the elections,the police under them was tolerant to anarchist groups,but harsh on those who protested about everything else and their capital control policy pissed off everyone. They also supported and organized LGBTQ+ pride events more than any previous government.

The result was losing the elections in 2019.
No, we know what paradise the Greece is! A country in Europe continent and under no sanction but has to rely on the help of whole EU to not become a sanctioned-Venezuela. lol

Apparently actors and celebrities are good to become the president of liberal countries (overnight), but a self-raised man who has started from a bus driver isn't good ever, perhaps you people prefer the lies in best acting skills!

Greece is a high income nation with high living standards and a economic growth of 5.9%.

Maduro is a communist moron with no education. He was a bus driver, is a bus driver and always will be a bus driver. Communism always fails, because its completly against human nature. China started to become sucessful when it dropped communism and changed its economy to capitalism. In europe the entire communist east collapsed because its people ran away. Your own country Iran is fiercly against communism.
Look what liberalism did to the not-sanctioned Greece. US itself is collapsing with an enormous debt and social divide. if your country was under the kind of sanctions which Venezuela is bearing right now, then you would beg to have a man like Maduro.

The country of Perikles, Leonidas, Aristoteles would certainly not beg to have a fatm uneducated bus driver as president.
Of course they exist. Evry nation has its mental ill people.

So also was said about every revolutionaries down history, whether it be the modern Communists or must have been the older ones like early Muslims.

Iranians are religious/pious, but communism has a problem with religion...so thats that for 1.

Communism does not dictate that you disbelieve in God. I myself believe in the supremacy of Nature but have no problems with theist Communists. But yes, Communists and Socialists do have objection to fanatic people who use the umbrella of religion to project their regressive and anti-human thinking. Please see the distinction. :)

I will quote a section a thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is a lengthy article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha who chronicles a lot of the Socialist and Communist activism among Muslims from the early 1900s :
Apart from continuing to author books and commentaries on the Qu’ran, Parvez wrote a series of articles in Talu-e-Islam that propagated a more socialistic view of the holy book.

In a series of essays for the magazine he used verses from the Qu’ran, incidents from the faith’s history and insights from the writings of Muhammad Iqbal to claim:

The clergy and conservative ulema have hijacked Islam.

They are agents of the rich people and promoters of uncontrolled Capitalism.

Socialism best enforces Qur’anic dictums on property, justice and distribution of wealth.

Islam’s main mission was the eradication of all injustices and cruelties from society. It was a socio-economic movement, and the Prophet was a leader seeking to put an end to the capitalist exploitation of the Quraysh merchants and the corrupt bureaucracy of Byzantium and Persia.

According to the Qur’an, Muslims have three main responsibilities: seeing, hearing and sensing through the agency of the mind. Consequently, real knowledge is based on empirically verifiable observation, or through the role of science.

Poverty is the punishment of God and deserved by those who ignore science.

In Muslim/Islamic societies, science, as well as agrarian reform should play leading roles in developing an industrialised economy.

A socialist path is a correction of the medieval distortion of Islam through Shari’a.

Maduro is a communist moron with no education. He was a bus driver, is a bus driver and always will be a bus driver.

You seem to have an elitist attitude. So what if he was a bus driver ? Prophet Muhammad was the manager of his later wife's business before he gained enlightenment.

Communism always fails, because its completly against human nature.

How ?

China started to become sucessful when it dropped communism and changed its economy to capitalism.

China was never a Communist society. As far as I can guess the Chinese Communist Party never outlined a time when China would become ruled by the people directly without the Party and it never outlined a time when the traditional money system would either be abolished or at least become evolved.

Look at China now. Workers oppressed and other workers living under a 996 work culture and Chinese being given stock markets and allowed to gamble in this, lose money and commit suicide by jumping into steel furnaces and off buildings.
So also was said about every revolutionaries down history, whether it be the modern Communists or must have been the older ones like early Muslims.

Communism does not dictate that you disbelieve in God. I myself believe in the supremacy of Nature but have no problems with theist Communists. But yes, Communists and Socialists do have objection to fanatic people who use the umbrella of religion to project their regressive and anti-human thinking. Please see the distinction. :)

I will quote a section a thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is a lengthy article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha who chronicles a lot of the Socialist and Communist activism among Muslims from the early 1900s :

You seem to have an elitist attitude. So what if he was a bus driver ? Prophet Muhammad was the manager of his later wife's business before he gained enlightenment.

How ?

China was never a Communist society. As far as I can guess the Chinese Communist Party never outlined a time when China would become ruled by the people directly without the Party and it never outlined a time when the traditional money system would either be abolished or at least become evolved.

Look at China now. Workers oppressed and other workers living under a 996 work culture and Chinese being given stock markets and allowed to gamble in this, lose money and commit suicide by jumping into steel furnaces and off buildings.

Quite easy, communism assumes that all humans are same. Which is obviously wrong. We are all different with all different talents. If you want that a doctor gets the same as a bus driver, the only thing you achieve, is that the doctor runs away. To keep your system running you need violence, like the iron curtain and in the end it always collapses.
Communism always fails, because its completly against human nature.

Problem with this assertion is that mankind lived in communism for some 300.000 years. Other forms of social organization, which appeared alongside civilization, are actually the exception from a chronological point of view.

I would suggest to revisit the work of pre-Socratic Greek philosophers with this in mind. Authors such as Parmenides or Empedocles... These lived in fact in a time which was closer to the pre-civilizational era, and their thinking bears all the marks of it.
Problem with this assertion is that mankind lived in communism for some 300.000 years. Other forms of social organization, which appeared alongside civilization, are actually the exception from a chronological point of view.

I would suggest to revisit the work of pre-Socraric Greek philosophers with this in mind. Authors such as Parmenides or Empedocles... These lived in fact in a time which was closer to the pre-civilizational era, and their thinking bears all the marks of it.

But when you look at earliest greek civilisations like Minoan or Mycena, it was always kingdoms with social class even before the classical era.
But when you look at earliest greek civilisations like Minoan or Mycena, it was always kingdoms with social class even before the classical era.

Yes because these were civilizations already. But how did homo sapiens live for the 300.000 years period prior to the appearance of civilization? When pondering this, it becomes problematic to consider communism as opposed to human nature itself.
Actually we had a man who saw Maduro as an example. Tsipras and the SYRIZA government (Coalition of Radical Left). They neglected the military,they signed the abominable treaty with FYROM,they allowed leftist groups do whatever they want in the country,they signed for another loan instead of telling the EU and IMF off,like they were promising the people before the elections,the police under them was tolerant to anarchist groups,but harsh on those who protested about everything else and their capital control policy pissed off everyone. They also supported and organized LGBTQ+ pride events more than any previous government.

The result was losing the elections in 2019.
Most of the things which you mentioned are the exact dictates of liberalism, not Maduro! but since the result of liberalism and so capitalism is the inevitable collapse of society, each of European countries (not just a faction in Greece) have implemented the capital control policy in some way.
Quite easy, communism assumes that all humans are same. Which is obviously wrong. We are all different with all different talents.

We are and Communism recognizes that : "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".

If you want that a doctor gets the same as a bus driver, the only thing you achieve, is that the doctor runs away.

In what all things you mean "Gets the same" ?

To keep your system running you need violence, like the iron curtain and in the end it always collapses.

The Libyan Jamahiriya political system was the true manifestation of the Communist ideal of a system where "Withering of the State" existed with the people ruling themselves without political parties, five-yearly-elections and all the complicated things associated with them.

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