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TTP's Faqir Mohammad vows to fight Pakistan


Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom

I'm sorry but no use digging our heads in the sand now. This devil has made himself well clear. The TTP will fight Pakistan for an independent emirate.
From 0.06 seconds he says to the affect in my broken semi understanding of Pashto ;

"The sacrifices will not be forgotten, oh muhajraono (those who migrated for Allah) the Pakistani aggressors time is coming".

Brother @TNT also added they need to stop fighting among themselves.

Several failures here of border security and intelligence.

1. How on earth was he able to cross from Afghanistan to Pakistan so easy, even with the 'secure, fenced border'.
2. Why wasn't he taken out i.e. he was vulnerable travelling and in the midst of the chaos in Afghanistan.
3. The IEA should be asked to help aid in their destruction. I know there was a statement yesterday but more needs to be said and done.

I'm sorry but no use digging our heads in the sand now. This devil has made himself well clear. The TTP will fight Pakistan for an independent emirate.
From 0.06 seconds he says to the affect in my broken semi understanding of Pashto ;

"The sacrifices will not be forgotten, oh muhajraono (those who migrated for Allah) the Pakistani aggressors time is coming".

Brother @TNT also added they need to stop fighting among themselves.

Several failures here of border security and intelligence.

1. How on earth was he able to cross from Afghanistan to Pakistan so easy, even with the 'secure, fenced border'.
2. Why wasn't he taken out i.e. he was vulnerable travelling and in the midst of the chaos in Afghanistan.
3. The IEA should be asked to help aid in their destruction. I know there was a statement yesterday but more needs to be said and done.
TTP is coming. That was expected.
Pakistan needs to station 5000 special troops along with tanks/heavy equipment in Afghanistan but in coordination with the taliban. We need to hunt these pig downs in their own homes. Only solution

We need to seal the border ASAP. This guy literally strolled in and is now making war speeches. The question is why was he allowed through?
The only solution is a USSR style border like what was in East Germany. I know it's authoritarian and harsh, but Afghanistan will always remain an unstable country full of infighting and war. Pakistan is too soft. Pakistan needs to know who's coming in and out of the country and start tracking refugees and spying on them. Use Stasi tactics FFS!

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This is awesome news, the IEA has finally kicked out the TTP into Pakistan, time to test the new winglong 2 drones and target practice for infantry forces. Free training for the coming war against India

He has no support if you watch the video clearly and his entirely artificial foreign backed element..
if you need to take these lunatics down who use religion to control masses, then you need to give economic prosperity to Afghanistan. have a progressive government there and increase trade and education.
1. How on earth was he able to cross from Afghanistan to Pakistan so easy, even with the 'secure, fenced border'.

This is what i was wondering but then i realized that they have not crossed the border. They are still in Afghanistan, though they will be very near to the border. He also told his ppl to be nice to locals, so it does show they r in Afghanistan.
if you need to take these lunatics down who use religion to control masses, then you need to give economic prosperity to Afghanistan. have a progressive government there and increase trade and education.

Afghanistan has zero fuks to do with this man... IEA has washed their hands from all this lunatics.. Why do you think Ghani released him? His a foreign asset
We need to seal the border ASAP. This guy literally strolled in and is now making war speeches. The question is why was he allowed through?

Is he inside Pakistan??? Confirmed?
This is what i was wondering but then i realized that they have not crossed the border. They are still in Afghanistan, though they will be very near to the border. He also told his ppl to be nice to locals, so it does show they r in Afghanistan.

Thank you brother, but that doesn't look good on the IEA i.e. he is making such speeches on their soil.

I'm sorry but no use digging our heads in the sand now. This devil has made himself well clear. The TTP will fight Pakistan for an independent emirate.
From 0.06 seconds he says to the affect in my broken semi understanding of Pashto ;

"The sacrifices will not be forgotten, oh muhajraono (those who migrated for Allah) the Pakistani aggressors time is coming".

Brother @TNT also added they need to stop fighting among themselves.

Several failures here of border security and intelligence.

1. How on earth was he able to cross from Afghanistan to Pakistan so easy, even with the 'secure, fenced border'.
2. Why wasn't he taken out i.e. he was vulnerable travelling and in the midst of the chaos in Afghanistan.
3. The IEA should be asked to help aid in their destruction. I know there was a statement yesterday but more needs to be said and done.

Needs to be assassinated and have his remains cremated and dumped in to the river ganges. We all know what his REAL faith is and who his REAL allegiance is to.

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