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Kabul this evening

Your comments are true for first generation immigrants. The second and third generation Indian immigrants have little political or religious affinity to India - and are, for the most part Americans. If they display any distrust towards Pakistan, it is more due to the current US policy and news cycle than any grand Hindu masterplan.
Allow me to disagree, Those who still practice be it in the US, UK or Malaysia, are still loyal to it despite the passport they hold, as their religion dictates them to.
Update on Afghanistan

Ashraf Ghani & Ex NSA Mohib are in Oman & will soon fly to the USA. They earlier tried to land in Tajikistan but did not get clearance.

Amrullah Saleh has fled to Tajikistan via road.
and "interest" some what acceptable?

There's a glass filled with a liquid, half of the people saying it's poison and the other half a syrup. Would you volunteer to take a sip? Similarly putting someone's home/shop on auction coz he couldn't pay the last instalment or towing away someone's vehicle for that is down right dacoity if the creditor cannot share the loss equitably . The bank can say hey we played fair its your fault to not to come up with the remaining 1% of the loan .

Now please read up on what Islam has to say about depriving someone of his business and property and is it allowed even if its about paying a qarze hasna?

ALLAH swt even forgives shirk if the guy repents being alive and abstains from repeating it again but for ribba( economic strangulation of the poor) its judgment reserved even for the early Sahaba r.a who dealt in usuary prior to embracing Guidance so what chance do we stand? You see how SERIOUS this offence is?

Moreover There are many scholars who have declared that any form of thuggery aimed at ripping the poor off is considered riba.

According to some reports, which have also not been confirmed, at least two people were killed after falling from a plane after it had taken off.

At least two other people were reportedly killed earlier at the same airport, as crowds of passengers attempted to flee the country. It is unclear whether they were shot or killed in a stampede.

The Taliban entered Kabul on Sunday and took control of Afghanistan for the first time in almost 20 years, after the government collapsed and President Ashraf Ghani fled abroad.
There were no “hostilities” but sporadic militancy and “hijacking” for equipment to use against the Northern alliance. That northern alliance just ran with their tails tucked across the Uzbek and Tajik borders.
Now it is possible for India to do the same again and finance them for another offensive especially since now they also have a good 30k or so highly trained Afg special forces that both know how to fight and with good pay and support will do so. But at the end, history isn’t repeating itself and is. India’s greatest victory against Pakistan isn’t the idiotic aborgation of 370 or the angst planted in Kashmiris or FATF per se - it is you. The NRI who are educated and represented the top 10% of US tech leadership. Unlike the narrow minded Pakistani immigrants who at best can buy petrol stations and look for loopholes - the Indian immigrants from the higher educated middle class( there is a class engaged in fraud and loopholes from NRIs too and it would be surprising if you deny it) are talking the talk and walking the white walk, intermarrying with them and laughing on the borderline racist jokes without batting an eye because they know they will run the company in 8 years so long as they keep their mouth shut. They are good subordinates (not to fellow desis incl Indians) to the structures and then work as expected for the firms. But, they are now also in the state department, in local governments and with businesses doing fundraising and contributing to politicians. They will influence what despite all the naysayers is still the most powerful conventional military and scientific powerhouse along with essentially controlling the United Nations. So tomorrow if this diaspora is able to plant enough seeds, connect and be in the US circles of power while happily throwing colors of holi and yoga; they can push for sanctions against Pakistan, cut it off from its primary export markets and play havoc with the elite and “religious” class moles the United States already has now. Or they can launch an attack on China in coordination with the Indian military and make that battlefield the Pakistani geography.

And that same NRI success is seen in most GCC countries, in Europe and eventually other places. Finally, the Indian consumer market(regardless of greater ratio of poor or not) is 20 times larger than Pakistan’s can ever hope to be. I am as a Pakistani American more focused on exploiting the Indian market despite having more competition here more so than I will ever care for Pakistan as my market. I’ll make $250k in sales on what is essentially automatic online business run by three people in a year than the $30k Ill get from the Pakistani market -it is just better business sense.

India claiming isolation now is foolish and delusional.. but see if that same claim comes back in force in just 5 years.It was and will always be the economic aspect - the Pakistani population is simply not intelligent enough to understand this but the establishment slowly is.

Today, the Afghanistan army that fell was due to the economy? Because they weren’t getting paid and neither were the tribal leaders around them seeing any change in the corruption. All the Taliban did was give them money to buy whatever they needed, even if it was 1/50th of what the US was providing to get to them but lost due to corruption. The United States saw our strategy fail not because Pakistan provided sanctuary or support, at best the alleged sanctuary would help by 5 years. It failed because it saw a geographic map with provinces and districts while the Taliban saw a tribal one.

96-2002 - involvement fluctuated from 6-10.
2002-2007 - involvement went down to 2-1
2007(ttp rises) - present (2-4)

Just want to say, if Pakistanis did what NRIs are doing, hostilities would cease to exist between India and Pakistan. Because a lot of NRIs marrying Westerners is Indian women marrying Westerners. This is prohibited for a Muslim women, and if she does it, she will live a life of fornication and produce bastard children. Similarly, Muslim men can only marry pious Christian or Jewish women and only if there is a reasonable guarantee the children will be brought up as Muslims. If we start marrying them, our generations will become non-Muslim, will have no love for Pakistan, and will probably be used to further the agenda of America against Pakistan, because someone who looks Pakistani is much more valuable. We don't rely on selling our souls to the Satan, we rely on Allah and His Help. We need to chart our own path to obtain success, but the entirely of our leadership sees success in groveling at the feet of Americans and Europeans. Which is why we shall remain a beta country. The most Pakistanis should expect is something akin to Vietnam/Taiwan whose economic success is not under their own control.
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Just want to say, if Pakistanis did what NRIs are doing, hostilities would cease to exist between India and Pakistan. Because a lot of NRIs marrying Westerners is Indian women marrying Westerners. This is prohibited for a Muslim women, and if she does it, she will live a life of fornication and produce bastard children. Similarly, Muslim men can only marry pious Christian or Jewish women and only if there is a reasonable guarantee the children will be brought up as Muslims. If we start marrying them, our generations will become non-Muslim, will have no love for Pakistan, and will probably be used to further the agenda of America against Pakistan, because someone who looks Pakistani is much more valuable. We don't rely on selling our souls to the Satan, we rely on Allah and His Help. We need to chart our own path to obtain success, but the entirely of our leadership sees success in groveling at the feet of Americans and Europeans. Which is why we shall remain a beta country. The most Pakistanis should expect is something akin to Vietnam/Taiwan whose economic success is not under their own control.
I think that is too specific an example but the social and religious limitations will always come between a relationship. However, the crux isn’t drinking and partying with your non-muslim colleagues - it is that you focus on education and understanding the system to gain influence for your needs.
You are nit picking my words where based on my observation and past interaction I believe you are materialistic, why? As I said you need to self reflect your own posts to understand that, As for judgment I've said it many times that everyone judges, you yourself has made a lot of judgements on Pakistanis or Indians on this very forum so do I, If you are so offended by others judgements than you yourself stop judging others.

I already told you digging up material using Ibn Ishaq or Tabrani would be time consuming as this is not a debate between a Christian and Muslim over the validity of Badr or the Seerat of Rasool Allah, you read my posts and events I mentioned at summarized versions of the seerat of Prophet which is consist of various sources, as I said what is accepted by widely Ahle Sunnah known as Sunni's. If you believe there is a error in my post Point it out.

Actually you are wrong, Economic Possession comes much later, but the physical oppression and harassments comes before, Hazart Hamza RA wanted to fight the Pagan since the days of Mecca boycotted the Muslims but as Allah never allowed Muslims to fight, why you ask me? It was Allah's wisdom. The seizure of the properties would not have made a major difference if not for the amount of Prosecution of Muslims faced happen, and lets not forget the night Rasool Allah escape there was a assassination attempt on Prophet Himself where they found Ali RA in his bed, So you saying here that Economic or Material things were major cause of Badr is wrong, and I doubt Tabri , Ishaq or any early Seerat writers have mentioned it to be the Primary cause of Badr.
You are distorting the events to suite your cause which is wrong. And that has nothing to do with a random person on forum being materialistic, there is nothing wrong with it as we all are in same shape or form I don't know why you are taking it as a offense when its not.

It was a tit for tat reaction which once again has nothing to do with Prophet or companions been materialists themselves, Trust me they would have given their most precious things which is their lives for Prophet you really think they really care for some war booty? Yes money and booty is essential but the whole message of Islam to submit and live a simple life is not lost on them but it sure lost on our generation, Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman RA too all they were rich and hence they gave to prophet from their share, yet they were not Materialists, why? because the wealth they matters to them to a extent that they used it for the cause of Allah, other than that, there are countless Narrations of Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar going hungry and have barely anything to eat for themselves, so according to you even they are misunderstood?

Oh No No, that is one of the most absurd conclusion one can come with the battle of Badr, Badr was the Defining moment for Muslims it was do or die, Yes Raids on Caravan's and Property seizures is what leads to it but there was much more to that, it was years of prosecution and Injustice that pushed Muslims to a extend where they have no choice but to fight, not for maal-e-Ganimat or Caravan but for their survival and the continuation of the message.

That I agree with, given the fact Afghans are so deprived of basic things like food and shelter in life, its not hard to have the majority of Afghans to your side, Taliban does not have to use force to take over in fact they would be stupid to use force when the whole Afghanistan was falling in their jhooli like a rotten fruit falls from a tree.

Of course not, I never say you are murtid for being materialist, you can do halal business or trade and earn Halal Income from which you can do a lot of good deeds from, As I mentioned Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman RA to all are examples of being top of the line and yet rich to a time period, but the difference is that a time comes when they were out of their wealth and whatever they earn that riches were never part of their pride, For them money serves a very specific purpose and that purpose is only to go on with your mortal life, but what we see in Today is that we have made Money our Prime motivation which drives our lives, ask yourself this thing you mentioned on this very forum on how your education and positions you worked for (May Allah increase in your education & Wealth) and America has helped you to be in a position where you are today, how many times you on here has mentioned that Allah has bless you with all that? how many times you mentioned the creators help and blessing, I bet you do it in every Namaz but if your words are here means something for those who see you as someone to look at, don't you think it is imperative for someone as successful as you not to forget that behind anyone and everyone success it is Allah and one should thank him for it?

Charity and Sadaqa are good no doubt, but that is not the only thing Allah ask, you did not mentioned the Zakat which is obligatory in comparison of Charity and Sadaqa, secondly having wealth is no point, but making your life decision solely based on achieving a social economic status is indeed not in line with Islam, if having a economic success in life was so important Quran would be filled with Business Ideas, which last I checked is not. Education, Money and Status means nothing if we are not aligning our life with how Allah has prescribed us via Prophet.

From your Post #38 this is what I understand that economical benefits and worldly benefits is something which drives your motivation and life major or minor decision, which in itself is not fully wrong as you are entitled to it, its your life after all and it is you who have to answer Allah and not me, we are just two mere imperfect human beings who see, process, observe and pass judgments based on our own correct or faulty understandings.
Lets agree to disagree - you can stick to your simplistic explanations without refuting them with proofs so there is no point discussing further.

you have a pattern of accusing me of something but then when I call out a high horse you shoot tangents to try and obfuscate the issue.
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Sorry for jumping in between you two, and apologies for being off topic. Maybe we could take this conv to a relevant thread?

I always wondered why "usury" / "interest" is Haram. If so, then why would a financial institution lend money? After speaking to a lot of people, and researching, I have arrived at the conclusion, that it is loan sharking that is absolutely Haram, and "interest" some what acceptable?

I'm no scholar, by any yardstick, just by humble opinion.

Gulbadeen Hikmatyar? He is like this guy, Soomro . Doesn't matter who is in power, he is there.

3 Flts expected today
Probably is best taken offline - I just wanted to demonstrate that my emphasis on economics isn’t based on me being some pompous materialistic arse as pointed out and then providing reasons for it is kept away from “Oh, please don’t take offense”.
Quite confused, the entire forum seems is cheerleading for Taliban, @Irfan Baloch seems to suggest this as a negative development. The other senior Mods celebrating, Are Pakistanis in support of the Taliban , is the view divided, or are Pakistanis in general anti-taliban?

Pakistanis are happy that Talbans have ended anti Pakistan government and India who was operating anti Pakistan terror activities have left, we hope that Talbans will bring peace in Afghanistan and will be better then before, but Pakistan still want some sort of power sharing and representation of other non Pashtun Afghans in government to make peace lasting.
I think that is too specific an example but the social and religious limitations will always come between a relationship. However, the crux isn’t drinking and partying with your non-muslim colleagues - it is that you focus on education and understanding the system to gain influence for your needs.

Lets agree to disagree - you can stick to your simplistic explanations without refuting them with proofs so there is no point discussing further.

you have a pattern of accusing me of something but then when I call out a high horse you shoot tangents to try and obfuscate the issue.

The fact of the matter is that Western society is structured to shift pious Muslims away from positions of power. They ask you about your views, and if you have views that are in accordance with Islam 100%, from that point onwards you face roadblocks towards positions of management. To the point, that your colleagues will openly declare they don't want to work under you. Every time you see a Muslim in a position of power, it is almost guaranteed that this person has shown his liberalism by going against some fundamental tenet of Islam. The usual ones being drinking alcohol, committing fornication (aka dating), publicly declaring you don't believe in Hoors (yep, strange as it may sound Western women hate Hoors with a passion) and obviously embracing feminism and at least accepting homosexuality.

An eye opener for all: Saudis invest billions of dollars into Citibank, the bank goes down. I still remember when a Saudi prince had to make an emergency transfer of 10 billion dollars. Why don't you think the Saudis and Emiraatis can just start businesses in the West? The normal Western people either won't join their companies, or will join them and give such poor performance the business will go bankrupt.
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