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BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

What makes you think they would put an irrelevant place like Afghanistan over there future lives and a place that doesn't even threatens them logistically
Yeah ... an irrelevant place that cost US trillions of dollars right very irrelevant...and for putting lives on stake the war will be (or is) privatized ... also if you wear your thinking hat you will realize that any long term strategic and economic benefit for China from Afghanistan is inversely proportional to US long term interests ...
Yeah ... an irrelevant place that cost US trillions of dollars right very irrelevant...and for putting lives on stake the war will be (or is) privatized ... also if you wear your thinking hat you will realize that any long term strategic and economic benefit for China from Afghanistan is inversely proportional to US long term interests ...

Yeah but you ain't achieving that in Afghanistan without dropping another trillions into it and putting in massive ground forces and another grinding down war that could last another few more dacades rinse and repeat.. Afghanistan is a black-hole and there is no upside to gain from it whatsoever.. It has no positive gains but only negatives. The Soviets entire economy collapsed due to Afghanistan it is a notorious black-hole and entirely avoidable since it doesn't contribute anything to the world order
Who is biggest loser in afghanistan after India in my opinion is Iran.Iran gave support india in afghanistan.acts against Pakistan interests n hoping to bypass Pakistan through chabahar and helped india for terrotist activities in Pakistan.
The US always has a contingency plan for critical issues, including within itself. The FBI has been capturing a lot of domestic terrorists and it's been in the news. So the point is, as the only true superpower in the globe, the US would ensure safety in case, for everyone, including itself and internal security is not taken lightly either as I've given an example.

But a contingency plan should not be accounted for open hostility or the other side becoming an enemy. Plus UPI is a paid source and very questionable.

American exceptionalism eh..

I have seen the hearing myself on internet. Couldn't find it right now so just linked the first webpage that popped , but I know for the fact that she said that ... saw it with my own eyes.
my opinion is Iran.

They have nothing to lose but something to gain. Americans are not in their backyard breathing down their neck because if their was any escalation in Iraq or Israel the US were gonna use Afghanistan to attack plus Iran has etbalished relations with Taliban and trade is open between their borders. they are somehow related and speak same language which is a plus in their cooperations and trading
As I have said earlier Ghani is the only person who is behind the war because the deal with the taliban signed two years ago was based on him resigning and new interim government coming. He betrayed the Taliban deal leading to the conflict we see now and Taliban gains

They have nothing to lose but something to gain. Americans are not in their backyard breathing down their neck because if their was any escalation in Iraq or Israel the US were gonna use Afghanistan to attack plus Iran has etbalished relations with Taliban and trade is open between their borders. they are somehow related and speak same language which is a plus in their cooperations and trading
Iran now a days speaking language of loser
Blocking BRI
it should be blocked if u ask me, the evil Chinese know whats coming their way, they are already sadly in the bones of Pakistan, but if a Muslim coalition is created Pakistan wont be that needy to China against India, in all truth a new strong muslim empire is the only hope for the west to defeat China.
thats whts coming,
a muslim christian alliance against China , and the BRI will be the cause of the war
lmao.. You can't just conjure something 300k out of thin air.. There has to be logistics attached to it
Yes, sometimes it is wise to wait and watch ... and I will come back and ask you when that happen...then do not run away ... :D
it should be blocked if u ask me

No it shouldn't be blocked. Taliban is friends with China and will support the BRI for ecnomical gains and support China's causes such as Taiwan issues etc etc
Yes, sometimes it is wise to wait and watch ... and I will come back and ask you when that happen...then do not run away ... :D

Oh right we will be waiting together for the Stars wars's storm troppers to magically come from the skies and the outer galaxy:coffee:

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