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Taliban has to stop occupation in Afghanistan, Erdoğan says

Erdogon is attempting to stay relevant to the NATO/US after recent sanctions against Turkey. No F35s, No engines, no spares,etc..

Erdogon is picking a fight he cannot win when it comes to afghanistan. That is far beyond Turkeys realm/capabilities. Reactivating uzbek/Northern alliance militias on the ground would incur the wrath of Pakistan. In turn ISI would significantly arm the talibs. Dont forget Pakistan has thousands of equipment of old weaponry such as T-59s, mortars, artillery, ammo that it could in turn arm the taliban. At the same time dont forget the thousands of pieces of the latest weaponery that NATO left behind that has now been looted by the taliban.

The Taliban today have more equipment and are more armed than most militaries in the world. With thousands of latest MRAPS, IFS, HUMVEES, Mortars, Sniper rifles, long range artillery, missiles, drones, night vision equipment, etc...

Lastly the Turks are only capable of establishing a limited presences in very small areas within kabul. Even there they are not safe. All the territories the NA once controlled in the north are completely in taliban hands. Where the hell will the Turks be able to establish any base their to dislocate the talibs? no where none. The situation from 1996-2001 is completely unattainable today for India, Iran, Russia, Tajikistan, or Turkey.

The best thing to do with regards to afghanistan is to stay out, stay out, stay out. The international community along with Turkey/Iran/Pakistan/Uzbekistan/China should come together to build a giant great wall around afghanistan.
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Taliban is not even negotiating anymore - they've realised they can win this on the battle field.
A few dozens TB2s delivered ASAP would give the government some much needed breathing room and maybe force Taliban back to the negotiation table

Common sense really is not common. Few TB2s will do the job that all of those predator and reaper drones couldn't do in 20 years along with fighter jets 😂. Also afghan govt is indian allied and Turkey is most likely to be allied with the taliban govt, along with qatar and Pakistan.
In my opinion, Erdogan doesn’t say this to please NATO, USA or whoever.
It all fits in Erdogans believe he needs to protect all Turks/Turkoman and related populations. Hence his activities in Azerbeidzjan war against Armenia, and his activities in Northern Syria (where there’s also a Turkoman population). In Northern Afghanistan, Uzbeks and Turkmen are part of the population, which is why Erdogan wants to get involved. He considers himself the father of all Turks/Turkmen/Turkoman civilizations, and he still dreams at night about a large Turkish Empire.
(do not read this as if I support him in this, I don’t).
Why he embroiling his country in Afghan quagmire his country is already involved in many countries so please stay away from Afghanistan where many superpower had lost their prestige in recent time who were much 💪 then Turkey.
Turkey need to mend relation whoever comes to power in Afghanistan and try to ensure no civil war breakout through dialogue if it wants to get economic benefit from Afghanistan reconstruction and natural resources. So it better not talks publicly what they do . let Afghan decide their future
Reading all war crimes taken place in 2001 against the Taliban like Qila Jangi by Dostum and foreign forces. Taliban should completely obliterate the current regime and its supporters.
Dear Turkey, stay away from this. Let Pakistan deal with it.
lets first deal abt balochistan kp warizistan security issues
When will this Georgian dictator stop polishing American and Israeli shoes?
when iranian cowards will stop sucking their arab brethrens blood.
Common sense really is not common. Few TB2s will do the job that all of those predator and reaper drones couldn't do in 20 years along with fighter jets 😂. Also afghan govt is indian allied and Turkey is most likely to be allied with the taliban govt, along with qatar and Pakistan.
lets talk civil with taliban..they r our brothers..but of they become arrogant then show them the might of turkey...fly some tb2 over their heads
In my opinion, Erdogan doesn’t say this to please NATO, USA or whoever.
It all fits in Erdogans believe he needs to protect all Turks/Turkoman and related populations. Hence his activities in Azerbeidzjan war against Armenia, and his activities in Northern Syria (where there’s also a Turkoman population). In Northern Afghanistan, Uzbeks and Turkmen are part of the population, which is why Erdogan wants to get involved. He considers himself the father of all Turks/Turkmen/Turkoman civilizations, and he still dreams at night about a large Turkish Empire.
(do not read this as if I support him in this, I don’t).

Stop lying to yourself LOL, Erdogan doesn't give a flying fk about any kind of Turkish or islamic brotherhood, I mean it's not like all Turkic people of Afghanistan will live in that one single airport that he wants to guard so the reason for what he is doing is obvious and we shouldn't dilly dally around it , he just wants to show the US that he can still be a useful servant of the American empire.
As for Syria Erdogan wants nothing to do with those savage Nusra/FSA terrorists in Idlib, these terrorists in Idlib are already mentally screwed beyond hope due to 10 years of war, they even laugh while they behead children (you can look up the videos yourself I won't post them) so now Erdogan only uses them as disposable c**doms against his enemies, and no he didn't intervene for some worthless ethnicity based brotherhood in Syria , he only intervened because he wanted to topple Assad and replace him with a new government that would be in favor of the Qatar-Turkey gas pipeline that would go through Syria which Assad opposed before the beginning of the Syrian war for Russia's sake. so now he keeps some of his forces in Syria because he still hopes that one day he will be able to topple Assad and finally have that Syria gas pipeline.

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