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Featured Afghan Fighter Pilot Scared of Taliban Escapes to US

So you support your own people dying? Are you that much of a cuck bro?
This Kid lives in LaLa land and most probably influenced by some Imran Hussaini-type Youtube video. Send him to Afganistan to reason, and they will tear a new one. 80% population there is Haisish or another kind of opium user, this is now part of their culture. Only a retard will waste his time trying to reason with a drug addict.
Now he will write a book about how he defeated Pakistan.

Not write a book on "how he defeated Pakistan" but if he has good English language skills, he will be hosting panel discussions with Haqqani, Christine (un)Fair and other "intellectuals" on Pakistani Military ................. lmao
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he did right every human have right to save himself and his family . afghanistan is hell

So did these people join the ANA to defend Afghanistan to the death or for citizenship to the US?

Personally I would like to see the whole of the "Afghan" National Army collapse and go home.

These khusra's in uniform have always been foreign paid wh*res and it's obvious that their oaths mean nothing and their allegiances aren't to the people of Afghanistan.

This tells you a lot about who is loyal to Afghanistan (i.e. the Taliban) and who are the traitors (i.e. the "Afghan" national government and ANA).

While the Taliban are dying to defend the nations peoples and sovereignty from a foreign occupation these pigs in the ANA and Afghan National Government were selling its people, resources and whatever else they could for a quick buck and landing papers in overseas nations.

I guess the US personal who trained him to fight the very culprits he is running away from, wouldn't be too excited to see him run to safety while their own comrades are left to face the music.

Instead of "no man left behind" apparently all they learned was "every man for themselves"

I could't read the article why did it draw ire internally from the US military?

Some excerpts from the article:

"There was more: His commanders were furious that he had been absent without leave since last fall. They had repeatedly ordered him to report for duty, but he refused.​
“I worried that they would never allow me to leave because then every pilot would want to go to the U.S.,” he said in lightly accented English."​
Apparently while his comrades were dying defending the country this coward was sneaking around making plans to escape to the US.
This is exactly why the American military was angry as cited later in the article:

"An American lawyer had helped the family obtain humanitarian parole — a little-known authorization by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to enter the United States for a year — but only after the U.S. military abruptly revoked a similar refugee application that was initially approved in October, as first reported by Stars and Stripes.​

The pilot’s application last fall “was found to have not been fully vetted” by the Department of Defense, leading the department to withdraw its support, Maj. Robert Lodewick, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.​
The Defense Department “would have been in the position of abetting the desertion of a serving Afghan officer as Major Asadi had not informed his chain of command of his parole application,” Major Lodewick said.​
“It’s a pity. He did this to escape from serving his homeland,” said Lt. Col. Jalaluddin Ibrahimkhel, an Afghan Air Force spokesman, adding that others were now more likely to “make excuses and escape.”​

So American Armed Forces aren't happy that he deserted his post like a coward and shut down a similar program they ran earlier out of fear this would happen with any and every capable soldier running for the hills trying to make their way into the US crippling the "Afghan" Armed Forces.

But we were a part of creating this mess(indirectly), it gives us no right to say things like that. Some of those people are angry and their anger is natural & understandable. We should focus on healing their wounds and helping them get back on their feet, instead of swearing at them. Establishing true peace and brotherly relations with Afghanistan is paramount for Pakistani security and stability.

I agree in full.

However that will require the reformation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban not under this current establishment of drug lords and bacha bazi pedophile rapists.

I would hope our government and military establishment wakes up and partners with the Taliban to secure our borders and assists the Taliban in a gradual takeover of Afghanistan so as to not overburden the people and cause a refugee crisis.

Unfortunately, the Afghan Government and ANA are more than happy slaughtering poor Afghan civilians and creating the very chaos we're all trying to avoid:
Kunduz madrassa attack: Losing the moral high ground
The CIA's Afghan Death Squads

Most of ANA/NDS is comprising of greedy bunch of lot and people that mostly needs a strong master so they can fight on hiring. Since US withdraws, such fake fighting force has no one to defend them, hence insecurity.

Afghanistan's bravest and strongest fighters joined the Taliban.

The drug addicts and pedophiles joined the ANA.
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Now he will write a book about how he defeated Pakistan.

yup the great lion of Afgoonistan...

besides what will he do in US?.. drive Uber?
he did right every human have right to save himself and his family . afghanistan is hell

so why join the army?..

does he even understand the implications of that?
This Kid lives in LaLa land and most probably influenced by some Imran Hussaini-type Youtube video. Send him to Afganistan to reason, and they will tear a new one. 80% population there is Haisish or another kind of opium user, this is now part of their culture. Only a retard will waste his time trying to reason with a drug addict.

Ahh the typical satisfaction loosers gain by calling others "kid" "lala landers" "Imran Hussaini typers" and "drug addicts" at the end! Good one bro! :-)
Hazara aren't turkic but mongloid. You seem to have no idea.
I think you meant Mongolian instead of Mongoloid as Mongoloid simply refers to to the broad division of humankind including the indigenous peoples of East Asia, SE Asia, and the Arctic region of North America. Hazaras are believed to have descended from Genghis Khan's army, members of which mixed with the local Persian and Turkic people. According to what I have seen in my life that pilot neither looks Persian nor Turkic.
I wonder how will Afghans break USA like they broke ussr and now I realize they will do it with mass immigration of sissies and pimps.
Doesn't looke Hazara
In the news article, he is described as from Hazara tribe.

''On top of being a pilot, he is Hazara, a member of an ethnic minority that has been repeatedly attacked by the Taliban and the Islamic State in Afghanistan. Major Asadi said even air force commanders often discriminated against him because of his ethnicity.''
This guy is getting blasted by Afghans on social media. They're calling him a coward and saying the government spends a lot of money on training pilots.
Afghan Fighter Pilot, Facing Taliban Death Threats, Arrives in the U.S.
The U.S.-trained aviator had last year been denied safe passage in a case that drew ire from inside U.S. military ranks
View attachment 750615
Maj. Asadi left Kabul on Tuesday after the U.S. last month granted him a temporary protection status for noncitizens in the country.

Are you sure he is not from the Indian North East ?

Pale skin does not make one Afghan. I have seen afghans who are fairly darks...
In the news article, he is described as from Hazara tribe.

''On top of being a pilot, he is Hazara, a member of an ethnic minority that has been repeatedly attacked by the Taliban and the Islamic State in Afghanistan. Major Asadi said even air force commanders often discriminated against him because of his ethnicity.''
Well if he is facing such prejudices one cannot blame him for protecting his family. After all what is he fighting for
Are you sure he is not from the Indian North East ?

Pale skin does not make one Afghan. I have seen afghans who are fairly darks...
If that was the case, there was no need to shift him to US.
It would have been easier for the Americans to give him a couple of cows and a paddy field and settle him back in his native country.
If that was the case, there was no need to shift him to US.
It would have been easier for the Americans to give him a couple of cows and a paddy field and settle him back in his native country.
That's so bad.
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