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Pakistani family sells it's Cows and starts multiple YouTube channels - earning LAKHS

GoP wants you to keep cattle.

It's one of the first initiatives launched by PTI PM Niazi.

I condemn this suicidal behaviour.
GoP wants you to keep cattle.

It's one of the first initiatives launched by PTI PM Niazi.

I condemn this suicidal behaviour.
You are against everything but offer nothing.
Cattle may not be for you but is everyone in Pakistan capable of this feat? Is everyone successful?
Why don't you start a youtube channel about your bus route and the weirdos you meet daily. Plus why you are negative about every single subject. I am sure it will be a hit. Call it the negative molvi
You are against everything but offer nothing.
Cattle may not be for you but is everyone in Pakistan capable of this feat? Is everyone successful?
Why don't you start a youtube channel about your bus route and the weirdos you meet daily. Plus why you are negative about every single subject. I am sure it will be a hit. Call it the negative molvi
@El Sidd you should become a memer and make some dank a$$ memes.
You are against everything but offer nothing.
Cattle may not be for you but is everyone in Pakistan capable of this feat? Is everyone successful?
Why don't you start a youtube channel about your bus route and the weirdos you meet daily. Plus why you are negative about every single subject. I am sure it will be a hit. Call it the negative molvi
It's not a sustainable approach by any means or any stretch of imagination. Its enough already that young people want to become cricketers.

Sanskrit term for war is more cattle.
@El Sidd you should become a memer and make some dank a$$ memes.
It requires too much creativity.
It's not a sustainable approach by any means or any stretch of imagination. Its enough already that young people want to become cricketers.

Sanskrit term for war is more cattle.

It requires too much creativity.
OK what do u want to become and what are you teaching your kids.
It's not a sustainable approach by any means or any stretch of imagination. Its enough already that young people want to become cricketers.

I agree.

Unfortunately this is what happens when you have governments that don't know how an economy works and grows so you have a lack of industry that means people don't have regular jobs and are insead forced to take on freelance work or try to make it big on Instagram, TikTok and Youtube.

However I can't really blame any of them for doing this and this belief in more and more welfare or other consumption based initiatives during a nations early stage of development is just insane.

At least the government is going to start taxing this income but again when those tax revenues go towards more consumption of imported goods it doesn't really help.

Personally it would have been fine if we consumed products/goods made in Pakistan but thanks to a lack of industry at home or invasion of our domestic market by foreign brands who produce on a market of scale that local manufacturers couldn't compete with in turn shutting them down it's a complete tragedy and something that needs to be urgently addressed.

You are against everything but offer nothing.
Cattle may not be for you but is everyone in Pakistan capable of this feat? Is everyone successful?
Why don't you start a youtube channel about your bus route and the weirdos you meet daily. Plus why you are negative about every single subject. I am sure it will be a hit. Call it the negative molvi

Well I hope that more Pakistani's get into creating content that is worth watching and make more money.

I personally do NOT see this as being good for Pakistan.

I'm going to go on a rant so I hope you'll bear with me but I'll depict how I view this turning out.

According to BannerTag the average CPM for Pakistani views is like 0.59 (i.e. per 1000 views) so if someone makes videos with like 500,000 views all from Pakistan that's about $162 (after Youtube takes its 45%):
YouTube Video CPM Rates 2020

Pretty good if you live in the village and could earn you a decent income depending on how many videos you put out and how many views you get but this also means you already have large amount of foreign exchange in advertising revenue Pakistani companies are spending to reach their domestic audience being lost.

This is just one reason I've been calling for domestic alternatives to popular Western social media platforms.

However there's a bigger problem. Getting even 100,000 views let alone 500,000+ on any video isn't easy so it's not like anyone and everyone that does this is going to be making a successful career out of it.

So I agree with @El Sidd, imagine a society where Pakistani children no longer aspire to be soldiers, doctors or engineers instead they want to be cricket or TikTok stars because they may strike it rich.

This is the exact problem I've noticed Black people have in Canada and the US with all of them ignoring their studies or seeking careers within critical industries for our nations well being instead focusing on becoming the next NBA star or hit rap artist and in the process most wind up bums.

So to get "famous" what do you think Pakistani's are going to do?

They'll make content that's more appealing to Western audiences where CPM's are generally the highest and specifically the American audience from where content creators will typically seek to earn the the lions share of their earnings.

This inevitably is going to result in insecure young women whoring themselves on camera (Kandil Baloch), young men acting like complete buffoons and many degenerates repeating old tired American cliches and propaganda regarding the country all for the acceptance and adoration of that same American audience.

Just look at Malala, now she isn't literally pole dancing for likes but in the recent Israel Palestine conflict despite the flagrant desecration of Islam's second holiest site Al Aqsa and the atrocities committed against the Palestinian peoples instead of using her celebrity to highlight the crimes being commited she painted the situation in the context that the Western audience she caters to would tolerate:


Ultimately this is going to lead to a more fractured society the same way teaching in English has.

When Khan sought to create a uniform educational syllabus across the country that focuses on our culture and history I have been very supportive of this and strongly believe that the country needs to do a lot more including eliminating English as an official language and banning its use in both education and governance.

It's no wonder Pakistan is in such shambles. Look at many of the most economically successful nations with the highest PISA test rankings globally like Japan, South Korea, China (incl. Hong Kong and Macao), Taiwan, Vietnam, Germany, France, etc... they teach their kids in their own native languages yet we continue to educate our children in the language of the colonizer that robbed Pakistan of almost 90 years of economic development/growth. Furthermore, of those that do speak English in Pakistan, based on the EFSET, their proficiency is ranked low (lower than Vietnam that doesn't even educate its people in English):


Khan understood what the current system/model of education in the country was doing and likewise I strongly believe that if foreign social media is not banned and instead replaced with domestic alternatives the way China handled it we're going to see things just get worse not to mention the loss of foreign exchange we could prevent simply through the development of a domestic alternative of popular apps as well as securing our own peoples personal data and preventing foreign nations from not just spying on Pakistani's but manipulating them and our elections:
How Governments Use Social Media to Spy on You & Sway Elections

In all honesty the Army and GoP talk about a 5th generation war but I personally don't believe they even understand it or how to fight it which is why Khan just let Nawaz Sharif fly off to the UK for "medical treatment"
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Why is this relevant? Is it not the old caste system of classifying humans through their profession?
Nope...when you have a negative opinion of others why can't others ask you. Or like all molvis when it's brought home you jump ship and claim like the Jews...oh anti semitism... cannot question me...I am a chosen molvi. No we will question you and caste system is in your head because you know deep down what you are. So the lesson is look for good in others. Hint hint
Nope...when you have a negative opinion of others why can't others ask you. Or like all molvis when it's brought home you jump ship and claim like the Jews...oh anti semitism... cannot question me...I am a chosen molvi. No we will question you and caste system is in your head because you know deep down what you are. So the lesson is look for good in others. Hint hint

You need to provide subtitles for this for better understanding.
I agree.

Unfortunately this is what happens when you have governments that don't know how an economy works and grows so you have a lack of industry that means people don't have regular jobs and are insead forced to take on freelance work or try to make it big on Instagram, TikTok and Youtube.

However I can't really blame any of them for doing this and this belief in more and more welfare or other consumption based initiatives during a nations early stage of development is just insane.

At least the government is going to start taxing this income but again when those tax revenues go towards more consumption of imported goods it doesn't really help.

Personally it would have been fine if we consumed products/goods made in Pakistan but thanks to a lack of industry at home or invasion of our domestic market by foreign brands who produce on a market of scale that local manufacturers couldn't compete with in turn shutting them down it's a complete tragedy and something that needs to be urgently addressed.

I personally do NOT see this as being good for Pakistan.

I'm going to go on a rant so I hope you'll bear with me but I'll depict how I view this turning out.

According to BannerTag the average CPM for Pakistani views is like 0.59 (i.e. per 1000 views) so if someone makes videos with like 500,000 views all from Pakistan that's about $162 (after Youtube takes its 45%):
YouTube Video CPM Rates 2020

Pretty good if you live in the village and could earn you a decent income depending on how many videos you put out and how many views you get but this also means you already have large amount of foreign exchange in advertising revenue Pakistani companies are spending to reach their domestic audience being lost.

This is just one reason I've been calling for domestic alternatives to popular Western social media platforms.

However there's a bigger problem. Getting even 100,000 views let alone 500,000+ on any video isn't easy so it's not like anyone and everyone that does this is going to be making a successful career out of it.

So I agree with @El Sidd, imagine a society where Pakistani children no longer aspire to be soldiers, doctors or engineers instead they want to be cricket or TikTok stars because they may strike it rich.

This is the exact problem I've noticed Black people have in Canada and the US with all of them ignoring their studies or seeking careers within critical industries for our nations well being instead focusing on becoming the next NBA star or hit rap artist and in the process most wind up bums.

So to get "famous" what do you think Pakistani's are going to do?

They'll make content that's more appealing to Western audiences where CPM's are generally the highest and specifically the American audience from where content creators will typically seek to earn the the lions share of their earnings.

This inevitably is going to result in insecure young women whoring themselves on camera (Kandil Baloch), young men acting like complete buffoons and many degenerates repeating old tired American cliches and propaganda regarding the country all for the acceptance and adoration of that same American audience.

Just look at Malala, now she isn't literally pole dancing for likes but in the recent Israel Palestine conflict despite the flagrant desecration of Islam's second holiest site Al Aqsa and the atrocities committed against the Palestinian peoples instead of using her celebrity to highlight the crimes being commited she painted the situation in the context that the Western audience she caters to would tolerate:


Ultimately this is going to lead to a more fractured society the same way teaching in English has.

When Khan sought to create a uniform educational syllabus across the country that focuses on our culture and history I have been very supportive of this and strongly believe that the country needs to do a lot more including eliminating English as an official language and banning its use in both education and governance.

It's no wonder Pakistan is in such shambles. Look at many of the most economically successful nations with the highest PISA test rankings globally like Japan, South Korea, China (incl. Hong Kong and Macao), Taiwan, Vietnam, Germany, France, etc... they teach their kids in their own native languages yet we continue to educate our children in the language of the colonizer that robbed Pakistan of almost 90 years of economic development/growth. Furthermore, of those that do speak English in Pakistan, based on the EFSET, their proficiency is ranked low (lower than Vietnam that doesn't even educate its people in English):


Khan understood what the current system/model of education in the country was doing and likewise I strongly believe that if foreign social media is not banned and instead replaced with domestic alternatives the way China handled it we're going to see things just get worse not to mention the loss of foreign exchange we could prevent simply through the development of a domestic alternative of popular apps as well as securing our own peoples personal data and preventing foreign nations from not just spying on Pakistani's but manipulating them and our elections:
How Governments Use Social Media to Spy on You & Sway Elections

In all honesty the Army and GoP talk about a 5th generation war but I personally don't believe they even understand it or how to fight it which is why Khan just let Nawaz Sharif fly off to the UK for "medical treatment"
GoP wants you to keep cattle.

It's one of the first initiatives launched by PTI PM Niazi.

I condemn this suicidal behaviour.

Sorry bro and with all due respect, you sounded so ignorant..

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