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Israeli School kids brainwashing by Extremist Zionist regime

"And what happens when you meet an un-religious Jewish kid ?"
"We feel sorry for him because he is secular".

Sounds like the Tablighi Jamaat. :rofl:
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"And what happens when you meet an un-religious Jewish kid ?"
"We feel sorry for him because he is secular".

Sounds like the Tableeghi Jamaat. :rofl:
why don't you make a dedicated thread about it RSS Bakht?
"And what happens when you meet an un-religious Jewish kid ?"
"We feel sorry for him because he is secular".

Sounds like the Tableeghi Jamaat. :rofl:

Obviously jewish kids in Israel are indoctrinated because of Tablighi Jamat

I say again. "Muslims" like you are bigger threat to Indian muslims than the Fanta bottle of UP
why don't you make a dedicated thread about it RSS Bakht?

OK. :enjoy:

I say again. "Muslims" like you are bigger threat to Indian muslims than the Fanta bottle of UP

As opposed to "practicing" Muslims like you who are the glory of the world ? :D [ Edit : I have been officially warned before about this topic so I won't pursue. ]

So I take it that Shehla Rashid, Umar Khalid, Arfa Khanum Sherwani, MY Tarigami etc are not the Indian Muslims you want to see taking charge.

Remember my friend, it was not the "intellectual" TJ which attracted non-Muslims like Carlos ( the jackal ), the Japanese Red Army and the Red Army Faction from West Germany to contribute to the struggle of the mostly-Muslim Palestine cause.
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As opposed to "practicing" Muslims like you who are the glory of the world ? :D

So I take it that Shehla Rashid, Umar Khalid, Arfa Khanum Sherwani, MY Tarigami etc are not the Indian Muslims you want to see taking charge.

Remember my friend, it was not the "intellectual" TJ which attracted non-Muslims like Carlos ( the jackal ), the Japanese Red Army and the Red Army Faction from West Germany to contribute to the struggle of the mostly-Muslim Palestine cause.

All the names that you mentioned can't save even a single Muslim of India. And it is not because those individuals are useless. It is their ideology that is a failure that makes them a failure too

Anyways future like present belongs to TJ and the ideology they follow. Bigots like you along with your ideology belong to trash can
Classic Old Testament
(EDIT: by the way Islamic madrassas are not much different either. They teach similar beliefs against other religions.)


(1) They are religiously praised to "dash the infants (of enemy) against the rocks" , right @500 ?
(2) Enemy today being the very people (Palestinians) who gave refuge to these thankless bunch (Thankless, evil-doers, ingrained with corrupt mentality, in words of their own Prophet).

Torah: Psalms - Chapter 137:9


Isaiah - Chapter 1

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no to hate
yes to love peace unity

looks like the curriculum same like in the al queda and isis training hahaha lol
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