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Covid-19 in India - Second Wave - World Extends Help and Support - Updates and Discussion

Thank you our Afghan ftiends. We are overwhelmed with your sensible wishes we pray Almighty God for the health wealth and prosperity of our Afghan friends.
Afghan likes young boy for late night shows
These Northern alliance Tajik and Uzbeks don't have a future in Afghanistan. The majority is now going to rule. Nature is going to take its course now.
Basically, west used them to attack Pasthun majority and now they are abandoned by west as its objective is achieved. But, instead of taking revenge, Pasthun majority should build friendship and unity, so that no one exploits resentment of Tajik and Uzbek minority in the future.
Why Indians here do not show any gratitude? So sad

Do you show gratitude to Taiwan when you buy groceries from RT-Mart? :lol:
why should a buyer be grateful to the seller?
NSA bots meanwhile already bussy spreading fake reports about China "allegedly" somehow behind the scenes blocking supplies to India, in direct response to growing Indian cricism against tthe U.S. regime well evidently blocking supplies to India.
And what have you done for your country India? At least China is doing what it can to help, cannot say the same thing of some Indian troll watching his home country burn

India isn't my country, don't be sour cause I called out your BS..
you aren't calling anything out, keep the BS to yourself. Many countries who received help from China last year also showed gratitude, it's called decency something your mom forgot to teach you while raising you.

why are you getting personal? It isn't aid. Chinese businesses are making money selling supplies to India. If anything you guys need to thank COVID for making you rich.:coffee:
Do you show gratitude to Taiwan when you buy groceries from RT-Mart? :lol:
why should a buyer be grateful to the seller?
Why PRC Chinese need to show gratitude to Taiwan when they ban PPE to PRC China during early stage of pandemic?
why are you getting personal? It isn't aid. Chinese businesses are making money selling supplies to India. If anything you guys need to thank COVID for making you rich.:coffee:
How do you know all those are sold and no donation from China?

Donations from Chinese companies are also on the way.

With demand for medical oxygen cylinders skyrocketing in India, Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi on Thursday announced it will donate INR 3 Crores to procure more than 1,000 oxygen concentrators for hospitals across India.

The Global Times learned from a source close to the matter on Saturday that a Chinese logistics company plans to donate 300,000 KN95 face masks to India, and the source is contacting recipients in India. A Chinese motorcycle company has donated more than 200,000 masks to a hospital in Delhi, and a Chinese company in the textile industry has purchased a ventilator in China and is sending it to a hospital in India.

Wang Guangfa, a respiratory expert at Peking University First Hospital who shared China's epidemic control and prevention experience with many countries including India last year, told the Global Times on Saturday that with a large population, India's priority is to learn from China on strict prevention and control measures, including improving its testing ability to find more patients, and building field hospitals to quarantine and treat patients.

Wang said that these measures could effectively control the source of infection and cut the virus transmission route as China's experience showed that many patients were detected from testing.

Aside from providing medical supplies, China could help India with testing equipment, testing reagents, construction materials for building makeshift hospitals as well as technical support, Wang said.
Do you show gratitude to Taiwan when you buy groceries from RT-Mart? :lol:
why should a buyer be grateful to the seller?

if I'm starving to death, absolutely. they can sell to anyone they want and have the right to refuse business.

why do you thank your doctor? they're paid to be there so by your logic you should never thank medical staff.
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