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Is Modern Democracy the best form of government today?


Jun 22, 2007
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Is modern Democracy the best form of government today? why do you think its the only solution to problems? and if there are any other types of government which could be followed today? what are they?
Democracy is only good for best revenge :lol:

I don't think calling democracy, the only solution of the world is fair. Yes it is very close to the excellency but I would say sometimes a dictator can be better than democratic government. Take an example of Pakistan under Musharraf's regime and PPP

Sometimes a communist party can be better alternative to democracy... take an example of China and its rapidly growing economy

I guess whatever the system is, its does not matter... the leadership has to be honest, highly skilled and clever enough to take smart decisions. Oh yes democracy is most favourable nowadyas but thats not the only solution :D
Is modern Democracy the best form of government today? why do you think its the only solution to problems? and if there are any other types of government which could be followed today? what are they?

Democracy is one thing but having 10 different governance bodies is catastrophe.

1- Fedral govt.
2- Fedral authorities
3- National corporations
4- Provincial govt. 1
5- Provincial govt. 2
6- Provincial govt. 3
7- Provincial govt. 4
8- Provincial govt. 5
9- Local bodies govt.
10- Districts govts.

It is better to contract out the governance to private company in open tender and use the cash to pay people without work.
Is modern Democracy the best form of government today? why do you think its the only solution to problems? and if there are any other types of government which could be followed today? what are they?

Islam gives all the solutions.Should look towards it if in trouble.
what do you mean "modern democracy", hows is "modern democracy" any different from democracy as we know it?
Is modern Democracy the best form of government today? why do you think its the only solution to problems? and if there are any other types of government which could be followed today? what are they?

No its not , there are plenty of living examples where 'decomracy' is failing its practinoers big time.

Ireland found out recetly that the will of the majority isnt always acceptable even within a democratic system ( examples being the lisbon treaty and the euro bailout ) , its the will of the mighty that matters.

Decomcary somehow filters out the most crooked and wealthy from society and puts them in positions of power.
No its not , there are plenty of living examples where 'decomracy' is failing its practinoers big time.

Ireland found out recetly that the will of the majority isnt always acceptable even within a democratic system ( examples being the lisbon treaty and the euro bailout ) , its the will of the mighty that matters.

Decomcary somehow filters out the most crooked and wealthy from society and puts them in positions of power.

Governments are elected for a certain period of time, these gov are given a few years according to the constitution to decide what is best for the country, now if you are not happy with the decisions that gov make, the democratic system gives you the right not to vote them in next time. but with dictatroship you have to live your life with it. in a democratic system if we dont vote for the right people then that is the public's fault for their ill judgemetns, not democracy.
Democracy is only good for best revenge :lol:

I don't think calling democracy, the only solution of the world is fair. Yes it is very close to the excellency but I would say sometimes a dictator can be better than democratic government. Take an example of Pakistan under Musharraf's regime and PPP

Sometimes a communist party can be better alternative to democracy... take an example of China and its rapidly growing economy

I guess whatever the system is, its does not matter... the leadership has to be honest, highly skilled and clever enough to take smart decisions. Oh yes democracy is most favourable nowadyas but thats not the only solution :D

Agreed on most part but as you mentioned China here. What about the huge political cost that they are paying today in the form of sanctions etc.

undoubtedly china is one of the fastest growing economies in the world today but then again China is the only country in such a position mainly because of its people.

Don't you think that in today's world, Democracy is sorta of a neccecity for the smaller countries to be able to adjust in the International community? What do they do if the don't have or try to have democracy. They wouldn't have trade!
what do you mean "modern democracy", hows is "modern democracy" any different from democracy as we know it?

democracy was an ideology first thought of in ancient Greece. At that time the only people that were allowed to vote were the few nobles or shall i say the wealthy who were part of the Greek city state the rest were all but excluded and had no say whatsoever. today each citizen is allowed to vote.

So over time it evolved. Women were not able to vote in the USA until late 20s. black people were excluded until the 60s etc. So Modern democracy is democracy as we know it today..
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democracy was an ideology first thought of in ancient Rome. At that time the only people that were allowed to vote were the few nobles or shall i say the wealthy who were part of the Roman city state the rest were all but excluded and had no say whatsoever. today each citizen is allowed to vote.

So over time it evolved. Women were not able to vote in the USA until late 20s. black people were excluded until the 60s etc. So Modern democracy is democracy as we know it today..

Correction, it was first developed in Athens, Ancient Greece. the word democracy comes from the Greek demos (people) and kratos (power). Athenian democracy in no way represented society. as only freemen over a certain age could vote.

Coming to the question now, the biggest problem with democracy is that can the masses (especially if they are illiterate) be trusted to vote for the best interest of the country? Just look at Pakistan, the same old loonies voted into power each time who end up forming weak fragile coalitions. We have seen dictatorships as well as democratically elected rulers and really there is not much difference between them. Initially under Musharraf, Pakistans economy was booming whilst Sharif, Bhutto had brought no real significant change from the previous governments.
i guess democracy is definitely good for large countries... because in these countries any autocratic rule would not be possible because of the difficulty involved in maintaining law and order

in very small counties... an autocratic rule is difficult... mainly because when someone comes into power... he/ she will be forced to abandon their policy to give way to another accomplice who according to him / her will be able to maintain law and order better... which necessarily need not be as sought..

in medium sized companies... i guess it is possible ... due to some kind of compromise... between the size of the country and eventually the support among populace...

now to identify in what metric the countries should be measured is a problem though...
Democracy will only work when the common man is able to stand up for elections and win. Unofrtunatly that is not the case in most 3rd world countries with the tradition of political dynasties being more prevalent here (Gandhis in India, Bhuttos in Pakistan etc). Generally speaking the concept of a political party based around an idelogy doesnt exist in these societies. Instead the emphasis is on the individual leader of the party. As long as that is the case then there is no difference whether one has a dictatorship or a democracy since these people will be voted into power again anyways.

If we compare with Britain, any common man can stand for elections here and win. These people are basically given dictatorial powers due to the notion of Parliamentary Supremacy (courts cant question an Act passed by the British Parliament). However i would never want any such power to go to the feudal lords, mullahs and gangsters sitting in the Pakistani Parliament.
Dont know what " Modern' democracy is alluded to here.

However, a system where the tax payer has the right to question Govt policies and spending is necessary coupled with a system wherein the leaders have to go back to the people at regular intervals to seek acceptance.

I cannot see any system including religious ones who fulfill these requirements.

No one should have the right to formulate policies and take actions that affect me without my concurrence. Democracy like any other system has its failings yet comes closest to meeting the aspirations of the masses.
Islam gives all the solutions.Should look towards it if in trouble.

Lead by example mate......

No doubt Democracy is worst form of government, But there is no alternative ....

khilafat system is best its like electing one leader like presedential system...

Islamic system is good only for Muslim. As a Muslim you can vote for it, as non-Muslim I can't recommend Islamic system...
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