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Indian source claims, India may resume oil import from Iran

Fyi, India is already kicked out of our gas fields and Chabahar too. I have no doubt China is the best alternative for it. Even Turkey has announced readiness to cooperate on Chabahar.

false flagger alert .
go get your free covid vaxine provided by india .
false flagger alert .
go get your free covid vaxine provided by india .

LOL you cannot even fulfil your own vaccine requirements Indian slumdog. It feels so good knowing how your country now has to pick a side. Always profiting from both ends. Papa America demands full cooperation LOL Little Indian slumdoggy has to pick a side.
you do not need petroleum. you can use coal, nuclear power or renewable energy
but you use Petroleum , coal is too dirty for environment compared to oil and natural gas , nuclear power is limited and renewable energy needs years of research and development to be feasible alternative
but you use Petroleum , coal is too dirty for environment compared to oil and natural gas , nuclear power is limited and renewable energy needs years of research and development to be feasible alternative

technology, climate change, economics will drive the mix
US, Africa and Latin America has oil too.

Doesn’t work that way. Refineries are built to run specific crude thru them. Latin America oil is very different than Iranian oil which is very different from Brent Oil from Russia. List goes on and on

You can’t put Latin America oil into a refinery to Process that is built to process Iranian oil. The refinery has to be remodeled to accept the new oil. Not a cheap or easy thing to do
Doesn’t work that way. Refineries are built to run specific crude thru them. Latin America oil is very different than Iranian oil which is very different from Brent Oil from Russia. List goes on and on

You can’t put Latin America oil into a refinery to Process that is built to process Iranian oil. The refinery has to be remodeled to accept the new oil. Not a cheap or easy thing to do
No argument from my side but when you don't want to sell oil to us we have only that option left.
India wants to become a world power, not a regional power, then India needs the strategic determination and will of a world power. Importing Iranian oil is in India’s self-interest. If everything is obeyed by the United States, India should not try to become a world power.

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