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UAE announces $10 billion fund for investments in Israel

I agree and disagree with you. Agree because religion can be a factor and disagree because it can’t be THE factor.
Russia is at loggerheads with quite a few countries supposedly Christian. US and Mexico don’t get along but US and Canada do. South America is mostly Christian. Is it a cohesive and happy entity? Britain decided to separate form EU. Don’t they have same religion?

Israel is a unique case here and religion does have a major play in that. But mostly it is not with majority of the world.

Coming to your allegation that I am pointing a finger at OIC. Yes I am.

When was OIC a strong alliance? Muslim world today is the most fragmented and turmoil ridden section of the world. If it had any chance to be relevant then that was yesterday not today or in the future. As oil based economy wanes they would have lesser and lesser clout. Smart of the lot have realised this and started building bridges to remain relevant. Smart move.

I do have an issue with with Pakistan demanding the moon from OIC based on religion. It also keeps demanding that they all need to pitch in to whatever it wants as if that should be the only criteria. However, when Pakistan wants to have a truck with China or any other country, religion based approach suddenly vanishes. There it’s own interests become more important.

When other OIC countries want to have a truck with someone based on what seems good to them strategically and economically, they become a traitor to the bigger cause of Ummah.

This appears a self serving approach by Pakistan. Saudi and other major powers of OIC have seen through this and have decided to chart a new path for themselves. Without the guilt of being called not serving the cause of Ummah.
Turkey that has of late started to portray itself as a leader of Muslim world has been very clever in its approach. It has massive trade with Israel but doesn’t want others to do the same.

Bottom line - Religion would only remain A factor of convenience and not The factor for defining geo politics. It would be used as a tool to justify something when it suits them.

You dont have enough deep on Abraham religion like Christian. You should study the difference between Protestant (US/England), Evangelish Protestant (US), Catholic (Mexico, Brazil, etc), and Christian Orthodox (Russian/Serbian). Christian is not single entity. They do have rivalry as well and it has been like that since ancient times, so it explain the division between Russian and the West. Google this one to understand more "Bizantium"

Talking about Muslim, there is division as well, some favor Political Islam, others are secular and nationalist.

I can explain you all of that but I do have some work to do, maybe later I will give more explanation. But to make it short, I have explained to you that religion is not the only reasons for partnership and alliance and now you start bringing England case which something that I dont need to explain if you read my previous comment seriously.
Through this fund, the UAE will invest in and alongside Israel across sectors

Published: March 11, 2021 22:23WAM
UAE Israel
The UAE, Israeli and US flags sway in the wind at the Abu Dhabi airport at the arrival of the first-ever commercial flight from Israel to the UAE, on August 31, 2020.Image Credit: AFP
Abu Dhabi: Following a constructive phone call His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, has received from Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the State of Israel, the United Arab Emirates has announced the establishment of a $10 billion (Dh36 billion) fund aimed at strategic sectors in Israel.
Through this fund, the UAE will invest in and alongside Israel across sectors including energy, manufacturing, water, space, healthcare and agri-tech. The investment fund will support development initiatives to promote regional economic cooperation between the two countries. Fund allocations will derive from government and private sector institutions.
The fund builds on the historic Abraham Accord and aims to bolster economic ties between two of the region’s thriving economies, unlocking investments and partnership opportunities to drive socio-economic progress.
This initiative is an integral part of the historic peace accord signed by the UAE and Israel with the United States’ support, and demonstrates the benefits of peace by improving the lives of the region’s peoples. It is a manifestation of the new spirit of friendship and cooperation between the three countries, as well their common will to advance the region.

Israel has lots of high tech start-ups and mature firms. I’m waging the UAE wants to invest in order to kick start their own smart economy.
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But to make it short, I have explained to you that religion is not the only reasons for partnership and alliance
In other example just look on countries who dont support on UN resolution on Myanmar despite they have clearly done massive expelling of Rohingya from their own homes into Bangladesh, they are those which has Budish link like China, Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, India etc
I just dont agree on your statement saying religious backed alliance or partnership (where you clearly try to target Muslim alliance like OIC since the most members in PDF are Muslim) doesnt fit with the geopolitics reality.

One of your comments earlier gives an impression that you believe in religion based alliances. If you are also saying that religion can’t be the sole criteria then there is no disagreement here.

Example of England was in certain context. Please don’t associate it with the entire argument.
One of your comments earlier gives an impression that you believe in religion based alliances. If you are also saying that religion can’t be the sole criteria then there is no disagreement here.

Example of England was in certain context. Please don’t associate it with the entire argument.

You like to spin huh. My first comment is to bring you fact that religion is one of the reasons of why nation make an alliance, some thing that you denies.
Real Muslims live in peace with other religions.

Really?!! You're no one to talk about peace, the West has been collectively in a state of war from Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Holy Land (Palestine), Chad, Niger, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Korean Peninsula to name few.

Keep your cheap, useless talk to yourself.

Real Muslims know when Malhama comes, all the oppression, tyranny will come to a brutal end. It's better to live one day as a free human, and be sincere to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, than to live in utter destitution, slaughtered by the godless scum.
Really?!! You're no one to talk about peace, the West has been collectively in a state of war from Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Holy Land (Palestine), Chad, Niger, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Korean Peninsula to name few.

Keep your cheap, useless talk to yourself.

Real Muslims know when Malhama comes, all the oppression, tyranny will come to a brutal end. It's better to live one day as a free human, and be sincere to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, than to live in utter destitution, slaughtered by the godless scum.
Godless scum like ISIS, and other terrorist scum groups that kill more Muslims than any western government does... believe n your stupidity as much as you like. But the Muslims I know personally, I respect, as much as they respect me and my religion. And as far as I know, all religions should live in peace. So-called “Muslims” like you are not Muslims. They are idiots. Muslims are peaceful, just like Christians, Jews, Buddhist and Hindus.
Godless scum like ISIS, and other terrorist scum groups that kill more Muslims than any western government does.

Wow what an idiot!!! ISIS, AQ and HTS are products of combined american, british and french clandestine agencies. Anyone who has actually researched the subject, would know. But a brainwashed mindless buffoon such as yourself, would keep parroting what the zionist-Western mainstream media proclaim.
Wow what an idiot!!! ISIS, AQ and HTS are products of combined american, british and french clandestine agencies. Anyone who has actually researched the subject, would know. But a brainwashed mindless buffoon such as yourself, would keep parroting what the zionist-Western mainstream media proclaim.
You sure have a sense of humor :)
Actually there is no strategic and economic benefit of US to defend and back Israel so passionately. It is purely religious linked alliance. Of course there are many thing other than religion as a reason to have a partnership, I just dont agree on your statement saying religious backed alliance or partnership (where you clearly try to target Muslim alliance like OIC since the most members in PDF are Muslim) doesnt fit with the geopolitics reality.

Israel is a parasite to America. The Zionist lobby has captured the political system and uses America as it's attack dog. American soldiers are coming back in body bags in 'wars for Israel'.

Their control of the media is total. You cannot get up the political ladder without paying homage to Israel. American politicians will stand in line to say how much they love israel.
This is wrong... they are asking Pakistanis to return 1 billion dollars and investing 10 in Israel... no wonder pdf is heated
We owe them the money and Pakistan is not poor. We should return their money and next time they need Pakistan we should tell them ask the Jews to die for you.
Regarding them given in 10 bin to Israel. We family is family cousins together again. As they say blood is thicker than water.
This is wrong... they are asking Pakistanis to return 1 billion dollars and investing 10 in Israel... no wonder pdf is heated

What do you expect from a bunch of Najdi-Scum? They have been in power for the last 100 years, courtesy of Zionist owned britain! They think they can overcome anything because they have money and the West backing them. By recognizing the illegal and illegitimate state of israel, they have proven that they indeed are, Najdis.

When the Malhama is upon us, and it will come in the near future, the first ones to be annihilated in the Muslim World, are these very Najdis.
Godless scum like ISIS, and other terrorist scum groups that kill more Muslims than any western government does...

Compare the casualties of the Iraq occupation, the Gulf War and the sanctions on Iraq in the 90s with ISIS' killcount and get back to me.
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