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Stux Virus: Present & Future Implications

Irfan Baloch

Apr 12, 2009
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Stux Virus: The Virtual Cousin of H-Bomb


The Origin

the Siemens based computer operated hardware in Bushehr was electronically attacked by a worm that sent the centrifuges on an overdrive making them spin out of control and brought down the Iranian nuclear plant with serious setbacks in terms of monetary losses, time and irreplaceable hardware.

The assault was pointed towards a highly funded, complex and sophisticated operation which was not possible for amateurs and suggested a government backing. Based on the history of the region the fingers pointed at Israel.

Method: it was introduced though an infected USB stick which the user unwittingly or intentionally used in the facility hence infecting the whole network. Israel in the past has used more violent methods by assasinating an Iranian nuclear scientist.

(Iranian Nuclear facility)

Biblical references: like any typical hacker, the Israelis left their watermark in their Stux virus. Making some bilabial references of a Jewish Queen who urged her husband to launch a "pre-emptive" strike against its enemy to safeguard the Jewish people. Although Israel hasn’t admitted its role in this virus but the evidence simply points towards their Unit 8200 which is their intelligence corps unit. Only time will tell what monster they have unleashed on the world.

(Unit 8200)


This may look like the first time that a computer based malicious code has managed to have a direct & physical impact on the real world. But to my knowledge it has happened in the past too.

When the war of the words was being fought between Hong Kong during 90s an assault by Hong Kong based programmers on Chinese chipset motherboards took place. Sadly there are no web based references to that story but back then it was major news in the computer sector in the Asia where the private and commercial users had their motherboard chipsets "fried". China pointed the blame towards Hong Kong (that’s before 97 when it became China's SAR, special administrative region). Some computer hackers/ programmers even proudly owned to that accusation citing their rebellion and disdain toward possible Chinese rule.

Present concerns

Web Based Organised Crime:
Apparently hackers have managed to work out or get the source code of stux virus, making a lot of variants that can have serious implications for wider world. They can potentially bringing the whole transport system, hospitals, banks and stock exchanges to a halt. If the internet based organised crime gets hold of these mutated versions of Stux virus then they can blackmail corporations, private sector and even governments for monetary gains. this is something that nato terms as iwar. mainly waged by individuals or organisations against commerical or personal computer users that dont have state level security systems to protect themselves against such determined and sustained attacks.

Even more frightening possibility is that white supremacist terrorists (who don’t get enough mention) or Al Qaeda (even newborns know that name) can get hold of source code of this virus that can have serious security implications for the governments or countries where they operate.
Imagine a commercial plane falling off the sky or a power stations going overboard and blowing up and only then one can appreciate the dire implications.

Virtual warfare

Informationalized (Chinese), cyber (American) name for type of warfare that involves military communications and satellite intelligence. Now add this new weapon to mix and you have a weapon of devastating consequences. Where an attack from a technically & economically inferior enemy can bring down a Western pride and its multibillion dollar setup and its clandestine operations across the globe. In extreme cases imagine unmanned assault drones like predators turning against the operators, or a whole formation of fighters either losing its fly-by-wire system plummeting it to the ground.

Future Uses

The major rivals in the East and West must be already working on this new weapon and on hand trying to safeguard their own vulnerabilities on the other hand trying to find the blind spots and gaps within their rivals and wait for the right time to launch the attack.
This is a weapon with unimaginable power which can end a war before it even starts.

Rerences in Popular Media

like Diehard there have been other movies that show so called geeks or nerds becoming destruction obsessed villians. Stux is only real and more threatening than what the film makers could have thought.


I urge all to give their point of view viz a viz its implications on Pakistan. Any threats and opportunities in the future conflicts.
Safeguarding our strategic and tactical assets and also working on the offensive version of the same possible weapon to deny the enemy in its nefarious designs.

Few years back I have personally visited a military organisation that has engineers & scientists working together on what can be in layman's term called as electronic warfare. if any defences are built for our assets or any offensive weapons are proposed then I am sure that place will spearhead the operations. due to national security I cant mention the name or place. just to clarify that my visit was personal in nature meeting a family friend.


Israel electronic assault
Israeli cyber unit responsible for Iran computer worm – claim - Telegraph
Computer virus forces Iran to delay production of nuclear energy - Telegraph

Modified Stux versions
Stuxnet virus could target many industries

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NATO Review

fly by wire system
Fly-by-wire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thanks sir for bringing this up.......... electronic warfare is the most dangerous weapons of all (better than nukes). it can severely hurt the country's economic and strategic assets without involving in a direct war....at a very low price....
thanks sir for bringing this up.......... electronic warfare is the most dangerous weapons of all (better than nukes).
Never heard of nagasaki?.. that was a fission bomb, guess what could happen if a Tsar like bomb was dropp on New Delhi..
thanks sir for bringing this up.......... electronic warfare is the most dangerous weapons of all (better than nukes). it can severely hurt the country's economic and strategic assets without involving in a direct war....at a very low price....

I am really looking forward to what wikileks has to say about the spread of this military grade computer virus.

I think this virus is a double edged sword and can hurt both ways.

although the west enjoys superiority in every field but computer programming is somethign where a low budget goverment or non goverment organisation can seriously challenge the Western dominance
after this virus

the boundries of virtual and real world are somewhat blurred.
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more on Stux attack on Iran
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