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Shia deal gives militants new Afghan access


Feb 16, 2010
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PESHAWAR: Shia Muslim militias in Pakistan’s tribal regions are helping some of Natos fiercest enemies evade missile attacks from US drones to cross safely into Afghanistan, a tribal activist told The Associated Press.

Shias, who control a key piece of tribal real estate, cut a deal with the deadly Haqqani network to give insurgents a safe, alternative route to Afghanistan through Pakistan’s Kurram tribal region, said Munir Bangash, who is familiar with the deal. A second tribesman from Kurram confirmed the deal but spoke only on condition of anonymity fearing retribution from the Taliban and from fellow tribesmen.

The deal underlines the problems of shutting down the Haqqani network’s access to its bases in Afghanistan from its refuges in Pakistan.

The Haqqani network is blamed for many of the deadliest attacks on US troops in Afghanistan. Washington has been pressing Pakistan to launch a military operation against the Haqqani network in North Waziristan but so far the military has held back, saying its 140,000 soldiers deployed across the tribal belt are already stretched too thin.

Analysts and Afghan government officials have accused Pakistan of protecting the Haqqani network as allies who could be of use after the Americans and their allies leave Afghanistan.

The deal in Kurram was brokered two months ago during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. A delegation of Shia elders and Shia militiamen from Kurram met representatives of the Haqqani network and laid the groundwork for the deal, said Bangash, who is the chairman of the Community Rights Program, an independent organization trying to broker peace between Kurram’s Shias and Sunnis while bringing development to their areas.

Under the agreement, the Shias gave the Haqqani network safe passage through Kurram from its Pakistan strongholds in neighboring North and South Waziristan across the border to its Afghan bases in Khost and Paktia provinces, Bangash said.

In return, the Haqqanis intervened with the Sunni Muslim militants to get them to agree to a truce with the Shias in Kurram. The two sects have been engaged in brutal tit-for-tat killings, although most of the dead have been Shias Muslim. Rival Sunni Muslims have also blocked the only highway connecting Kurram to Pakistan’s Khyber Pukhtunkhwa provincial capital of Peshawar.

Bangash said hundreds of Haqqani insurgents as well as Pakistani Taliban have taken refuge in Kurram to escape attacks by U.S. drones in North Waziristan as well as a Pakistan military offensive in South Waziristan and Orakzai tribal regions.

Kurram’s Shias had an intense interest in striking a deal for local reasons.

Kurram is divided between a northern half bordering Afghanistan controlled by Shias and a Sunni-dominated southern half, which includes the only road connection to Peshawar and the rest of Pakistan.

Hundreds have been killed in fighting between militias run by the each sect. Divisions between the communities worsened with the growing influence in the area of the Pakistani Taliban, allied with the Sunni radical group Lashkar-e-Janghvi, known for its attacks on Shias around Pakistan, said Bangash.

The bloodletting peaked in 2007 when Shias drove Sunnis out of Parachinar, the regional government headquarters. Sunni Muslims retaliated by denying Shia Muslims access to road. In some instances, Sunni militants have stopped buses on the road, taken out Shia passengers and executed them.

The Shia militias had to turn to the Haqqanis to strike a deal ”because they are so strong. No one else is as strong,” Bangash said.

Neither Bangash nor other Kurram tribesmen could say whether negotiations involved a member of the Haqqani family. Sirajuddin Haqqani, the network’s operational head, was in Kurram in September, according to the Long War Journal, a US-based Web periodical which tracks insurgent activity.

While Kurram’s Sunnis have come under Taliban sway, its Shias have come under the influence of two local militias called Hezbollah and the Mehdi militia – unrelated to the militant groups of the same name in Lebanon and Iraq, respectively – Bangash said.

”The Shias are held hostage to the Hezbollah and Mehdi militias, like the Sunnis are held hostage to the Taliban,” said Bangash.

The agreement brokered during Ramadan is an uneasy one, says Bangash. Relatives of Shias killed by their Sunni rivals oppose the dealmaking with the Haqqani network.

”About a week ago some of Haqqanis representatives came to Parachinar to talk to the elders to try to keep the deal in place,” said Bangash. – AP
Shia deal gives militants new Afghan access | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia
Iran is a brotherly neighbor.
Its true what they are doing .
Pakistan can undress iran any time but unlike our iranian brothers we dont.
why ?
because they are our friends and friends dont disgrace friends.
This article can't be right, the Shia militia was disbanded after after a ceasefire between the two warring factions last month.........how can the Haqqanis strike a deal with a militia that does not exist or keep it in effect after it ceases to exist ?
This article can't be right, the Shia militia was disbanded after after a ceasefire between the two warring factions last month.........how can the Haqqanis strike a deal with a militia that does not exist ?

dont think with emotions
its realpolitiks
If Iran can support Hammas(a Salfi group) then why not Haqqanies.

there is lots of evedence which proves that our BROTHERS create problems for us and then weap then their own created problems get back to them.

remember Iranians are more sassanids then Shia Muslims. its only us who forgive and forget the sins of our other muslim brothers
It's interesting to note that the entire story seems to revolve on the say so of two persons, a certain Mr. Bangash, and a tribesman, neither a party to the negotiations they suggest have taken place --- something about the story does not seem to sit quite right.
dont think with emotions
its realpolitiks
If Iran can support Hammas(a Salfi group) then why not Haqqanies.

there is lots of evedence which proves that our BROTHERS create problems for us and then weap then their own created problems get back to them.

remember Iranians are more sassanids then Shia Muslims. its only us who forgive and forget the sins of our other muslim brothers

I'm not taking Iran or any other country for that matter, into question. I'm just taking this article in context of the peace deal in kurram........
I'm not taking Iran or any other country for that matter, into question. I'm just taking this article in context of the peace deal in kurram........

many reports have come in international press as well as in pakistani press about iranian connections
many reports have come in international press as well as in pakistani press about iranian connections

Yup, I know, all that stuff goes through me a couple of months before it gets to the news..........
certainly the shia tribe in parachanar could deal after no support from Pakistan army against taliban in Khurram agency. But this deal would be violate by taliban like "nizame adal".
certainly the shia tribe in parachanar could deal after no support from Pakistan army against taliban in Khurram agency. But this deal would be violate by taliban like "nizame adal".

Well, they are getting food and medical supply through Afghanistan. For the last few years all roads to Parachar were blocked by the militants. BUT, according to these shia tribes, trouble makers are foreigners ,who settled in this area after Afghan war. These local tribes want them out. Height of violence among local shia sunni lot less. Trouble makers are Auzbiks and Chechinian.
All this based on a so called unknown source. This is probably not true since the Taliban considering the Taliban hate Shia. Recently I remember reading an article that the Taliban was not allowing humanitarian aid to reach the Shia areas. A bit of a conflict of information there, but unknown sources are as good as none, it maybe happening but you need a face to put on the story otherwise no one in their right mind is going to believe it.


Just went over a few thing for what it looks like, one can be pretty sure its just made up to sell and get more viewers or perhaps for propaganda reasons.

Main reason: The Taliban and Shia are enemies.
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