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The cat is out of the bag: Foreign troops to stay in Afghanistan beyond May deadline: Nato officials

we love afghans
Rashid Khan has achieved cult status. We should steal him for team India. A special CAA waiver is in order perhaps, what do you think ?

guy looks good in Blue too:

Its the Indians who have been hurt in the right place. Agent Modi is doing
an fantastic job.

get a shot of covaxine made in JF 17 factory , your problems will disappear . :omghaha:
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don't worry day is not far away when they will beat pakistan cricket team .
Actually that would be more fun, our sporting proxy beats Pakistan in a test match in Pakistan :haha:

Mazaa aa jayega life ka :sarcastic:
Actually that would be more fun, our sporting proxy beats Pakistan in a test match in Pakistan :haha:

Mazaa aa jayega life ka :sarcastic:
Indian posters are going off topic and posting fake news. Afghan cricket team is funded by USA. Indians are of little relevance in this thread.
All thanks to the Taliban for jumping the gun and start killing spree. Talk about undermining yourself.
Now that the Afghan government have a case, they will undermine the peace process. More trips for Doval sb I suppose.
I am pretty sure Pak has been fully ready for that....

Now is the time to kill all RAW agents inside Afganistan without any discrimination! Every Indian and NA thug are potential agents....

you are eating salt of america , better be true to your salt .
this poor nation has already put a superpower into the grave. this is not different it took time but Pak will do it again.

you did nothing it is beyond your capacity , afghanis fought war on american fire power .
you were middleman who got some dollars for few petty jobs done . don't forget you are a poor nation without a vaxine for covid 19 .
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yes peace loving Pakistanis are but Muslim blood thirsty hindus are happy, for them blood of muslim tastes the same, Afghani or Kashmeri or even south Indian Muslim.

taliban are blood thirsty , taliban lovers cant be peaceful .
Uncle Sam doesn't want to see a Pakistan which is peaceful and progressing.

this is matter of afghanistan ,if pakistan want peace it can stay in own quarters .
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slowly slowly you will accept what america brings for you .
Yeah but in the real world it was America that slowly accepted to what Pakistan brought to it i.e. no military solution and withdrawal of US forces.
Biden can try another 4 years and pumping billions more, not going to change the outcome.
Its as they say the definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
Stupid Americans, they spent 2trl$ and 20 years failing to defeat the Taliban and now they expect that 5-10k troops are going to change the reality on the ground.

Leave Afghanistan now!
Illusions, delusions and naivete! A jaunt down the memory lane and it was a republican president who brought war, both to Afghanistan and Iraq... countless protested! Perhaps in a generation or longer...

In comes Obama, a nobel laureate for peace in waiting and a promise of hope and change, closing Guantanamo, calling back the troops stationed abroad and improving economy for the down trodden but instead starts new wars and doubles down on existing and only bails out the rich.

In comes Trump with a libertarian streak, again no new wars and making a do-over of America. Instead, he brings the existing conflicts to a simmer while plotting for the new... read Iran.

In comes Biden... Now when you talk Biden you have to understand that some of the things that continued under Trump were in fact pushed by Hillary and gang such as quad to counter China and propping up of India...

So, doubling down is an American pastime... throwing more money, resources and lives in hopes of achieving different results in every attempt. Afghanistan is going the same way partly because it remains a way to engineer Pakistan, to bring it to it's knees and to change Indian equation from India minus Pakistan against China to India versus China. When Pakistanis think about Afghanistan they think in contemporary terms, in post colonial terms... whereas it is one of the lingering issues of partition and Pakistani identity along of course with Kashmir. One that is at odds against an imperial construct called India. It is this unfinished business that keeps destabilizing the region. To understand Afghanistan after Brits left is to understand how they handled it and that is, as a defecto colony... for the longest time they controlled it's foreign policy and changed rulers at will. The separation from the raj was also political, a buffer zone with then Russian Empire.

Coming back, things are moving, though slowly, but in the same direction... Pakistanis if choose, can see the drift, coming conflicts and budding camps.

That, despite the change in administration.
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don't worry day is not far away when they will beat pakistan cricket team .

No doubt they are good but they need some more time to beat Pakistan. Only way possible if our circuit lobby play gamble and lose on purpose just like they did in world up 2011.
you are eating salt of america , better be true to your salt .

you did nothing it is beyond your capacity , afghanis fought war on american fire power .
you were middleman who got some dollars for few petty jobs done . don't forget you are a poor nation without a vaxine for covid 19 .

What is vaccines has to do with this?

We didn’t get anything for free. We got the funds/AID for the support we provided to NATO troops in Afghanistan. Pakistan provide the cheapest NATO supply route and if American are planning to stay in Afghanistan, they will need our assistance. Pakistan still hold all the cards. Peace can’t come in Afghanistan without Pakistan’s support.

As far as Pakistan-USA relationship, it will be never be the way it was 10’ years ago. Pakistan has aligned with China and our future is with CPEC.

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