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The cat is out of the bag: Foreign troops to stay in Afghanistan beyond May deadline: Nato officials

Joe biden Is not As naive As some may expect . He will pursue The actual agenda Of the USA deep state
Biden's priority are controlling the pandemic and the restoring the USA economy. Defeating the Taliban is no where on his to do list. USA military industrial complex should be patriotic and take less for the benefit of the American nation.
What most people don't realize is that whether today or sometime in the future, the americans will HAVE to leave Afghanistan no matter what as their presence there cannot be sustained and is unnatural. It is just as unnatural as the Pakistani and Afghan military being present in Italy, Germany and Brazil. This will be further hastened as american global power and influence diminishes and China rises to become the global premier power.
Trump was the best thing for Pakistan after Ronald Reagan. who give flying f about his Muslim ban or wasting Afro-Americans. There will come a day when you lot who made were critical of Trump will see and regret his leaving office.

Biden is part of the same establishment that was bombing our erstwhile FATA like it was a video game and under his boss Obama Pakistan was almost declared a failed state - American policy makers were drawing maps how to divide Pakistan. Now these same baskets are in power.
this poor nation has already put a superpower into the grave
In the name of Allah, the magnificent please can we use that same ability to put that semi-naked, veggie eating, cowardly, street sh*tting India into the grave?
As expected blood thirsty biden like Obama for killing of human in afganistan and may be we will see drone again at border. Trump was I believe in modern usa history was a president didn't want to peruse the agenda of war...withdrawing troops from every part..it was much better to have muslim ban then to muslim kill..
Trump was the best thing for Pakistan after Ronald Reagan. who give flying f about his Muslim ban or wasting Afro-Americans. There will come a day when you lot who made were critical of Trump will see and regret his leaving office.

Biden is part of the same establishment that was boming our erstwhile FATA like it was a video game and under his boss Obama Pakistan was almost declared a failed state - American policy makers were drawing maps how to divide Pakistan. Now these same baskets are in power.
In the name of Allah, the magnificent please can we use that same ability to put that semi-naked, veggie eating, cowardly, street sh*tting India into the grave?

Agreed. The only thing that may be in Pakistan’s favour is that america may not be able to exert as much power and pressure as they could between 2001 and 2016 due to various factors.

But yes trump was definitely good for Pakistan. He was actually only bad for blacks and Latinos. But that's not our problem.
The Americans are not going to vacate Afghanistan until at least 2040s. That's what they said from day one and that's what they've been doing for nearly two decades.

It's crazy to assume otherwise that the US will leave their bases which pretty much sits in the middle of 4 nuclear powers (Pakistan, China, Russia and India) and Iran.

The Americans will give the impression every few years like they have been doing that they're on the brink of a withdrawal and then find some excuse to prolong their stay, repeatedly making a fool out of everybody.
poor nations should avoid challenging super power america .

That means india should completely shut and close down as you guys have the HIGHEST number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world......:lol:........ :azn::

PS you indians might worship the americans as they may be your gods but they are not ours......:azn:.
Trump was the best thing for Pakistan after Ronald Reagan. who give flying f about his Muslim ban or wasting Afro-Americans. There will come a day when you lot who made were critical of Trump will see and regret his leaving office.

Biden is part of the same establishment that was bombing our erstwhile FATA like it was a video game and under his boss Obama Pakistan was almost declared a failed state - American policy makers were drawing maps how to divide Pakistan. Now these same baskets are in power.
In the name of Allah, the magnificent please can we use that same ability to put that semi-naked, veggie eating, cowardly, street sh*tting India into the grave?
Biden so far is trying to avoid the mistakes of the Obama administration. Obama made a series of foreign policy blunders (in hindsight). Biden as VP was opposed to going big in Afghanistan (that was the correct decision). The Obama tilt toward Kabul and New Delhi has not been working out so well.

Best for Pakistan to offer counter terror support to USA (basing and over flight rights if needed for counter terror actions). This is something that should have been offered by Pakistan in 90's instead of complaining about Pressler. Pakistan too should learn from its mistakes.
But yes trump was definitely good for Pakistan. He was actually only bad for blacks and Latinos. But that's not our problem.
Absolutely. And if you ask the Saudi's, Emiratis they will tell you he was good. so no idea where this Muslim things comes from. To begin with the interests of some Afro-American calling himself Mohammed living in Bronx, ducking bullets from other house Negroes is not the same as a Turkish scientist sat in Istanbul helping to build the latest drones, or a Pakistan taxi driver making a living in Islamabad.

Trump being good/bad to Muslims mean't nothing. what was important how he dealt with PAKISTAN and particularly regarding Afghanistan. That is all that mattered. Andf he was good there. He had a understanding with Imran Khan and Gen Bajwa.
It's economically and objectively pointless war for the Americans and there is just no strategic value for them to gain from staying in Afghanistan. insurgency can't either be stopped militarily inside the mountainous regions either but regardless it is stargetically pointless
It was wish of India, so now more insurgency in both side of Baluchistan in coming years.
Biden so far is trying to avoid the mistakes of the Obama administration.
Our concern should only be Pakistan and not the 30 other Muslim countries - unless of course they merge with Pakistan. With regard to that broadly US policy is ran by the Washington establishment and it does not really change much within few degrees. Within that space Trump was GOOD for Pakistan. Who mooted to get the troops out of Afghanistan? Who said enough of wars abroad and bring our troops home? And he acted on that. He was delayed and hurdles placed in his way by Washington establishment but he pushed, pushed.

Now they have their man back again. Biden. So watch what happens now.
It was wish of India, so now more insurgency in both side of Baluchistan in coming years.

The US deep state is angry and bitter for a whole host of reasons. Pakistan was fully on US deep state radar. Trump won by a miracle. Deep state witch Hillary lost in a humiliating fashion. She had major plans against Pakistan. What resulted was 4 years of utter humiliation and anger among deep state elements. They tried very very hard to convince Trump and his anti-war team members to continue wars. McMaster, Mattis, Esper, Bolton, Tillerson... The deep state tried its best, but all got fired by Trump in the end. They whispered in Trump's ears to fight wars.

The deep state is now back and they know they are 10-0 behind. 4 years is a long time. They are trying to make a quick impression, but it won't work. The world has changed.

Let the deep state and its cronies break the Doha deal. Today Pakistan has strong regional partners who are going to disrupt deep state activities in Afghanistan. The deep state is kidding itself to think it is only fighting Pakistan in Afghanistan. There are at a minimum 3 other major powers fighting against the US.

I absolutely agree that the US deep state is going to use India and Afghanistan to fan secterian and religious conflicts across Pakistan. Baluchistan in particular is high on US deep state list. The armed forces need to be ruthless and prepared. The deep state has been working behind the scenes to promote PTM, BLA and anti-state elements. They are going to use their poodles.

1. The Pakistani state can make quick gains by banning INGOs/NGOs on deep state payroll. Watch how the American deep state and NATO countries cry foul.

2. Remove anti-state elements within the society such as universities, public space etc. Again, the US deep state and its cronies are going to throw extreme fits, but this will be very beneficial in the long term.
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