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PDF Poll: Should PDF ban India related topics on forum?

Should PDF ban India related topic on PDF?

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Jul 24, 2017
Reaction score
In my view --- YES. Allot of people complain about Indian presence in this forum, with this action be assure 99% will never visit this forum in next 1 year.. So win win for all.
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PDF is the platform where Pakistanis like me learn about indian narrative and learn counter Pakistani narrative under the supervision of senior Pakistani PDF members and use that training outside PDF as well. If you ban indians, it will not happen. If indians are banned, PDF will become PTV. Indians here serve as dead virus of a vaccine, we can train against them and use that training everywhere in cyber space.

A thread started by an Indian goes to show the pain Indians feel when reality hits them.

This forum is propaganda buster and will continue to expose India not only here but in every corner of the world. Thats a promise.
IT doesn't matter for me. I rarely visit this forum now. This forum has become a hub of abusers, and bullying attitude of mods.
You Indians are integral part of this forum. Without Indians, this forum is useless.
Everyone here seems to be only interested in running down each other and take pride in it. Forum should be for serious and fact full discussion.
Lol says an indian.

A thread started by an Indian goes to show the pain Indians feel when reality hits them.

This forum is propaganda buster and will continue to expose India not only here but in every corner of the world. Thats a promise.
I see Imran Khan taking the same initiative so I wish you all the very best for you endeavor :tup:
Corona virus is slowly separating the peoples and nations of world like it used to be in the past. Probably there is a plan to block off inter area internet communication too. The less we know of each other the easier it is to look at one another not as people.
Corona virus is slowly separating the peoples and nations of world like it used to be in the past. Probably there is a plan to block off inter area internet communication too. The less we know of each other the easier it is to look at one another not as people.
Past life was far better than current one and Covid gave us the best times of our life to be enjoyed with our family member which was vanishing in times of urbanization. Can;t say the same for a Canadian where big families hardly exist.
In my view --- YES. Allot of people complain about Indian presence in this forum, with this action be assure 99% will never visit this forum in next 1 year.. So win win for all.
Yes, definitely
In my view --- YES. Allot of people complain about Indian presence in this forum, with this action be assure 99% will never visit this forum in next 1 year.. So win win for all.

That will just hide their crimes against humanity, their Terrorism, their dirty laundry.

Let them be exposed.
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