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A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

When did I say I hate the UK or English people? Again, you cannot answer let alone counter my argument so now you are resorting to insinuations. You need to do better than that.

Good to know you're not for justifying hate then, we're on the same page. Will you answer my question now or is it still too soon?
This teacher did what he did deliberately yes. But we should engage in debate, we should debate with logic, with the words non Muslims are able to understand. Not in killing.

Muslims are not able to discuss, Muslims are not able to think, Muslims are not able to educate... they are non Muslims they behave, they talk according their own logic, their own beliefs.
You can protest against the cartoons, against what they do, against their thinking, but do it with intelligence. Because do you think that with such horrible crime, the non Muslims will change ? Such crimes add fuel on fire. Nothing else.

Millions of Brown/olive-Skinned Muslims have been genocided by racist French colonists. It's not surprising that some Muslims may be angry.
Good to know you're not for justifying hate then, we're on the same page. Will you answer my question now or is it still too soon?

When will the hate and genocide by racists against Muslims stop being justified?
What is provocation? Is an Indian justified in killing me because I ate beef for many years and even butchered a cow?

Your logic and reasoning is wrong, because several Hindu's eat cow , and many don't consider it holy but an animal or live stock , as for Prophet Muhammad PBUH , he is equally beloved and respect to all Muslims .

A consequence of globalization is that people with varying beliefs now live and work together. Perhaps mutual tolerance is called for until we all start to understand each other a little better.

yeah so is it too much to ask from the so called " Master race, Civilization " to stop insulting a man who died 1400 years ago ? and who is not here to defend himself ? if I insult 6 Million Dead Jews in Israel or Germany or Austria they will put me in jail for it, some nut job might even kill me depends on what is the level of Insult , and those Jews died some 80 years ago, so since when insulting a dead people specially the ones who is respected , loved by 1.8 Billion Muslims is normal ? what about our sentiments ? it is clear that west don't want to respect our faith, but they want to do business with us, why not declare entire Islamic nations as Enemy and be done with it ?
You can't expect every Muslim to act rationale in such situation , as i said in my previous posts everyone has a different mind and they process it differently , that is why this teenager took the violent road while rest of French Muslims ignore it .

Year ago my father unintentionally caused grievous offence to his Egyptian colleague by the very simple act of putting his feet on his desk and thus showing the soles of his shoes to his Egyptian colleague. The Egyptian in a fit of rage struck my father - long story short, my father did not mean to cause offense. People raised under different circumstances cannot be expected to understand the emotions of someone from a different culture.

Well you answer your own question , " long story short, my father did not mean to cause offense. " what your father did was unintentional , and putting a shoe in desk is not equal to insulting the prophet dude, come on you are comparing apple with oranges .You can insult Pakistani , or Saudi or Irani culture all day long no one will say anything , but religion is different , insult Allah or Prophet is different , religion is universal and much more sensitive to people , not all but most of them take religion more seriously than culture , Its very reasonable for us Muslims to ask that UN should make laws preventing such things from happening, your father did something mistakenly but this teacher , I doubt he did it as a mistake, I am pretty sure it was a insult or provocation on purpose, ( still no need for killing him , nor justifying it ) but as i keep saying everyone is different .
Millions of Brown/olive-Skinned Muslims have been genocided by racist French colonists. It's not surprising that some Muslims may be angry.

When will the hate and genocide by racists against Muslims stop being justified?

Listen, if this point is important, which it is no doubt, then talk about it with logic but do not bring this point when a Muslim kills a non Muslim over « freedom of expression » freedom for which they fight against their own religion because of the abuses, the mass killing made by the Clergy. It’s their history, it’s their own nightmares. Their mindset was built upon their own history. You should understand that.
That’s why I’m inviting all Muslims to learn to discuss with logic, with understanding of the French people’s mindset, with their own words they are able to understand. And not killing.
If someone is wrong, should you also be wrong ?
France sounds like a weird place to live in, obviously the freedom of speech thing isn't real when your career will be destroyed(cancelled) and you may be arrested for speaking against Jews. That professor has some issues and was trying to get a reaction.

But for Muslims, if you ever in a situation like that excuse yourself from the room. Go for a bathroom break or something. You are not allowed to kill anyone for blasphemy, thats only a law in Muslim nations, and even then only some of it implement it. You know also people say worse things about God and God even mentioned in the Quran how people curse him without knowledge, meaning they are taught bad things towards religion and he is patient with them and may guide them to him later in their lives.

In Arab nations I can tell you some people curse God unfortunately when they get angry and they will get punished if it happens in public but they don't even get killed unless it's deliberate. It's bad and I hate it and it needs to stopped but for example sake we allow them to repent and put them through rehab.
This teacher did what he did deliberately yes. But we should engage in debate, we should debate with logic, with the words non Muslims are able to understand. Not in killing.

Muslims are not able to discuss, Muslims are not able to think, Muslims are not able to educate... they are non Muslims they behave, they talk according their own logic, their own beliefs.
You can protest against the cartoons, against what they do, against their thinking, but do it with intelligence. Because do you think that with such horrible crime, the non Muslims will change ? Such crimes add fuel on fire. Nothing else.

They should have just ignored those drawings and it would go away. Those drawings in no way resemble Mohammed either. And our Great God can protect his Prophets as he says in the Quran. But God is not human, Muslims need to use logic, he not gonna punish people in way you understand God has different ways to punish people and he will make them fall into their own miseries created by their own selves. God's punishment is beautiful and you need to just sit back and watch. Sometimes he turns things into good endings too.

We are not responsible for whole world ,we are responsible for ourselves. At same time in France such sensitivities can be discussed among the population.
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So this lone attacker killed one person, how many women, children, and innocents have these Western armies killed in Muslim countries? Yet they celebrate their militaries as heroes.

Well, some Muslims have to introspect as to why they support Western governments in bringing down progressive Muslim-majority societies and movements.

The Salafis/Wahabbis are against Tabligh.

From my readings of articles it does seem that some Wahabbi clerics are against the TJ but there is the point of where does the TJ get the funding to run their large world headquarters in Delhi. And there are extra things like the farmhouse of Maulana Saad, the chief ( or global coordinator ) of TJ and his large house in Delhi. Who pays for all this ? It is possible that the Wahabbis in government in the Gulf fund the TJ even if the clerics there don't like this. And who funds the huge ijtema in Bangladesh ?

@21st Century Vampire @Cliftonite , this about the European and elsewhere's presence of TJ :
In the British town of Dewsbury, Tablighi Jamaat functions as regional headquarters coordinating activities throughout Northern Europe. Other centers, often focus on local concerns, or serving ethnic populations. In Barcelona, it has geared to the needs of the immigrants of North African origin. In France, while there is a center, most Tablighi groups operate independently, building relationships with local mosques. In Germany, Tablighis have found it difficult to penetrate Muslim communities, comprised largely of immigrants from Turkey — where the Tablighi Jamaat has virtually no presence. And in Western Europe, it has adapted to the reality of religious, social and political pluralism in the region, and has shown a willingness to partner with non-Muslim political institutions to further its ends. In South Asia too, the Tablighi Jamaat has a great following, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Thailand.
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Listen, if this point is important, which it is no doubt, then talk about it with logic but do not bring this point when a Muslim kills a non Muslim over « freedom of expression » freedom for which they fight against their own religion because of the abuses, the mass killing made by the Clergy. It’s their history, it’s their own nightmares. Their mindset was built upon their own history. You should understand that.
That’s why I’m inviting all Muslims to learn to discuss with logic, with understanding of the French people’s mindset, with their own words they are able to understand. And not killing.
If someone is wrong, should you also be wrong ?

Where was the logic, rationality and decency when the french and other colonialist racists where commiting genocide against millions of innocent Brown/Olive skinned Muslims? Why are you avoiding this fact?
Where was the logic, rationality and decency when the french and other colonialist racists where commiting genocide against millions of innocent Brown/Olive skinned Muslims? Why are you avoiding this fact?

if someone is not logic, if he is not rational and not decent, should you kill him and become illogic, irrational and indecent yourself ?
Then what justification do the French or any other white christian europeans have for hating or resenting Brown/Olive Skinned Muslims as you previously claimed? Why are you backtracking from your original claims and avoiding them?

Muslims in the West have impeccable character. We are educated, tax-payers, and commit less crimes and moral vices than other populations.

Many of us are physicians, engineers, lawyers, professors, business owners, and add much to these countries.

The fact is that we are taken for granted and our sensitivities are mocked on a daily basis.

Sometimes a Muslim simply has had enough, like the Arab US army psychiatrist who had enough listening to stories of abuse of Muslim women and children by his peers, or the Muslim chaplain in Guantanamo who was accused of being a terrorist because he tried to stop prison guards from raping/abusing prisoners, taking away prayer rugs, or flushing the Quran.

The former committed a crime and murders his peers, the later became an activist for the prisoners and went on to give speeches around the world to stop it.

If a society pushes a minority into a corner by badgering them again and again, eventually a backlash will come from even the most mild-mannered individual.

Why create that situation in the first place?

Too many extremist in Pakistan, no wonder there are soo many terrorist attacks there.

Western governments are directly funding TTP, Daesh, and Indian state to commit terrorism against Pakistan.

People like you blame the victims.

A question i see a lot of pakistanis cursing other religions all day long , you think its fair if someone takes their life ?

Do you see Muslims drawing abusive nude pictures or abusive cartoons of wives of their leaders?

Lets make it clear, disagreement with Islam is ok. We don't expect Non-Muslims to agree.

However posting abusive Nazi era-esque racist and offensive cartoons is deliberately to insult and create an environment of a siege.

I was taught he didn’t. He prayed Allah guide them.

You are confused about the Makkah period and Medinah period of the Seerah.

During the Makkah period, Muslims were forbidden by Allah swt to fight back, whereas during the Medinah period we were commanded to fight back.

Reality is that any system of belief, which is worth its salt, must defend itself, physically if need be, against people who wish to stamp it out.

Where did I say that?

It is necessary for us Muslims in the West to be the front line in condemning the hypocrisy of the West's relationship with the Muslim world. The West deserves to know the truth.

This is why we get the biggest backlash, our mosques get attacked, our women abused or hurt by cowardly racists, and our young men beaten by gangs or murdered.

Do we cower? No. We proudly walk in our hijab, beard daily. We interact with people who hate our guts due to our faith, we treat them and heal them (bi iznillah.) We defend them in courts. We design their buildings, cities, cars, electronics.

We walk proudly to our masajid day to day, knowing full well that it can be our last day on earth. Every masjid in the US faces threats and attempts at arson, vandalism, and massacre.

Maghrib ke wadeeyon mei gonji azaan hamari.

Good to know you're not for justifying hate then, we're on the same page. Will you answer my question now or is it still too soon?

Denmark supported, publicized, and refused to control the wave of abusive content sweeping this country, which hurt sentiments of Danish Muslims the most.

They suffered economically for it too.

Listen, if this point is important, which it is no doubt, then talk about it with logic but do not bring this point when a Muslim kills a non Muslim over « freedom of expression » freedom for which they fight against their own religion because of the abuses, the mass killing made by the Clergy. It’s their history, it’s their own nightmares. Their mindset was built upon their own history. You should understand that.
That’s why I’m inviting all Muslims to learn to discuss with logic, with understanding of the French people’s mindset, with their own words they are able to understand. And not killing.
If someone is wrong, should you also be wrong ?

We should not advocate killing. It is counter-intuitive.

However the act has been done.. if we judge by our faith, it is not allowed for us to condemn him. He acted on his love of Rasulullah saws. We pray for his high station in paradise.

He is a modern day Ghazi Ilm ud Din Shaheed, who had the largest funeral ever held in Lahore, for whom Allama Iqbal personally led his Janaza.

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That human garbage was allowed in as a "refugee ".....shut the borders,keep these neandarthals out!

These "human garbage" types were the ones who were groomed by Western governments and dropped into Libya and Syria to destroy the progressive systems there, all in the name of "democracy".
Also Later on Have you not read what happened to those who Delebrately Disrespected the Prophet or God?

Earlier in History before Prophet Mohammad SAW Have you not read what happened to Nations who Disrespected God and prophets of those times?

As long as they Disagreed they were unharmed but Prophets continue to Argue and convince them... But when they decided to Humiliate or disrespect the Prophets History marked their end for generations to learn

If someone is unaware of prophecy Can be neglected for Disrespecting that after publicly admitting his mistake after he realises
and you want critics of religions and rationalists to believe all these stories as real historic events and stop talking anything against so called prophets?ok..you seem to be a religious person who believes in everything that is told to you in your scriptures as historic events....that's not the case for everyone.....somebody might be a prophet to you...but he or she is not a prophet to billions of people and those billions of people don't take your stories as history.
You can present some other argument to put your point across as for non muslims these are nothing short of fairy tales....you can say that such mocking of your religious figures hurt you and therefore people should not indulge in such activities..that is understandable...
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Dear Sir ! Its an essential part of our Islamic faith to respect each and every prophet from Adam AS to Muhammad PBUH. Our faith is not complete if we do not respect Jesus , Moses , Danial or any other prophet . We do respect all prophets of jews and christians like our holy prophet as well , otherwise we are not believers and Muslims. It means they have started a one sided war against Islam and Muslims . And believe me this stubborn anti religion hell of western people would lead towards the clash of religions and horrible confrontation of civilization , which will proved to be the end of the world in a horrible way....
So it's a form of respect to chop the head and you support the act ? It is good for you if you show respect for your guide but expecting everyone to do the same or else chopping the head is mental illness..
Well, some Muslims have to introspect as to why they support Western governments in bringing down progressive Muslim-majority societies and movements.

From my readings of articles it does seem that some Wahabbi clerics are against the TJ but there is the point of where does the TJ get the funding to run their large world headquarters in Delhi. And there are extra things like the farmhouse of Maulana Saad, the chief ( or global coordinator ) of TJ and his large house in Delhi. Who pays for all this ? It is possible that the Wahabbis in government in the Gulf fund the TJ even if the clerics there don't like this. And who funds the huge ijtema in Bangladesh ?

@21st Century Vampire @Cliftonite , this about the European and elsewhere's presence of TJ :

Stay on topic please.

You have misconceptions about Tabligh which I discussed with you earlier. No need to revisit.

Many people do not understand Salafism. They just pass od their hearsay as fact.
if someone is not logic, if he is not rational and not decent, should you kill him and become illogic, irrational and indecent yourself ?

No, we shouldn't, however do we need to cry if someone else does?

He got what was coming.

These "human garbage" types were the ones who were groomed by Western governments and dropped into Libya and Syria to destroy the progressive systems there, all in the name of "democracy".

Stop replying to trolls.

stay on topic.



Let us stay on the topic and not get sidetracked.
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