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Tiktok banned in Pakistan - PTA gone crazy

So it is more of an enemy of my enemy is my friend for now, situation.
There is no shared vision of the future and thus each just takes what they can from the other.
That is the NORM for both countries and people.
No - enemy of my enemy is my friend doesn't always apply either.

The global order, regardless of all the lip service from the West about 'democracy, civil rights, equality' etc etc, is basically equivalent to the 'Wild Wild West'. North American and European democracies are just as hypocritical, petty, arrogant and autocratic (in geo-politics) as the 'non democratic' States they love to bash. One just has to look at the West's duplicity towards that atrocities and crimes committed by States such as Israel (Palestine) and India (Kashmir) to understand that.

The United Nations, ICJ and various other international bodies, supposedly designed to function as neutral arbiters in international dispute and conflict resolution, are deliberately kept weak and incapable of any meaningful enforcement actions, with powerful nations routinely violating what few judgements they do manage to issue and protecting their 'favorites', irrespective of the crimes committed.

Instead of reforms, so called democratic States like India just want to join the coterie of the 5 feudal lords reigning supreme over everything in the Security Council so that they too can have the power to block or ignore any meaningful enforcement or judgment that goes against their interests, and it isn't the so called 'autocratic States' like China supporting the expansion of said 'Feudal Lords in the Security Council', it's your so called 'freedom loving democracies' of the US, UK, France.
They will use the same bullshit excuse to ban other major social media platforms and spy on us. They have no respect for our data considering how much of it is on sale for 2rs on the internet. The **** is PTI doing?
Why do u give real data?
Extremely stupid decision.

You cannot hide from the world or hide the world from yourself.

People will find one way or another to see so called 'immoral content'.

The key is teaching and educating people, especially children, how to deal with such content.

Banning this banning that culture is an easy way-out from bigger problems, which you rightly pointed out. Incompetency and jahalat is the curse Pakistan is suffering from. And I am afraid it might already be very late for Pakistan to recover from it, as it seems NO ONE is even "planning" to mend ways; forget about implementation. Educational reforms, innovation driven economy, prioritizing graduates' entry to the market; nothing is the priority of the state. But hey let's ban tiktok and youtube, online games and what not, it will make Pakistan's youth economically and socially responsible and productive.
Funny thing...

I still don't know wha TokTik is all 'bout. I don't have any Social Media and have deleted all the (default) apps that were clustering my cellphone - starting with Twitter.

All I know 'bout the app are the irritating adverts that keep popping up on YouTube while a before/during/after a clip is played.
Funny thing...

I still don't know wha TokTik is all 'bout. I don't have any Social Media and have deleted all the (default) apps that were clustering my cellphone - starting with Twitter.

All I know 'bout the app are the irritating adverts that keep popping up on YouTube while a before/during/after a clip is played.

In tiktok they were doing these just laugh and laugh - stupid people who support tiktok waste of time.
Thanks to PTA for first time take good decision.
They will use the same bullshit excuse to ban other major social media platforms and spy on us. They have no respect for our data considering how much of it is on sale for 2rs on the internet. The **** is PTI doing?
In tiktok they were doing these just laugh and laugh - stupid people who support tiktok waste of time.
Thanks to PTA for first time take good decision.
So called 'stupid people' will find something else that is equally 'stupid' to do.

Banning technology is not the solution.

Hopefully, like the youtube ban, this too will be overturned in a little bit.
Look like it is also the main reason it was banned in Indonesia in 2018 but actually I dont know whether they are allowed to operate now, but look like it is because I have read recent news saying Tiktok donate some money for Indonesian Covid 19 task force

Indonesia bans Chinese video app Tik Tok for 'inappropriate content'
By Reuters Staff
2 Min Read

July 4, 20181:25 PM Updated 2 years ago

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian authorities said on Wednesday they had banned Chinese video app Tik Tok for containing “pornography, inappropriate content and blasphemy”.

The ban, which went into effect on Tuesday, is temporary and can be lifted after Tik Tok scrubs its content, said Minister of Communications and Information Rudiantara, who uses one name.

Tik Tok, popular among young people for its quirky videos, was the most downloaded app in the Apple app store globally in the first quarter of 2018.

It is operated by venture-backed Toutiao, valued at more than $30 billion according to sources, that is one of China’s fastest-growing tech start-ups.

Toutiao, also known as Bytedance Technology, did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.

“The app has a lot of negative and harmful content, especially for children,” said Rudiantara.


“Once Tik Tok can give us guarantees they can maintain clean content, it can re-open.”

The world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation has stepped up efforts to control online content after a rise in hoax stories and hate speech, and amid controversial anti-pornography laws pushed by Islamic parties.

Indonesia threatened last year to block Facebook’s WhatsApp messenger, unless obscene Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) images provided by third parties were removed.

Rather they should shut down internet across the globe and move people to the stone age and should only be allowed to communicate in sign language 8-)
So called 'stupid people' will find something else that is equally 'stupid' to do.

Banning technology is not the solution.

Hopefully, like the youtube ban, this too will be overturned in a little bit.

There are scores of other non-productive applications.
Stupid and pathetic decision. Like every other department, PTA is full of uneducated idiots, it seems. We live in a globalized world, you can't hide anything for long. People will find a way for what they're looking for. I neither use Tiktok or have any liking for it. It's just stupid decision to start banning apps just because some a$$hole somewhere thinks people should watch certain content while have no boundaries or limits for his (or her) family.
Good decision but timing is wrong
So called 'stupid people' will find something else that is equally 'stupid' to do.

Banning technology is not the solution.

Hopefully, like the youtube ban, this too will be overturned in a little bit.
Since when did an app equate to technology. Is there any Pakistani app that can compete with the likes of social media giants?
Pakistan has 100% danger from tikTok

unpadh gawar type public uses it for 15-20 seconds of fame and spread s@@@

tiktok can spread firqawariat and become a bais for Fitna
So called 'stupid people' will find something else that is equally 'stupid' to do.

Banning technology is not the solution.

Hopefully, like the youtube ban, this too will be overturned in a little bit.

Advisor bhaiya.

First of all, Tiktok is not technology its just useless Application.
Second Youtube is like google engine - its depend where you take it as informative or make it stupid video's as tiktoker's make it.

Thank You

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