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Featured Turkey may suspend ties with UAE over Israel deal, Erdogan says

So, Turkey can have ties with Israel but UAE can't? And if UAE normalizes ties with Israel then Turkey will suspend ties with UAE but not with Israel? Lol... strange world we live in.
It is not about normalisation of ties with Israel. UAE is selling Palestinians to Israel,that is it.
Israel is supporting everything against Turkey .You may know it if you follow the international politics .
Turkey downgraded diplomatic ties with Israel to lowest level many years ago.
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We should understand one things and that is that Muslim Ummah crap which we hear from our politicians and religious scholars is all bull shit. Every country is fighting for their own interests their is no enemy and no friends. So Screw these Arabs just try to make Pakistan stronger.
I have read in many platforms negative remarks regarding Pakistan by Pakistanis over current Pak Saudi ties. When people start to take side of some other country instead of their own then it's a sad things. We should always keep Pakistan first and foremost.
Why turkey has relation with israel? while telling others to cut ties?
/ Facepalm /

Turkey does not say anything like that to anyone.

Turkey says only this: I plan to revise the relations with third countries which are givin support to Jerusalem Plan and those who support policies that will increase the disintegration of the Palestinian people.

There is a huge meaning difference. However, you are not even interested in the content of the statements. I understand your purpose very well, but: The situation of a Pakistan, which cannot even cut off its trade with India, cannot close mutual visa transactions and therefore the active diplomatic channel, should be the main priority for you. Your priority should NOT be to give diplomacy lessons to Turkey.

India, which took unlawful decisions about the abolition of Kashmir's status, received covert support from some gulf countries. These countries quietly followed Pakistan's efforts from afar. It is also ironic that some Pakistani citizens(or diaspora's sons) today have taken up the advocacy of these countries. You look like victims who fell in love with their executioner.


Perhaps some of you are too lazy to find out what the original statement is. But as far as I can see you do not even read the messages in this forum thread. It is from first page:

Why are you manipulating the subject? There is no allusion to what you writing here.

Trump's so-called peace plan defines Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital. Its envisions a Palestine that is completely dissolved and its demographic features almost destroyed.

The two countries can of course develop diplomatic relations. However, UAE did not need to sell the Palestinian people to achieve this. The content of the Israel-UAE deal is seen as a betrayal to the Palestinian people. Do you know anything about this agreement and ongoing negotiations? Because all of the explanations made are about this.

However, it is clear that you are not in good faith.
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Publishing date:
Aug 14, 2020 • Last Updated 14 minutes ago • < 1 minute read

ISTANBUL — President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that Turkey was considering closing its embassy in Abu Dhabi and suspending diplomatic ties with the United Arab Emirates over its accord to normalize ties with Israel.

Erdogan was speaking to reporters in Istanbul after the Turkish Foreign Ministry said history will never forgive the “hypocritical behavior” of the UAE in agreeing such a deal.

Turkey may recall ambassador in UAE, suspend diplomatic ties, Erdoğan says
Turkey may suspend its diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates, or recall its ambassador, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Friday, in response to the UAE's recent deal with Israel.

Erdoğan told reporters that the UAE’s controversial deal with Israel is problematic and that Turkey stands in solidarity with Palestinian people.

“I have given the necessary instructions to my Foreign Minister. We may either suspend diplomatic ties or recall our ambassador because we stand with the Palestinian people. We have not let Palestine be defeated, or let it be defeated,” Erdoğan said.

The president continued by saying that Saudi Arabia has also been taking wrong steps in the region, as he also criticized Egypt for cooperating with Israel and Greece.


Do UAE give a **** Turkish threat to break relation ? Turkey have many bussines in uae which surely hampered by this illogical move. Turkey themselves haven't break their relations with Israel but questioning other why they are making open diplomatic relation . UAE,s decision to normalise relation with Israel is obviously regrettable and unfortunate but Turkish action too seems not right they are making evert neighbours their enemy and no sign if improving. This infighting between middle easter Muslim countries only benefitting Israel and the western arms industry not the common people.
/ Facepalm /

Turkey does not say anything like that to anyone.

Turkey says only this: I plan to revise the relations with third countries which are givin support to Jerusalem Plan and those who support policies that will increase the disintegration of the Palestinian people.

There is a huge meaning difference. However, you are not even interested in the content of the statements. I understand your purpose very well, but: The situation of a Pakistan, which cannot even cut off its trade with India, cannot close mutual visa transactions and therefore the active diplomatic channel, should be the main priority for you. Your priority should NOT be to give diplomacy lessons to Turkey.

India, which took unlawful decisions about the abolition of Kashmir's status, received covert support from some gulf countries. These countries quietly followed Pakistan's efforts from afar. It is also ironic that some Pakistani citizens(or diaspora's sons) today have taken up the advocacy of these countries. You look like victims who fell in love with their executioner.


Perhaps some of you are too lazy to find out what the original statement is. But as far as I can see you do not even read the messages in this forum thread. It is from first page:
I have tried explaining this to many people --- it's not possible for Turkey to end diplomatic relations with Israel, I mean millions of Jews used to be citizens of Ottoman empire few decades ago ------
/ Facepalm /

Turkey does not say anything like that to anyone.

Turkey says only this: I plan to revise the relations with third countries which are givin support to Jerusalem Plan and those who support policies that will increase the disintegration of the Palestinian people.

There is a huge meaning difference. However, you are not even interested in the content of the statements. I understand your purpose very well, but: The situation of a Pakistan, which cannot even cut off its trade with India, cannot close mutual visa transactions and therefore the active diplomatic channel, should be the main priority for you. Your priority should NOT be to give diplomacy lessons to Turkey.

India, which took unlawful decisions about the abolition of Kashmir's status, received covert support from some gulf countries. These countries quietly followed Pakistan's efforts from afar. It is also ironic that some Pakistani citizens(or diaspora's sons) today have taken up the advocacy of these countries. You look like victims who fell in love with their executioner.


Perhaps some of you are too lazy to find out what the original statement is. But as far as I can see you do not even read the messages in this forum thread. It is from first page:

Good delivery of lecture but question remain the same, why turkey has relation with israel while telling and lecturing others.
Arabs becoming an Israeli/US puppet is humiliating for Muslims. I don't know why our generals like RS are serving them.

you are serious, right? we are beggers. we lick anyone's feet who pays us
What has it got to do with us? It's UAE's internal matter. Does Pakistan control UAE's foreign policy?

Does Pakistan condemn China for recognising Israel? Im not sure when and how Pakistan was given the task of dictating Muslim countries.

UAE can do whatever it wants... but how can it say it got annexation of west bank stopped,how can it just lie on this to reap some trade benefits from israel.
Rest assured,UAE has given in to save jebel ali port esp. after the beirut attack.the talks were happening for some time with some conditions but now it happened unconditionally..
We have no trust and faith on ALLAH we fear that our workers will be thrown out but we forget standing for path of righteous and path if ALKAH have greater reward we might get more resources fron ALLAH will definitely help those who stabd for weak...

This is why turkey is more piwerfull than pak een tough we have nukes but they r useless ss

Mongols weere weak in economy but powerfull force they looted where they went pak has biggest armed forces but it cannot liberate those who r devils and loot its resources
UAE can do whatever it wants... but how can it say it got annexation of west bank stopped,how can it just lie on this to reap some trade benefits from israel.
Rest assured,UAE has given in to save jebel ali port esp. after the beirut attack.the talks were happening for some time with some conditions but now it happened unconditionally..

The deal is that the US/Israel protects Gulf Arab countries against Iranian expansionism in return for Israel keeping control of Palestine. That's it.

All non-Arab Muslim countries especially Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia made it loud and clear to Gulf Arab nations that they won't stop Iranian expansionism against them when they so vehemently opposed the Yemen War. Hence, the tiny Arab states have asked Israel/US to protect them.
All non-Arab Muslim countries especially Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia made it loud and clear to Gulf Arab nations that they won't stop Iranian expansionism against them when they so vehemently opposed the Yemen War. Hence, the tiny Arab states have asked Israel/US to protect them.

I see then what are our troops doing in Saudia near yemen border.?What is Retired General Raheel getting payed for..? We actually clarified that We can help them fight an enemy but not go in and fight their war..Also we told them that they should have things politically resolved among themselves and Paksitan could felicitate that. which is something they didnt like .They have made up mind to to go into the high intensity conflict.

Dont simply just make up stuff... Pakistan has done immensely contributed to GCC forces ..If at this moment they cant differentiate between a well wisher and an opportunist then nothing can save them.
We have no trust and faith on ALLAH we fear that our workers will be thrown out but we forget standing for path of righteous and path if ALKAH have greater reward we might get more resources fron ALLAH will definitely help those who stabd for weak...

This is why turkey is more piwerfull than pak een tough we have nukes but they r useless ss

Mongols weere weak in economy but powerfull force they looted where they went pak has biggest armed forces but it cannot liberate those who r devils and loot its resources

Pakistan is a strong state which politically acts much weaker than its size. This is why the world doesn't take us seriously. We are always playing defensive.

I hope to see a much stronger Pakistan narrative now with recent developments. In sha Allah. Next year of IK will be interesting to watch, and I think Pakistan will aggressively push itself and its interests. It will shock many.

The deal is that the US/Israel protects Gulf Arab countries against Iranian expansionism in return for Israel keeping control of Palestine. That's it.

All non-Arab Muslim countries especially Pakistan, Turkey and Indonesia made it loud and clear to Gulf Arab nations that they won't stop Iranian expansionism against them when they so vehemently opposed the Yemen War. Hence, the tiny Arab states have asked Israel/US to protect them.

Israel has always been the bigger threat to Arabs than Iran, and history will prove it. What should have been done is some kind of reconciliation, but these states have gone so far in the US lap that they cannot say No any longer.

Their last chance to escape that slavery were Pakistan and Turkey, but they burned both bridges, so now they are on their own.

Backstabbing of Palestinians is symptom of that disease. The root cause is simple, love of dunya and fear of death.
I see then what are our troops doing in Saudia near yemen border.?What is Retired General Raheel getting payed for..? We actually clarified that We can help them fight an enemy but not go in and fight their war..Also we told them that they should have things politically resolved among themselves and Paksitan could felicitate that. which is something they didnt like .They have made up mind to to go into the high intensity conflict. ...

Pakistani official stated position is, that Pakistan will defend Saudi Arabia should it face an invasion. That's what General Raheel Sharif is there for.

That's nothing to do with stopping Iran arming anti-Saudi terrorists with ballistic missiles or toppling pro-Saudi Governments in the Gulf or preventing Iranian footprint in Yemen, Iraq and Syria.
... Backstabbing of Palestinians is symptom of that disease. The root cause is simple, love of dunya and fear of death.

You have to also remember Palestinians (along with Yemen) did themselves no favour in 1991 when they expressed their opposition against the Gulf War while Saddam Hussain was shooting ballistic missiles on Saudi Arabia.
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