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Turkey seems found another customer for its weapons , specially T129..... But, its good news for US arm industry, US will now sell more weapon to GCC... Because when top of line weapon added in Iran arsenal then GCC need to buy more and more ... Seems US played smart
T129 uses American engine. No hope
if this is real and not going to loose hot air like the previous deal: I faer a new upcoming war.. arm both sides and win.. lets write it here #markmywords
If amerian are interested in the future of their own country it is time to take this defeat seriously .. the scene is clear american were rejected in NY ,their own soil, and in the UNSC which they are permanent member and have got veto right while even their allies didn't stand with them ... just isreal and a bunch of Arab dictators ... I hope it'd be a wake up call for them the end of this path ain't bright for them ..
The deal may simply be a transfer of assets. In the past week, there has been a flurry of news in China that Taiwan will be unified within a year. Normally, such news would be banned.

In addition, given the European position and Iran's financial situation, China and Russia are unlikely to sell heavy fighters like the Su-35, J16.
The J-31 is a medium fighter, but still potentially a match for anything in operation in the region, so a purchase would allow them to catch up technologically. It operates a similar engine to what the Iranians are operating. While Russia already has oil and would want hard cash, China maybe willing to sell the planes for discounted oil. Chinese advisors at IRIAF bases could teach the Iranians while themselves learning from the J-31 missions, how the plane fares against modern western systems.
Turkey seems found another customer for its weapons , specially T129..... But, its good news for US arm industry, US will now sell more weapon to GCC... Because when top of line weapon added in Iran arsenal then GCC need to buy more and more ... Seems US played smart
not a chance. T129 uses US origin engines licence produced by Turkey. The US has veto power over any sell.
The J-31 is a medium fighter, but still potentially a match for anything in operation in the region, so a purchase would allow them to catch up technologically. It operates a similar engine to what the Iranians are operating. While Russia already has oil and would want hard cash, China maybe willing to sell the planes for discounted oil. Chinese advisors at IRIAF bases could teach the Iranians while themselves learning from the J-31 missions, how the plane fares against modern western systems.
I think the focus in Iran should be on the economy and people's lives.Despite the enormous defense pressure, the public support of China and Russia, as well as the acquiescence of Europe, has been the greatest security guarantee.

There is no need to invest huge sums of money into the military right away.Of course, some equipment updating is necessary, but it is not the focus.
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