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HISAR-O receiving R/F seeker :-)
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HISAR-O receiving R/F seeker :-)
This move only logical if G-40 real range is more than 40+ . Just because using a 65 km ranged gökdoğan active radar seeker to 40 km ranged g-40 is waste of money. On the other hand r&d hisar-rf is waste of money when sage work on g-40.

So it could be ; Hisar-O Rf (30-35 km range + 15 km alttitude) + G-40 (65-70 km range + 20 km alttitude) + Siper Block-1 (120 km range + 30 km alttitude).

So in land Hisar-O Rf + Siper will be good tandem. G-40 cant be used in land based. Just because if we targeted to shot a aircraft who want a use lgk-hgk kind lazer guided ammos they must be decrease a altt to 15 km and they must be close the target 30 km range. Just because that kind of weapons have a range around 20-30 km .

But if a target airplane decide to attack target with 100-120 km ranged wing guided kgk, sdb, spear kind weapon we must use siper at all. Neither hisar-o rf nor g-40 effective againts him.

But anyone can say we can engage lgk-hgk kind weapon loaded fighters without hims attack range with land based g-40 . Yes but we can do it same with Siper also. In the bassis Only diffrences of g-40 and siper is rocket booster (not launch booster - cruise booster like mk72) and maybe rf datalink. Cost of booster and rf datalink is lower than establish another land based g-40 systems cost.


But G-40 is important for navy. Because there are spesific weapons who have ranged more than 30-35 km ; Penguin ( 55 km), am39 exocet (70 km) etc. He can engage long range missiled helicopters and naval aircrafts with this ability. And for long range with siper missile also.
This move only logical if G-40 real range is more than 40+ . Just because using a 65 km ranged gökdoğan active radar seeker to 40 km ranged g-40 is waste of money. On the other hand r&d hisar-rf is waste of money when sage work on g-40.

So it could be ; Hisar-O Rf (30-35 km range + 15 km alttitude) + G-40 (65-70 km range + 20 km alttitude) + Siper Block-1 (120 km range + 30 km alttitude).

So in land Hisar-O Rf + Siper will be good tandem. G-40 cant be used in land based. Just because if we targeted to shot a aircraft who want a use lgk-hgk kind lazer guided ammos they must be decrease a altt to 15 km and they must be close the target 30 km range. Just because that kind of weapons have a range around 20-30 km .

But if a target airplane decide to attack target with 100-120 km ranged wing guided kgk, sdb, spear kind weapon we must use siper at all. Neither hisar-o rf nor g-40 effective againts him.

But anyone can say we can engage lgk-hgk kind weapon loaded fighters without hims attack range with land based g-40 . Yes but we can do it same with Siper also. In the bassis Only diffrences of g-40 and siper is rocket booster (not launch booster - cruise booster like mk72) and maybe rf datalink. Cost of booster and rf datalink is lower than establish another land based g-40 systems cost.


But G-40 is important for navy. Because there are spesific weapons who have ranged more than 30-35 km ; Penguin ( 55 km), am39 exocet (70 km) etc. He can engage long range missiled helicopters and naval aircrafts with this ability. And for long range with siper missile also.
g40 is important, Istif frigates has 16 and only g40 you are able to do quadro, 4 to 1 lunher.
Ther is some rumor going on that Canadian company have stop deliverine equipments and training because of the ambargo. Are you aware of that kind things?
Wouldn’t it be better to get South American or Indonesian planes for this task then ?
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