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Greece to put sanctions on Turkey over Hagia Sophia conversion

Don’t talk about bring jahil when you’re one yourself.

Prove it!

there is no prohibition in Islam for converting existing buildings be it a church or not into a mosque.

Show me where does it state in the Holy Qur'an or Sunnah, where Muslims can convert the Centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity, the Hagia Sophia into a Masjid? Hagia Sophia to an Orthodox Christian, is what Masjid-un-Nabavi and the Holy Kaabah is to a Muslim. The sultan ought to be ashamed of himself being a Muslim, to convert it into a Masjid. An embarrassment to Islam, a disgrace to all Muslims.

yes Islam stipulates not to encroach on another place of worship when in use. However in the case of Hagia Sophia it was purchased and the owner (sultan) decided to use it as a mosque. Period

Buddy, go and read history before making absurd comments such as this. The ottomans had converted the HQ of Orthodox Christianity into a Masjid for over 500 years. Purchased or not, makes not a damn difference, as it is directly against Islam.

By your notion all those thousands of churches etc in Europe which have now been converted to mosques is not allowed in Islam. Go read up and then come back.

Try using your brain before actual thought is processed into words. First!!

The area I live in most churches are masjids or Islamic community centres where Muslims & none Muslims are welcome.

Again, argument is hollow and baseless, simply because Hagia Sophia is the HQ of Orthodox Christianity, not every damn church in America. Wake up and use your brain.

The Greeks and anyone else getting their knickers in a twist can F off.

As a Muslim, I would not ever stand anyone with your thinking. Muslims will stand with Allah, not some idiot who defends sultans that forced converted Christian boys to Islam and groomed as their private military.

Mostly the Greeks & Russians, who I might add do not have a good record in giving their native Muslims their rights.

Last time I checked, Zionist West was the one who invaded, bombed and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Somalia, over the last 30 years, not Russia. What planet have you been living on?

It's Turkish property, Turkish land they can do as they wish.

The time isn't far when the truth will triumph over falsehood. By the way, your dear turks were not indigenous to present day area. They descended from the caucus mountains and have more in common in blood relations with the Khazars, than they have with Muslims. Look it up, they belong to Go'turks, who were part of the Western Turkic Kaghanate. The same Kaghanate the Khazars belonged to!!

adios amigo

Show me where does it state in the Holy Qur'an or Sunnah, where Muslims can convert the Centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity, the Hagia Sophia into a Masjid? Hagia Sophia to an Orthodox Christian, is what Masjid-un-Nabavi and the Holy Kaabah is to a Muslim. The sultan ought to be ashamed of himself being a Muslim, to convert it into a Masjid. An embarrassment to Islam, a disgrace to all Muslims.

Buddy, go and read history before making absurd comments such as this. The ottomans had converted the HQ of Orthodox Christianity into a Masjid for over 500 years. Purchased or not, makes not a damn difference, as it is directly against Islam.

Try using your brain before actual thought is processed into words. First!!

Again, argument is hollow and baseless, simply because Hagia Sophia is the HQ of Orthodox Christianity, not every damn church in America. Wake up and use your brain.

Show us one verse or hadeeth where it says you can't convert a so called HQ of whatever into a mosque even if you have bought it

Show us
Turkey can do whatever the hell it wants with any Building since it their Land. It can convert it into anything it wants to including horse stable. Greece is a bankrupt country, and a sick man of Europe. Perhaps Turkey needs to teach a lesson to these bankrupt Greeks.
Read my words carefully, you Jahil .... I do not give a damn about your over glorified, harem grabbing, kidnapper usurper ottoman sultans. I am a Muslim and to me it Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam who has the final say on this matter. Not your self-absorbed, power hungry Khazari Ottomans. This Ummah belongs to Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, not your damn ottomans, not your pathetic friends in turkey and I am damn sure that there are real Muslims among Turks whom I will gladly call my brothers and sisters simply because they owe their allegiance to ALLAH and not those pathetic ottoman harem grabbing sultans.

Got that!!!!

You are a jahil you idiot

Show me one verse of quran or a hadeeth that says we can't convert a so called HQ into a mosque even if we have legally bought it

Show me
Show us one verse or hadeeth where it says you can't convert a so called HQ of whatever into a mosque even if you have bought it

Show us

Go read the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem by the REAL CALIPH of Islam, Umar Ibn Khattab RadiAllah ta'aalah anho. That's sufficient enough evidence for any Muslim with intellect.
Hagia Sophia was the Capital of Orthodox Christianity for 1000 years. I have Orthodox Christian friends in Russia, Greece, Egypt and in Pakistan who will trounce your claim in a heartbeat.

So for your friendship you are bashing people who are jannati as per ahadeeth of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)


Go read the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem by the REAL CALIPH of Islam, Umar Ibn Khattab RadiAllah ta'aalah anho. That's sufficient enough evidence for any Muslim with intellect.

Hazrat Umar (rz) is enough for me too

So show me that he He(rz) bought a church or synagogue and then didn't convert it

Show me or all of us "jahils"
So for your friendship you are bashing people who are jannati as per ahadeeth of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)


Oh ... so now in your deluded brain, it is a sin to have friends from other faith? It's funny how you can say something like that, but have no problem when Pakistanis lap-up bollywood filth on a daily basis.

As for bashing ottomans, it is not for my friendship. My allegiance is to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. Not your ottomans, not your turks, not the Russians or anyone else. So that's why I really don't give a damn when you try to attack me having friends who are Orthodox Christian. I fear none save Allah.

Try again!!!
Oh ... so now in your deluded brain, it is a sin to have friends from other faith? It's funny how you can say something like that, but have no problem when Pakistanis lap-up bollywood filth on a daily basis.

As for bashing ottomans, it is not for my friendship. My allegiance is to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. Not your ottomans, not your turks, not the Russians or anyone else. So that's why I really don't give a damn when you try to attack me having friends who are Orthodox Christian. I fear none save Allah.

Try again!!!

I never said you are sinful for having friends from other faiths

I simply said you have friends in orthodox Christianity while hating on fellow Muslims and particularly those group of Muslims who were declared jannati by none other than Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

Read again

Also show us the proof that i have been asking
I never said you are sinful for having friends from other faiths

I simply said you have friends in orthodox Christianity while hating on fellow Muslims and particularly those group of Muslims who were declared jannati by none other than Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

Read again

Also show us the proof that i have been asking

just ignore him bro, nasr is like this, he always gets into an argument and then just runs away when people give proof.

you won't reach anywhere by talking to him, he doesn't want to listen.
just ignore him bro, nasr is like this, he always gets into an argument and then just runs away when people give proof.

you won't reach anywhere by talking to him, he doesn't want to listen.

It is frustrating to see these idiots hating and bashing those Muslims who have actually done something for Islam unlike these internet warriors
Hagia Sophia was the centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity for 1000 years. When the ottomans invaded, Hagia Sophia was converted (sinfully) by them into a Masjid and remained so for 500 years. It's only when ottomans were defeated, did the turks change it into a museum. And now, they want to do the same shameful, disgraceful act again.

A REAL MUSLIM, would not change a place of worship of another faith, into a Masjid. Hazrat Uman RadiAllah ta'aalah anho deliberately did not pray in the Church, despite it being on the invitation of the Christians, for reason of the Church being converted into a Masjid just because he prayed there. That's the difference between a Real Muslim and one that just used Islam for their own benefit.


AFAIK that incident (regarding refusal of Umer ra to pray in Church for the aforementioned reason) is mentioned in history books only with no chain of narrators, that too several centuries after that incident (by Ibn e Khaldoun in this case)

OTOH, the Hadith about the conqueror of Constantinople being a blessed and wonderful leader has been mentioned in Musnad Ahmed, Al-Hakim, Bukhari (Al Tarikh al Kabir) etc
Hagia Sophia was the Capital of Orthodox Christianity for 1000 years. I have Orthodox Christian friends in Russia, Greece, Egypt and in Pakistan who will trounce your claim in a heartbeat.

Your support for the Orthodox Christianity is admirable and must be commended.

However, your emotions on the subject cloud some details. First of all, Hagia Sophia was never under the sole ownership of the Orthodox. It's ownership (and religious orientation) varied from the Byzantine Christians to Orthodox to Catholics.

Orthodox Christianity split into many subsects, usually organized around ethnic lines. While the Hagia Sophia had a religious significance for the Greek Orthodox, it never held any meaning for the other sects of Orthodox Christianity.

Even in its present form, the Greek Orthodox do have some affinity towards the Hagia Sophia, but that is mainly because they consider themselves as the inheritors of the eastern Christian empire.
Hazrat Umar (rz) is enough for me too

So show me that he He(rz) bought a church or synagogue and then didn't convert it

Show me or all of us "jahils"

The fact that you are asking me this question, proves that you have paid zero intellectual analysis of what occurred in Jerusalem, when Muslims conquered it. So as a Muslim, I will explain not just to you. But for the benefit that all Muslims may attempt to understand what the acts of Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab as the REAL CALIPH of Islam did.

Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab RadiAllah ta'aalah anho declined the invitation of the Christians to pray in the Church, because he preserved the sanctity of Christian's place of worship. He also did another thing, which most Muslims don't even know or have realized the significance of it. When he reached the Old Temple ruins, of the Jews. He saw the Christians treated it with contempt and threw garbage there. On account of the wickedness and kufr of the Jews when they rejected and attempted to crucify Isa Alaihi Salam.

Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab RadiAllah ta'aalah anho began cleaning the Old Temple ruins, and following his lead, the rest of the Muslims did so too. The ruins of the Temple of Soloman (Suleiman Alaihi Salam) was destroyed by the Romans. The Muslims built a Masjid, Al-Aqsa over the ruins. So the site remain secure and holy.

Islam was not meant to antagonize Christians or Jews. We are from Hazrat Ibraheem Alaihi Salam. We are meant to build bridges between us, Christians and Jews who are willing to listen and follow the message of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Salman Farsi was a Jew and became a Muslim. Tamim ud-Daari was a Christian and became a Muslim. Both at the time of Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.

Converting the Hagia Sophia is a criminal act and should not be condoned by any Muslim. If you continue to do so, then you are doing so in the intoxication of arrogance and jihalah.

AFAIK that incident (regarding refusal of Umer ra to pray in Church for the aforementioned reason) is mentioned in history books only with no chain of narrators, that too several centuries after that incident (by Ibn e Khaldoun in this case)

OTOH, the Hadith about the conqueror of Constantinople being a blessed and wonderful leader has been mentioned in Musnad Ahmed, Al-Hakim, Bukhari (Al Tarikh al Kabir) etc

The "Conquest of Constantinople" is after the Malhama has begun. To equate that to what the Prophet Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam prophecized, shows how inadequate some are intellectually.
Converting the Hagia Sophia is a criminal act and should not be condoned by any Muslim. If you continue to do so, then you are doing so in the intoxication of arrogance and jihalah.

Which act do you consider as criminal? When Sultan Mehmet made it into a mosque? Or when the Turkish court ruled that the conversion of a waqf property into a museum was illegal?
The fact that you are asking me this question, proves that you have paid zero intellectual analysis of what occurred in Jerusalem, when Muslims conquered it. So as a Muslim, I will explain not just to you. But for the benefit that all Muslims may attempt to understand what the acts of Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab as the REAL CALIPH of Islam did.

Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab RadiAllah ta'aalah anho declined the invitation of the Christians to pray in the Church, because he preserved the sanctity of Christian's place of worship. He also did another thing, which most Muslims don't even know or have realized the significance of it. When he reached the Old Temple ruins, of the Jews. He saw the Christians treated it with contempt and threw garbage there. On account of the wickedness and kufr of the Jews when they rejected and attempted to crucify Isa Alaihi Salam.

Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab RadiAllah ta'aalah anho began cleaning the Old Temple ruins, and following his lead, the rest of the Muslims did so too. The ruins of the Temple of Soloman (Suleiman Alaihi Salam) was destroyed by the Romans. The Muslims built a Masjid, Al-Aqsa over the ruins. So the site remain secure and holy.

Islam was not meant to antagonize Christians or Jews. We are from Hazrat Ibraheem Alaihi Salam. We are meant to build bridges between us, Christians and Jews who are willing to listen and follow the message of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Salman Farsi was a Jew and became a Muslim. Tamim ud-Daari was a Christian and became a Muslim. Both at the time of Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.

Converting the Hagia Sophia is a criminal act and should not be condoned by any Muslim. If you continue to do so, then you are doing so in the intoxication of arrogance and jihalah.

The "Conquest of Constantinople" is after the Malhama has begun. To equate that to what the Prophet Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam prophecized, shows how inadequate some are intellectually.

I already have read what you said

But still you didn't share me proof from Quran or Ahadeeth or any of the 4 rightly guided caliphs where they allowed a church to remain church after buying it and becoming its owner

By the way Hazrat Umar (rz) also expelled jews from Medinah but let's not get to that and stay on the point where you are supposed to give me the proof that I asked
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